第 51 节
作者:旅游巴士      更新:2021-10-16 18:45      字数:9320
  fur   department;   was   usually   a   few     paces   ahead   of   the   others;   coming
  back    to  them   now     and    then   if  they   lingered   for   a  moment     at  some
  attractive      counter;     with    the   nervous     solicitude    of   a   parent    rook
  encouraging its young ones on their first flying             expedition。
  〃It's   Suzanne's   birthday   on   Wednesday   next;〃        confided   Eleanor   to
  Bertram Kneyght at a moment when                Suzanne had left them unusually far
  behind; 〃my birthday          comes the day before; so we are both on the look…
  out for     something to give each other。〃
  〃Ah;〃 said Bertram。         〃Now; perhaps you can advise me              on that very
  point。    I want to   give Suzanne something;             and   I haven't the   least idea
  what she wants。〃
  〃She's     rather   a  problem;〃      said   Eleanor。     〃She     seems     to    have
  everything one can think of; lucky girl。           A fan     is always useful; she'll be
  going to a lot of dances at         Davos this winter。        Yes; I should think a fan
  would      please   her   more   than   anything。     After   our   birthdays   are    over
  we inspect each other's muster of presents; and I                always feel dreadfully
  humble。      She   gets   such   nice   things;   and   I   never   have   anything   worth
  showing。      You      see; none of my relations or any of the people who give
  me   presents   are   at   all   well   off;   so   I   can't   expect   them to   do   anything
  more than just remember the day with some                 little trifle。  Two years ago
  an uncle on my mother's           side of the family; who had come into a small
  legacy;     promised   me   a   silver…fox   stole   for   my   birthday。    I   can't   tell
  you how excited I was about it; how I pictured                myself showing it off to
  all my friends and enemies。            Then just at that moment his wife died; and;
  of   course;    poor   man;   he    could   not   be   expected   to   think   of  birthday
  presents at such a time。        He has lived abroad ever since;           and I never got
  my fur。     Do you know; to this day I can           scarcely look at a silver…fox pelt
  in a shop window or          round anyone's neck without feeling ready to burst
  into    tears。    I   suppose   if   I   hadn't   had   the   prospect   of   getting one   I
  shouldn't feel that way。        Look; there is the fan       counter; on your left; you
  can easily slip away in the         crowd。      Get her as nice a one as you can see
  … she is    such a dear; dear girl。〃
  〃Hullo;   I   thought   I   had   lost   you;〃   said   Suzanne;   making   her   way
  through an obstructive knot of shoppers。               〃Where is Bertram?〃
  … Page 176…
  〃I   got   separated   from   him   long   ago。 I   thought   he   was   on   ahead
  with you;〃 said Eleanor。       〃We shall never       find him in this crush。〃
  Which turned out to be a true prediction。
  〃All our trouble and forethought thrown away;〃 said              Suzanne sulkily;
  when     they   had   pushed     their  way    fruitlessly    through    half   a  dozen
  〃I can't think why you didn't grab him by the arm;〃              said Eleanor; 〃I
  would have if I'd known him longer; but              I'd only just been introduced。
  It's nearly four now;      we'd better have tea。〃
  Some days later Suzanne rang Eleanor up on the              telephone。
  〃Thank you very much for the photograph frame。               It   was just what I
  wanted。      Very   good   of   you。   I   say;   do   you know   what   that   Kneyght
  person has given me?          Just what     you said he would … a wretched   fan。
  What?      Oh yes; quite     a good enough fan in its way; but still 。 。 。〃
  〃You   must   come   and   see   what   he's   given   me;〃   came   in  Eleanor's
  voice over the 'phone。
  〃You!     Why should he give you anything?〃
  〃Your cousin appears to be one of those rare people               of wealth who
  take a pleasure in giving good presents;〃          came the reply。
  〃I  wondered      why   he  was    so  anxious   to  know    where    she   lived;〃
  snapped Suzanne to herself as she rang off。
  A cloud has arisen between the friendships of the            two young women;
  as far as Eleanor is concerned the cloud          has a silver…fox lining。
  … Page 177…
  JOCANTHA         BESSBURY         was    in  the  mood     to  be   serenely   and
  graciously happy。       Her world was a pleasant place; and it             was wearing
  one of its pleasantest aspects。        Gregory had       managed to get home for a
  hurried   lunch   and   a   smoke   afterwards   in   the   little   snuggery;   the   lunch
  had been a      good one; and there was just time to do justice to the            coffee
  and cigarettes。      Both were excellent in their way;           and Gregory was; in
  his   way;   an  excellent   husband。       Jocantha   rather    suspected     herself  of
  making him  a very         charming   wife;  and more   than suspected   herself of
  having     a first…rate dressmaker。
  〃I   don't   suppose   a   more   thoroughly   contented     personality   is   to   be
  found in all Chelsea;〃 observed           Jocantha in allusion to herself; 〃except
  perhaps Attab;〃       she continued; glancing towards the large tabby…marked
  cat that lay in considerable ease in a corner of the          divan。     〃He lies there;
  purring and dreaming; shifting          his limbs now and then in an ecstasy of
  cushioned      comfort。     He   seems   the   incarnation   of   everything   soft   and
  silky   and   velvety;   without   a   sharp   edge   in   his composition;   a   dreamer
  whose philosophy is sleep and let           sleep; and then; as evening draws on;
  he   goes   out   into  the   garden   with   a   red   glint   in   his   eyes   and   slays   a
  drowsy sparrow。〃
  〃As every pair of sparrows hatches out ten or more              young ones in the
  year; while their food supply remains           stationary; it is just as well that the
  Attabs    of   the  community        should   have    that  idea  of  how    to  pass   an
  amusing      afternoon;〃   said   Gregory。     Having   delivered   himself   of      this
  sage    comment       he  lit  another    cigarette;   bade   Jocantha      a   playfully
  affectionate good…bye; and departed into the            outer world。
  〃Remember; dinner's a wee bit earlier to…night; as             we're going to the
  Haymarket;〃 she called after him。
  Left to herself; Jocantha continued the process of             looking at her life
  with placid; introspective eyes。        If   she had not everything she wanted in
  this   world;   at   least she   was   very   well   pleased   with   what   she   had   got。
  … Page 178…
  She     was    very    well   pleased;    for   instance;    with   the   snuggery;    which
  contrived   somehow   to   be   cosy   and   dainty   and   expensive   all        at   once。
  The     porcelain    was   rare   and   beautiful;    the   Chinese      enamels     took   on
  wonderful tints in the firelight;         the rugs and hangings led the eye through
  sumptuous        harmonies of colouring。          It was a room in which one might
  have   suitably   entertained   an   ambassador   or   an   archbishop;         but   it   was
  also a room in which one could cut out              pictures for a scrap…book without
  feeling that one was         scandalising the deities of the place with one's litter。
  And as with the snuggery; so with the rest of the house;                  and as with the
  house;   so   with   the   other   departments   of    Jocantha's   life;   she   really   had
  good reason for being one           of the most contented women in Chelsea。
  From   being   in   a   mood   of   simmering   satisfaction   with        her   lot   she
  passed     to   the   phase    of  being    generously       commiserating         for  those
  thousands   around her   whose  lives          and   circumstances   were dull;   cheap;
  pleasureless;  and       empty。      Work   girls;  shop   assistants   and   so   forth;  the
  class that have neither the happy…go…lucky freedom of the                     poor nor the
  leisured   freedom