第 19 节
作者:风格1      更新:2021-09-29 13:03      字数:9322
  〃Nothing but spirit hands can move those ropes now。〃
  From the organ rose softly the prelude to a Moody and Sankey
  hymn; and; in keeping with the music; the voice of Vance sank to
  a low tone。
  〃We will now;〃 he said; 〃establish the magnetic chain。 Each
  person will take with his right hand the left wrist of the
  person on his or her right。〃 He paused while this order was
  being carried into effect。
  〃Before I turn out the lights;〃 he continued; 〃I wish to say a
  last word to any skeptic who may be present。  I warn him that
  any attempt to lay violent hands upon the apparition; or spirit;
  may cost the medium her life。  From the cabinet the medium
  projects the spirit into the circle。  An attack upon the spirit;
  is an attack upon the medium。  There are three or four
  well…authenticated cases where the disembodied spirit was cut
  off from the cabinet; and the medium died。〃
  He drew the velvet curtains across the cabinet; and shut Vera
  from view。 〃Are you ready; Mr。 Hallowell?〃 he asked。 Mr。
  Hallowell; his eyes staring; his lips parted; nodded his head。
  The music grew louder。 Vance switched off the lights。
  For some minutes; except for the creaking of the pedals of the
  organ and the low throb of the music; there was no sound。 Then;
  from his position at the open door; the voice of Vance commanded
  sternly: 〃No whispering; please。 The medium is susceptible to
  the least sound。〃 There was another longer pause; until in
  hushed expectant tones Vance spoke again。 〃The air is very
  heavily charged with electricity tonight;〃 he said; 〃you; Mrs。
  Marsh; should feel that?〃
  〃I do; Professor;〃 murmured the medium; 〃I do。 We shall have
  some wonderful results!〃
  Vance agreed with her solemnly。 〃I feel influences all about
  me;〃 he murmured。
  There came suddenly from the cabinet three sharp raps。 These
  were instantly answered by other quick rappings upon the library
  table。 〃They are beginning!〃 chanted the voice of Vance。 The
  music of the organ ceased。 It was at once followed by the notes
  of a guitar that seemed to float in space; the strings
  vibrating; not as though touched by human hands; but in fitful;
  meaningless chords like those of an Aeolian harp。
  〃That is Kiowa; your control; Mrs。 Marsh;〃 announced Vance
  eagerly。 〃Do you desire to speak to him?〃
  〃Not tonight;〃 Mrs。 Marsh answered。 She raised her voice。 〃Not
  tonight; Kiowa;〃 she repeated。 〃Thank you for coming。 Good
  In deep; guttural accents; a man's voice came from the ceiling。
  〃Good night;〃 it called。 With a final; ringing wail; the music
  of the guitar suddenly ceased。
  Again rose the swelling low notes of the organ。 Above it came
  the quick pattering of footsteps。
  The voice of Rainey; filled with alarm; cried; 〃some one touched
  〃Are you sure your hands are held?〃 demanded Vance reprovingly。
  〃Yes;〃 panted Rainey; 〃both of them。 But something put its hand
  on my forehead。 It was cold。〃
  In an excited whisper; a voice in the circle cried; 〃Look;
  look!〃 and before the eyes of all; a star rose in the darkness。
  For a moment it wavered over the cabinet and then fluttered
  swiftly across the room and remained stationary above the head
  of the German Professor。
  〃There is your star; Professor;〃 cried Vance。 〃When the
  Professor is in the circle;〃 he announced proudly; 〃that star
  always appears。〃
  He was interrupted by a startled exclamation from Lee。
  〃Something touched my face;〃 explained the young man
  apologetically; 〃and spoke to me。〃
  The music sank to a murmur; and the room became alive with
  swift; rushing sounds and soft whisperings。
  The voice of Mrs。 Marsh; low and eager; could be heard appealing
  to an invisible presence。
  〃The results are marvelous;〃 chanted Vance; 〃marvelous! The
  medium is showing wonderful power。 If any one desires to ask a
  question; he should do so now。 The conditions will never be
  better。〃 He paused expectantly。 〃Mr。 Hallowell;〃 he prompted;
  〃is it your wish to communicate with any one in the spirit
  There was a long pause; and then the voice of Mr。 Hallowell;
  harsh and shaken; answered; 〃Yes。〃
  〃With whom?〃 demanded Vance。
  There was again another longer pause; and then; above the
  confusion of soft whisperings; the voice of the old man rose in
  sharp staccato; 〃My sister; Catherine Coates。〃 His tone
  hardened; became obdurate; final。 〃But; I must see her; and hear
  her speak!〃
  Not for an instant did Vance hesitate。 In tense; sepulchral
  tones; he demanded of the darkness; 〃Is the spirit of Catherine
  Coates present?〃
  The whisperings and murmurs ceased。 The silence of the room was
  broken sharply by three quick raps。 〃Yes;〃 intoned Vance; 〃she
  is present。〃
  The voice of Hallowell protested fiercely。 〃I won't have that! I
  want to see her!〃
  In the tone of an incantation; Vance spoke again。 〃Will the
  spirit show herself to her brother?〃 The raps came quickly;
  〃She answers she will appear before you。〃
  There was a moment that seemed to stretch interminably; and
  then; the eyes of all; straining in the darkness; saw against
  the black velvet curtain a splash of white。
  Above the sobbing of the organ; the voice of Mr。 Hallowell rang
  out in a sharp exclamation of terror。 〃Who is that!〃 he
  demanded。 He spoke as though he dreaded the answer。 He threw
  himself forward in his chair; peering into the darkness。
  〃Is that you; Kate?; he whispered。 His voice was both
  incredulous and pleading。
  The answer came in feeble; trembling tones。 〃Yes。〃
  The voice of Hallowell shook with eagerness。 〃Do you know me;
  your brother; Stephen?〃
  With a cry the old man fell back; groping blindly。 He found
  Gaylor's arm and clutched it with both hands。
  〃My God! It's Kate!〃 he gasped。 〃I tell you; Henry; it is Kate!〃
  The voice of Vance; deep and hollow like a bell; sounded a note
  of warning。 〃Speak quickly;〃 he commanded。 〃Her time on earth is
  brief。〃 Mr。 Hallowell's hold upon the arm of his friend relaxed。
  Fearfully and slowly; he bent forward。
  〃Kate!〃 he pleaded; 〃I must ask you a question。 No one else can
  tell me。〃 As though gathering courage; he paused; and; with a
  frightened sigh; again began。 〃I am an old man;〃 he murmured; 〃a
  sick man。 I will be joining you very soon。 what am I to do with
  my money? I have made great plans to give it to the poor。 Or;
  must I give it; as I have given it in my will; to Helen? Perhaps
  I did not act fairly to you and Helen。 You know what I mean。 She
  would be rich; but then the poor would be that much the poorer。〃
  The confidence of the speaker was increasing; as though to a
  living being; he argued and pleaded。 〃And I want to do some good
  before I go。 What shall I do? Tell me。〃
  There was a pause that lasted so long that those who had held
  their breath to listen; again breathed deeply。 When the answer
  came; it was strangely deprecatory; uncertain; unassured。
  〃You;〃 stammered the voice; 〃you must have courage to do what
  you know to be just!〃
  For a brief moment; as though surprised; Mr。 Hallowell
  apparently considered this; and then gave an exclamation of
  disappointment and distress。
  〃But I don't know;〃 he protested; 〃that is why I called on you。
  I want to go into the next world; Kate;〃 he pleaded; 〃with clean
  〃You cannot bribe your way into the next world;〃 intoned the
  voice。 〃If you pity the poor; you must help the poor; not that
  you may cheat your way into heaven; but that they may suffer
  less。 Search your conscience。 Have the courage of your
  〃I don't want to consult my conscience;〃 cried the old man。 〃I
  want you to tell me。〃 He paused; hesitating。 Eager to press his
  question; his awe of the apparition still restrained him。
  〃What do you mean; Kate?〃 he begged。 Am I to give the money
  where it will do the most good  to the Hallowell Institute; or
  am I to give it to Helen? Which am I to do?〃
  There was another long silence; and then the voice stammered;
  〃If  if you have wronged me; or my daughter; or the poor; you
  must make restitution。〃
  The hand of the old man was heard to fall heavily upon the arm
  of his chair。 His voice rose unhappily。
  〃That is no answer; Kate!〃 he cried。 〃Did you come from the dead
  to preach to me? Tell me  what am I to do  leave my money to
  Helen; or to the Institute?〃
  The cry of the old man vibrated in the air。 No voice rose to
  answer。 〃Kate!〃 he entreated。 Still there was silence。 〃Speak to
  me!〃 he commanded。 The silence became eloquent with momentous
  possibilities。 So long did it endure; that the pain of the
  suspense was actual。 The voice of Rainey; choked and hoarse with
  fear; broke it with an exclamation that held the sound of an
  oath。 He muttered thickly; 〃What in the name of  〃
  He was hushed by a swift chorus of hisses。 The voice of
  Hallowell was again uplifted。
  〃Why won't she answer me?〃 he begged hysterically of Vance。
  〃Can't you  can't the medium make her speak?〃
  During the last few moments the music from the organ had come
  brokenly。 The hands upon the keys moved unsteadily; drunkenly。
  Now they halted altogether and in the middle of a chord the
  music sank and died。 Upon the now absolute silence the voice of
  Vance; when he spoke; sounded strangely unfamiliar。 It had lost