第 61 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-10-21 08:52      字数:9322
  part of the room; where she was the very embodiment of sweet content
  as she slightly swayed herself without speaking。  A little tide of
  happiness seemed to ebb and flow through her in listening to the
  sailor's words; moving her figure with it。  The seaman and John went
  on conversing。
  'Bob had a good deal to do with barricading the hawse…holes afore we
  were in action; and the Adm'l and Cap'n both were very much pleased
  at how 'twas done。  When the Adm'l went up the quarter…deck ladder;
  Cap'n Hardy said a word or two to Bob; but what it was I don't know;
  for I was quartered at a gun some ways off。  However; Bob saw the
  Adm'l stagger when 'a was wownded; and was one of the men who
  carried him to the cockpit。  After that he and some other lads
  jumped aboard the French ship; and I believe they was in her when
  she struck her flag。  What 'a did next I can't say; for the wind had
  dropped; and the smoke was like a cloud。  But 'a got a good deal
  talked about; and they say there's promotion in store for'n。'
  At this point in the story Jim Cornick stopped to drink; and a low
  unconscious humming came from Anne in her distant corner; the faint
  melody continued more or less when the conversation between the
  sailor and the Lovedays was renewed。
  'We heard afore that the Victory was near knocked to pieces;' said
  the miller。
  'Knocked to pieces?  You'd say so if so be you could see her!  Gad;
  her sides be battered like an old penny piece; the shot be still
  sticking in her wales; and her sails be like so many clap…nets:  we
  have run all the way home under jury topmasts; and as for her decks;
  you may swab wi' hot water; and you may swab wi' cold; but there's
  the blood…stains; and there they'll bide。 。 。 。  The Cap'n had a
  narrow escape; like many o' the resta shot shaved his ankle like a
  razor。  You should have seen that man's face in the het o' battle;
  his features were as if they'd been cast in steel。'
  'We rather expected a letter from Bob before this。'
  'Well;' said Jim Cornick; with a smile of toleration; 'you must make
  allowances。  The truth o't is; he's engaged just now at Portsmouth;
  like a good many of the rest from our ship。 。 。 。  'Tis a very nice
  young woman that he's a courting of; and I make no doubt that she'll
  be an excellent wife for him。'
  'Ah!' said Mrs。 Loveday; in a warning tone。
  'Courtingwife?' said the miller。
  They instinctively looked towards Anne。  Anne had started as if
  shaken by an invisible hand; and a thick mist of doubt seemed to
  obscure the intelligence of her eyes。  This was but for two or three
  moments。  Very pale; she arose and went right up to the seaman。
  John gently tried to intercept her; but she passed him by。
  'Do you speak of Robert Loveday as courting a wife?' she asked;
  without the least betrayal of emotion。
  'I didn't see you; miss;' replied Cornick; turning。  'Yes; your
  brother hev' his eye on a wife; and he deserves one。  I hope you
  don't mind?'
  'Not in the least;' she said; with a stage laugh。  'I am interested;
  naturally。  And what is she?'
  'A very nice young master…baker's daughter; honey。  A very wise
  choice of the young man's。'
  'Is she fair or dark?'
  'Her hair is rather light。'
  'I like light hair; and her name?'
  'Her name is Caroline。  But can it be that my story hurts ye?  If
  'Yes; yes;' said John; interposing anxiously。  'We don't care for
  more just at this moment。'
  'We DO care for more!' said Anne vehemently。  'Tell it all; sailor。
  That is a very pretty name; Caroline。  When are they going to be
  'I don't know as how the day is settled;' answered Jim; even now
  scarcely conscious of the devastation he was causing in one fair
  breast。  'But from the rate the courting is scudding along at; I
  should say it won't be long first。'
  'If you see him when you go back; give him my best wishes;' she
  lightly said; as she moved away。  'And;' she added; with solemn
  bitterness; 'say that I am glad to hear he is making such good use
  of the first days of his escape from the Valley of the Shadow of
  Death!'  She went away; expressing indifference by audibly singing
  in the distance
  'Shall we go dance the round; the round; the round;
  Shall we go dance the round?'
  'Your sister is lively at the news;' observed Jim Cornick。
  'Yes;' murmured John gloomily; as he gnawed his lower lip and kept
  his eyes fixed on the fire。
  'Well;' continued the man from the Victory; 'I won't say that your
  brother's intended ha'n't got some ballast; which is very lucky
  for'n; as he might have picked up with a girl without a single
  copper nail。  To be sure there was a time we had when we got into
  port!  It was open house for us all!'  And after mentally regarding
  the scene for a few seconds Jim emptied his cup and rose to go。
  The miller was saying some last words to him outside the house;
  Anne's voice had hardly ceased singing upstairs; John was standing
  by the fireplace; and Mrs。 Loveday was crossing the room to join her
  daughter; whose manner had given her some uneasiness; when a noise
  came from above the ceiling; as of some heavy body falling。  Mrs。
  Loveday rushed to the staircase; saying; 'Ah; I feared something!'
  and she was followed by John。
  When they entered Anne's room; which they both did almost at one
  moment; they found her lying insensible upon the floor。  The
  trumpet…major; his lips tightly closed; lifted her in his arms; and
  laid her upon the bed; after which he went back to the door to give
  room to her mother; who was bending over the girl with some
  Presently Mrs。 Loveday looked up and said to him; 'She is only in a
  faint; John; and her colour is coming back。  Now leave her to me; I
  will be downstairs in a few minutes; and tell you how she is。'
  John left the room。  When he gained the lower apartment his father
  was standing by the chimney…piece; the sailor having gone。  The
  trumpet…major went up to the fire; and; grasping the edge of the
  high chimney…shelf; stood silent。
  'Did I hear a noise when I went out?' asked the elder; in a tone of
  'Yes; you did;' said John。  'It was she; but her mother says she is
  better now。  Father;' he added impetuously; 'Bob is a worthless
  blockhead!  If there had been any good in him he would have been
  drowned years ago!'
  'John; Johnnot too fast;' said the miller。  'That's a hard thing
  to say of your brother; and you ought to be ashamed of it。'
  'Well; he tries me more than I can bear。  Good God! what can a man
  be made of to go on as he does?  Why didn't he come home; or if he
  couldn't get leave why didn't he write?  'Tis scandalous of him to
  serve a woman like that!'
  'Gently; gently。  The chap hev done his duty as a sailor; and though
  there might have been something between him and Anne; her mother; in
  talking it over with me; has said many times that she couldn't think
  of their marrying till Bob had settled down in business with me。
  Folks that gain victories must have a little liberty allowed 'em。
  Look at the Admiral himself; for that matter。'
  John continued looking at the red coals; till hearing Mrs。 Loveday's
  foot on the staircase; he went to meet her。
  'She is better;' said Mrs。 Loveday; 'but she won't come down again
  Could John have heard what the poor girl was moaning to herself at
  that moment as she lay writhing on the bed; he would have doubted
  her mother's assurance。  'If he had been dead I could have borne it;
  but this I cannot bear!'
  Meanwhile Sailor Cornick had gone on his way as far as the forking
  roads; where he met Festus Derriman on foot。  The latter; attracted
  by the seaman's dress; and by seeing him come from the mill; at once
  accosted him。  Jim; with the greatest readiness; fell into
  conversation; and told the same story as that he had related at the
  'Bob Loveday going to be married?' repeated Festus。
  'You all seem struck of a heap wi' that。'
  'No; I never heard news that pleased me more。'
  When Cornick was gone; Festus; instead of passing straight on;
  halted on the little bridge and meditated。  Bob; being now
  interested elsewhere; would probably not resent the siege of Anne's
  heart by another; there could; at any rate; be no further
  possibility of that looming duel which had troubled the yeoman's
  mind ever since his horse…play on Anne at the house on the down。  To
  march into the mill and propose to Mrs。 Loveday for Anne before
  John's interest could revive in her was; to this hero's thinking;
  excellent discretion。
  The day had already begun to darken when he entered; and the
  cheerful fire shone red upon the floor and walls。  Mrs。 Loveday
  received him alone; and asked him to take a seat by the
  chimney…corner; a little of the old hankering for him as a
  son…in…law having permanently remained with her。
  'Your servant; Mrs。 Loveday;' he said; 'and I will tell you at once
  what I come for。  You will say that I take time by the forelock when
  I inform you that it is to push on my long…wished…for alliance wi'
  your daughter; as I believe she is now a free woman again。'
  'Thank you; Mr。 Derriman;' said the mother placably。  'But she is
  ill at present。  I'll mention it to her when