第 21 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-10-21 08:52      字数:9322
  near; and soon after the King; accompanied by the Dukes of Cambridge
  and Cumberland; and a couple of generals; appeared on horseback;
  wearing a round hat turned up at the side; with a cockade and
  military feather。  (Sensation among the crowd。)  Then the Queen and
  three of the princesses entered the field in a great coach drawn by
  six beautiful cream…coloured horses。  Another coach; with four
  horses of the same sort; brought the two remaining princesses。
  (Confused acclamations; 'There's King Jarge!' 'That's Queen
  Sharlett!' 'Princess 'Lizabeth!' 'Princesses Sophiar and Meelyer!'
  etc。; from the surrounding spectators。)
  Anne and her party were fortunate enough to secure a position on the
  top of one of the barrows which rose here and there on the down; and
  the miller having gallantly constructed a little cairn of flints; he
  placed the two women thereon; by which means they were enabled to
  see over the heads; horses; and coaches of the multitudes below and
  around。  At the march…past the miller's eye; which had been
  wandering about for the purpose; discovered his son in his place by
  the trumpeters; who had moved forwards in two ranks; and were
  sounding the march。
  'That's John!' he cried to the widow。  'His trumpet…sling is of two
  colours; d'ye see; and the others be plain。'
  Mrs。 Garland too saw him now; and enthusiastically admired him from
  her hands upwards; and Anne silently did the same。  But before the
  young woman's eyes had quite left the trumpet…major they fell upon
  the figure of Yeoman Festus riding with his troop; and keeping his
  face at a medium between haughtiness and mere bravery。  He certainly
  looked as soldierly as any of his own corps; and felt more soldierly
  than half…a…dozen; as anybody could see by observing him。  Anne got
  behind the miller; in case Festus should discover her; and;
  regardless of his monarch; rush upon her in a rage with; 'Why the
  devil did you run away from me that nighthey; madam?'  But she
  resolved to think no more of him just now; and to stick to Loveday;
  who was her mother's friend。  In this she was helped by the stirring
  tones which burst from the latter gentleman and his subordinates
  from time to time。
  'Well;' said the miller complacently; 'there's few of more
  consequence in a regiment than a trumpeter。  He's the chap that
  tells 'em what to do; after all。  Hey; Mrs。 Garland?'
  'So he is; miller;' said she。
  'They could no more do without Jack and his men than they could
  without generals。'
  'Indeed they could not;' said Mrs。 Garland again; in a tone of
  pleasant agreement with any one in Great Britain or Ireland。
  It was said that the line that day was three miles long; reaching
  from the high ground on the right of where the people stood to the
  turnpike road on the left。  After the review came a sham fight;
  during which action the crowd dispersed more widely over the downs;
  enabling Widow Garland to get still clearer glimpses of the King;
  and his handsome charger; and the head of the Queen; and the elbows
  and shoulders of the princesses in the carriages; and fractional
  parts of General Garth and the Duke of Cumberland; which sights gave
  her great gratification。  She tugged at her daughter at every
  opportunity; exclaiming; 'Now you can see his feather!' 'There's her
  hat!' 'There's her Majesty's India muslin shawl!' in a minor form of
  ecstasy; that made the miller think her more girlish and animated
  than her daughter Anne。
  In those military manoeuvres the miller followed the fortunes of one
  man; Anne Garland of two。  The spectators; who; unlike our party;
  had no personal interest in the soldiery; saw only troops and
  battalions in the concrete; straight lines of red; straight lines of
  blue; white lines formed of innumerable knee…breeches; black lines
  formed of many gaiters; coming and going in kaleidoscopic change。
  Who thought of every point in the line as an isolated man; each
  dwelling all to himself in the hermitage of his own mind?  One
  person did; a young man far removed from the barrow where the
  Garlands and Miller Loveday stood。  The natural expression of his
  face was somewhat obscured by the bronzing effects of rough weather;
  but the lines of his mouth showed that affectionate impulses were
  strong within himperhaps stronger than judgment well could
  regulate。  He wore a blue jacket with little brass buttons; and was
  plainly a seafaring man。
  Meanwhile; in the part of the plain where rose the tumulus on which
  the miller had established himself; a broad…brimmed tradesman was
  elbowing his way along。  He saw Mr。 Loveday from the base of the
  barrow; and beckoned to attract his attention。  Loveday went halfway
  down; and the other came up as near as he could。
  'Miller;' said the man; 'a letter has been lying at the post…office
  for you for the last three days。  If I had known that I should see
  ye here I'd have brought it along with me。'
  The miller thanked him for the news; and they parted; Loveday
  returning to the summit。  'What a very strange thing!' he said to
  Mrs。 Garland; who had looked inquiringly at his face; now very
  grave。  'That was Budmouth postmaster; and he says there's a letter
  for me。  Ah; I now call to mind that there WAS a letter in the
  candle three days ago this very nighta large red one; but
  foolish…like I thought nothing o't。  Who CAN that letter be from?'
  A letter at this time was such an event for hamleteers; even of the
  miller's respectable standing; that Loveday thenceforward was thrown
  into a fit of abstraction which prevented his seeing any more of the
  sham fight; or the people; or the King。  Mrs。 Garland imbibed some
  of his concern; and suggested that the letter might come from his
  son Robert。
  'I should naturally have thought that;' said Miller Loveday; 'but he
  wrote to me only two months ago; and his brother John heard from him
  within the last four weeks; when he was just about starting on
  another voyage。  If you'll pardon me; Mrs。 Garland; ma'am; I'll see
  if there's any Overcombe man here who is going to Budmouth to…day;
  so that I may get the letter by night…time。  I cannot possibly go
  So Mr。 Loveday left them for awhile; and as they were so near home
  Mrs。 Garland did not wait on the barrow for him to come back; but
  walked about with Anne a little time; until they should be disposed
  to trot down the slope to their own door。  They listened to a man
  who was offering one guinea to receive ten in case Buonaparte should
  be killed in three months; and to other entertainments of that
  nature; which at this time were not rare。  Once during their
  peregrination the eyes of the sailor before…mentioned fell upon
  Anne; but he glanced over her and passed her unheedingly by。
  Loveday the elder was at this time on the other side of the line;
  looking for a messenger to the town。  At twelve o'clock the review
  was over; and the King and his family left the hill。  The troops
  then cleared off the field; the spectators followed; and by one
  o'clock the downs were again bare。
  They still spread their grassy surface to the sun as on that
  beautiful morning not; historically speaking; so very long ago; but
  the King and his fifteen thousand armed men; the horses; the bands
  of music; the princesses; the cream…coloured teamsthe gorgeous
  centre…piece; in short; to which the downs were but the mere mount
  or marginhow entirely have they all passed and gone!lying
  scattered about the world as military and other dust; some at
  Talavera; Albuera; Salamanca; Vittoria; Toulouse; and Waterloo; some
  in home churchyards; and a few small handfuls in royal vaults。
  In the afternoon John Loveday; lightened of his trumpet and
  trappings; appeared at the old mill…house door; and beheld Anne
  standing at hers。
  'I saw you; Miss Garland;' said the soldier gaily。
  'Where was I?' said she; smiling。
  'On the top of the big moundto the right of the King。'
  'And I saw you; lots of times;' she rejoined。
  Loveday seemed pleased。  'Did you really take the trouble to find
  me?  That was very good of you。'
  'Her eyes followed you everywhere;' said Mrs。 Garland from an upper
  'Of course I looked at the dragoons most;' said Anne; disconcerted。
  'And when I looked at them my eyes naturally fell upon the trumpets。
  I looked at the dragoons generally; no more。'
  She did not mean to show any vexation to the trumpet…major; but he
  fancied otherwise; and stood repressed。  The situation was relieved
  by the arrival of the miller; still looking serious。
  'I am very much concerned; John; I did not go to the review for
  nothing。  There's a letter a…waiting for me at Budmouth; and I must
  get it before bedtime; or I shan't sleep a wink。'
  'I'll go; of course;' said John; 'and perhaps Miss Garland would
  like to see what's doing there to…day?  Everybody is gone or going;
  the road is like a fair。'
  He spoke pleadingly; but Anne was not won to assent。
  'You can drive in the gig; 'twill do Blossom good;' said the miller。
  'Let David drive Miss Garland;' said the trumpet…major; not wishing
  to coerce her; 'I would just as soon walk。'
  Anne joyfully welcomed this arrangement; and a time was fixed for
  the start。
  In the afterno