第 43 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-10-21 08:52      字数:9322
  moving and twinkling like a school of mackerel under the rays of the
  sun。  The regular way of passing an afternoon in the coast towns was
  to stroll up to the signal posts and chat with the lieutenant on
  duty there about the latest inimical object seen at sea。  About once
  a week there appeared in the newspapers either a paragraph
  concerning some adventurous English gentleman who had sailed out in
  a pleasure…boat till he lay near enough to Boulogne to see
  Buonaparte standing on the heights among his marshals; or else some
  lines about a mysterious stranger with a foreign accent; who; after
  collecting a vast deal of information on our resources; had hired a
  boat at a southern port; and vanished with it towards France before
  his intention could be divined。
  In forecasting his grand venture; Buonaparte postulated the help of
  Providence to a remarkable degree。  Just at the hour when his troops
  were on board the flat…bottomed boats and ready to sail; there was
  to be a great fog; that should spread a vast obscurity over the
  length and breadth of the Channel; and keep the English blind to
  events on the other side。  The fog was to last twenty…four hours;
  after which it might clear away。  A dead calm was to prevail
  simultaneously with the fog; with the twofold object of affording
  the boats easy transit and dooming our ships to lie motionless。
  Thirdly; there was to be a spring tide; which should combine its
  manoeuvres with those of the fog and calm。
  Among the many thousands of minor Englishmen whose lives were
  affected by these tremendous designs may be numbered our old
  acquaintance Corporal Tullidge; who sported the crushed arm; and
  poor old Simon Burden; the dazed veteran who had fought at Minden。
  Instead of sitting snugly in the settle of the Old Ship; in the
  village adjoining Overcombe; they were obliged to keep watch on the
  hill。  They made themselves as comfortable as was possible in the
  circumstances; dwelling in a hut of clods and turf; with a brick
  chimney for cooking。  Here they observed the nightly progress of the
  moon and stars; grew familiar with the heaving of moles; the dancing
  of rabbits on the hillocks; the distant hoot of owls; the bark of
  foxes from woods further inland; but saw not a sign of the enemy。
  As; night after night; they walked round the two ricks which it was
  their duty to fire at a signalone being of furze for a quick
  flame; the other of turf; for a long; slow radiancethey thought
  and talked of old times; and drank patriotically from a large wood
  flagon that was filled every day。
  Bob and his father soon became aware that the light was from the
  beacon。  By the time that they reached the top it was one mass of
  towering flame; from which the sparks fell on the green herbage like
  a fiery dew; the forms of the two old men being seen passing and
  repassing in the midst of it。  The Lovedays; who came up on the
  smoky side; regarded the scene for a moment; and then emerged into
  the light。
  'Who goes there?' said Corporal Tullidge; shouldering a pike with
  his sound arm。  'O; 'tis neighbour Loveday!'
  'Did you get your signal to fire it from the east?' said the miller
  'No; from Abbotsea Beach。'
  'But you are not to go by a coast signal!'
  'Chok' it all; wasn't the Lord…Lieutenant's direction; whenever you
  see Rainbarrow's Beacon burn to the nor'east'ard; or Haggardon to
  the nor'west'ard; or the actual presence of the enemy on the shore?'
  'But is he here?'
  'No doubt o't!  The beach light is only just gone down; and Simon
  heard the guns even better than I。'
  'Hark; hark!  I hear 'em!' said Bob。
  They listened with parted lips; the night wind blowing through Simon
  Burden's few teeth as through the ruins of Stonehenge。  From far
  down on the lower levels came the noise of wheels and the tramp of
  horses upon the turnpike road。
  'Well; there must be something in it;' said Miller Loveday gravely。
  'Bob; we'll go home and make the women…folk safe; and then I'll don
  my soldier's clothes and be off。  God knows where our company will
  They hastened down the hill; and on getting into the road waited and
  listened again。  Travellers began to come up and pass them in
  vehicles of all descriptions。  It was difficult to attract their
  attention in the dim light; but by standing on the top of a wall
  which fenced the road Bob was at last seen。
  'What's the matter?' he cried to a butcher who was flying past in
  his cart; his wife sitting behind him without a bonnet。
  'The French have landed!' said the man; without drawing rein。
  'Where?' shouted Bob。
  'In West Bay; and all Budmouth is in uproar!' replied the voice; now
  faint in the distance。
  Bob and his father hastened on till they reached their own house。
  As they had expected; Anne and her mother; in common with most of
  the people; were both dressed; and stood at the door bonneted and
  shawled; listening to the traffic on the neighbouring highway; Mrs。
  Loveday having secured what money and small valuables they possessed
  in a huge pocket which extended all round her waist; and added
  considerably to her weight and diameter。
  ''Tis true enough;' said the miller:  'he's come!  You and Anne and
  the maid must be off to Cousin Jim's at King's…Bere; and when you
  get there you must do as they do。  I must assemble with the
  'And I?' said Bob。
  'Thou'st better run to the church; and take a pike before they be
  all gone。'
  The horse was put into the gig; and Mrs。 Loveday; Anne; and the
  servant…maid were hastily packed into the vehicle; the latter taking
  the reins; David's duties as a fighting…man forbidding all thought
  of his domestic offices now。  Then the silver tankard; teapot; pair
  of candlesticks like Ionic columns; and other articles too large to
  be pocketed were thrown into a basket and put up behind。  Then came
  the leave…taking; which was as sad as it was hurried。  Bob kissed
  Anne; and there was no affectation in her receiving that mark of
  affection as she said through her tears; 'God bless you!'  At last
  they moved off in the dim light of dawn; neither of the three women
  knowing which road they were to take; but trusting to chance to find
  As soon as they were out of sight Bob went off for a pike; and his
  father; first new…flinting his firelock; proceeded to don his
  uniform; pipe…claying his breeches with such cursory haste as to
  bespatter his black gaiters with the same ornamental compound。
  Finding when he was ready that no bugle had as yet sounded; he went
  with David to the cart…house; dragged out the waggon; and put
  therein some of the most useful and easily…handled goods; in case
  there might be an opportunity for conveying them away。  By the time
  this was done and the waggon pushed back and locked in; Bob had
  returned with his weapon; somewhat mortified at being doomed to this
  low form of defence。  The miller gave his son a parting grasp of the
  hand; and arranged to meet him at King's…Bere at the first
  opportunity if the news were true; if happily false; here at their
  own house。
  'Bother it all!' he exclaimed; looking at his stock of flints。
  'What?' said Bob。
  'I've got no ammunition:  not a blessed round!'
  'Then what's the use of going?' asked his son。
  The miller paused。  'O; I'll go;' he said。  'Perhaps somebody will
  lend me a little if I get into a hot corner?'
  'Lend ye a little!  Father; you was always so simple!' said Bob
  'WellI can bagnet a few; anyhow;' said the miller。
  The bugle had been blown ere this; and Loveday the father
  disappeared towards the place of assembly; his empty cartridge…box
  behind him。  Bob seized a brace of loaded pistols which he had
  brought home from the ship; and; armed with these and a pike; he
  locked the door and sallied out again towards the turnpike road。
  By this time the yeomanry of the district were also on the move; and
  among them Festus Derriman; who was sleeping at his uncle's; and had
  been awakened by Cripplestraw。  About the time when Bob and his
  father were descending from the beacon the stalwart yeoman was
  standing in the stable…yard adjusting his straps; while Cripplestraw
  saddled the horse。  Festus clanked up and down; looked gloomily at
  the beacon; heard the retreating carts and carriages; and called
  Cripplestraw to him; who came from the stable leading the horse at
  the same moment that Uncle Benjy peeped unobserved from a mullioned
  window above their heads; the distant light of the beacon fire
  touching up his features to the complexion of an old brass
  'I think that before I start; Cripplestraw;' said Festus; whose
  lurid visage was undergoing a bleaching process curious to look
  upon; 'you shall go on to Budmouth; and make a bold inquiry whether
  the cowardly enemy is on shore as yet; or only looming in the bay。'
  'I'd go in a moment; sir;' said the other; 'if I hadn't my bad leg
  again。  I should have joined my company afore this; but they said at
  last drill that I was too old。  So I shall wait up in the hay…loft
  for tidings as soon as I have packed you off; poor gentleman!'
  'Do such alarms as these; Cripplestraw; ever happen without
  foundation?  Buonaparte is a wretch; a miserable wretch; and this