第 10 节
作者:人生几何      更新:2021-09-25 11:12      字数:9321
  Most people have had dreams of approaching dangers in the path of
  which their bodies remained inert; when; in spite of the frantic
  wish to fly; it was impossible to move; while all the time the
  horror crept closer and closer。  This was Mellin's state as he saw
  the young man going。  It was absolutely necessary to ask Cooley for
  help; to beg him for a loan。  But he could not。
  He saw Cooley's hand on the doorknob; saw the door swing open。
  〃Good…by; again;〃 Cooley said; 〃and good luck to you!〃
  Mellin's will strove desperately with the shame that held him
  The door was closing。
  〃Oh; Cooley;〃 called Mellin hoarsely。
  〃Yes。  What?〃
  〃J…j…just good…by;〃 said Mellin。
  And with that young Cooley was gone。
  IX。 Expiation
  A multitudinous clangor of bells and a dozen neighboring chimes rang
  noon; then the rectangular oblongs of hot sunlight that fell from
  the windows upon the carpet of Mellin's room began imperceptibly
  to shift their angles and move eastward。  From the stone pavement
  of the street below came the sound of horses pawing and the voices
  of waiting cabmen; then bells again; and more bells; clamoring the
  slow and cruel afternoon into the past。  But all was silent in
  Mellin's room; save when; from time to time; a long; shuddering
  sigh came from the bed。
  The unhappy young man had again drawn the coverlet over his head;
  but not to sleep:  it was more like a forlorn and desperate effort
  to hide; as if he crept into a hole; seeking darkness to cover the
  shame and fear that racked his soul。  For though his shame had been
  too great to let him confess to young Cooley and ask for help; his
  fear was as great as his shame; and it increased as the hours passed。
  In truth his case was desperate。  Except the people who had stripped
  him; Cooley was the only person in all of Europe with whom he had
  more than a very casual acquaintance。  At home; in Cranston; he had
  no friends susceptible to such an appeal as it was vitally necessary
  for him to make。  His relatives were not numerous: there were two
  aunts; the widows of his father's brothers; and a number of old…maid
  cousins; and he had an uncle in Iowa; a country minister whom he had
  not seen for years。  But he could not cable to any of these for
  money; nor could he quite conjure his imagination into picturing any
  of them sending it if he did。  And even to cable he would have to
  pawn his watch; which was an old…fashioned one of silver and might
  not bring enough to pay the charges。
  He began to be haunted by fragmentary; prophetic visionsconfused
  but realistic in detail; and horridly probableof his ejectment
  from the hotel; perhaps arrest and trial。  He wondered what they
  did in Italy to people who 〃beat〃 hotels; and; remembering what some
  one had told him of the dreadfulness of Italian jails; convulsive
  shudderings seized upon him。
  The ruddy oblongs of sunlight crawled nearer to the east wall of the
  room; stretching themselves thinner and thinner; until finally they
  were not there at all; and the room was left in deepening grayness。
  Carriages; one after the other; in unintermittent succession;
  rumbled up to the hotel…entrance beneath the window; bringing
  goldfish for the Pincio and the fountains of Villa Borghese。  Wild
  strains from the Hungarian orchestra; rhapsodical twankings of
  violins; and the runaway arpeggios of a zither crazed with speed…
  mania; skipped along the corridors and lightly through Mellin's
  door。  In his mind's eye he saw the gay crowd in the watery light;
  the little tables where only five days ago he had sat with the
  loveliest of all the anemone…like ladies。。。。
  The beautifully…dressed tea…drinkers were there now; under the green
  glass dome; prattling and smiling; those people he had called his
  own。  And as the music sounded louder; faster; wilder and wilder
  with the gipsy madnessthen in that darkening bedchamber his soul
  became articulate in a cry of humiliation
  〃God in His mercy forgive me; how raw I was!〃
  A vision came before his closed eyes; the maple…bordered street in
  Cranston; the long; straight; wide street where Mary Kramer lived;
  a summer twilight; Mary in her white muslin dress on the veranda
  steps; and a wistaria vine climbing the post beside her; half…
  embowering her。  How cool and sweet and good she looked!  How dear
  and how ~kind~!she had always been to him。
  Dusk stole through the windows:  the music ceased and the tea…hour
  was over。  The carriages were departing; bearing the gay people
  who went away laughing; calling last words to one another; and;
  naturally; quite unaware that a young man; who; five days before;
  had adopted them and called them 〃his own;〃 was lying in a darkened
  room above them; and crying like a child upon his pillow。
  X。  The Cab at the Corner
  A ten o'clock; a page bearing a card upon a silver tray knocked upon
  the door; and stared with wide…eyed astonishment at the disordered
  gentleman who opened it。
  The card was Lady Mount…Rhyswicke's。  Underneath the name was
  If you are there will you give me a few minutes?  I am waiting
  in a cab at the next corner by the fountain。
  Mellin's hand shook as he read。  He did not doubt that she came as
  an emissary; probably they meant to hound him for payment of the
  note he had given Sneyd; and at that thought he could have shrieked
  with hysterical laughter。
  〃Do you speak English?〃 he asked。
  〃Spik little。 Yes。〃
  〃Who gave you this card?〃
  〃Coachman;〃 said the boy。 〃He wait risposta。〃
  〃Tell him to say that I shall be there in five minutes。〃
  〃Fi' minute。  Yes。  Good…by。〃
  Mellin was partly dressedhe had risen half an hour earlier and
  had been distractedly pacing the floor when the page knockedand
  he completed his toilet quickly。  He passed down the corridors;
  descended by the stairway (feeling that to use the elevator would
  be another abuse of the confidence of the hotel company) and slunk
  across the lobby with the look and the sensations of a tramp who
  knows that he will be kicked into the street if anybody catches
  sight of him。
  A closed cab stood near the fountain at the next corner。  There was
  a trunk on the box by the driver; and the roof was piled with bags
  and rugs。 He approached uncertainly。
  〃Isis thisis it Lady Mount…Rhyswicke?〃 he stammered pitifully。
  She opened the door。
  〃Yes。  Will you get in?  We'll just drive round the block if you
  don't mind。  I'll bring you back here in ten minutes。〃  And when he
  had tremulously complied; 〃~Avanti; cocchiere~;〃 she called to the
  driver; and the tired little cab…horse began to draw them slowly
  along the deserted street。
  Lady Mount…Rhyswicke maintained silence for a time; while her
  companion waited; his heart pounding with dreadful apprehensions。
  Finally she gave a short; hard laugh and said:
  〃I saw your face by the corner light。  Been havin' a hard day
  of it?〃
  The fear of breaking down kept him from answering。  He gulped
  painfully once or twice; and turned his face away from her。  Light
  enough from a streetlamp shone in for her to see。
  〃I was rather afraid you'd refuse;〃 she said seriously。  〃Really;
  I wonder you were willin' to come!〃
  〃I wasI was afraid not to。〃  He choked out the confession with
  the recklessness of final despair。
  〃So?〃 she said; with another short laugh。  Then she resumed her
  even; tired monotone:  〃Your little friend Cooley's note this
  morning gave us all a rather fair notion as to what you must be
  thinkin' of us。  He seems to have found a sort of walkin' 'Who's…
  Who…on…the…Continent' since last night。  Pity for some people he
  didn't find it before!  I don't think I'm sympathetic with your
  little Cooley。  I 'guess;' as you Yankees say; 'he can stand it。'
  But〃her voice suddenly became louder〃I'm not in the business
  of robbin' babies and orphans; no; my dear friends; nor of helpin'
  anybody else to rob them either!Here you are!〃
  She thrust into his hand a small packet; securely wrapped in paper
  and fastened with rubber bands。  〃There's your block of express
  checks for six hundred dollars and your I 0 U to Sneyd with it。
  Take better care of it next time。〃
  He had been tremulous enough; but at that his whole body began to
  shake violently。
  〃~What~!〃 he quavered。
  〃I say; take better care of it next time;〃 she said; dropping again
  into her monotone。  〃I didn't have such an easy time gettin' it back
  from them as you might think。  I've got rather a sore wrist; in
  She paused at an inarticulate sound from him。
  〃Oh; that's soon mended;〃 she laughed drearily。  〃The truth is; it's
  been a good thing for meyour turning up。  They're gettin' in too
  deep water for me; Helene and her friends; and I've broken with the
  lot; or they've broken with me; whichever it is。  We couldn't hang
  together after the fightin' we've done to…day。  I had to do a lot
  of threatenin' and things。  Welch was ugly; so I had to be ugly too。
  Never mind〃she checked an uncertain effort of his to speak〃I
  saw what you were like; soon as we sat down at the table last night
  how new you were and all that。  It needed only a glance to see
  that Helene had made a mistake about you。  She'd got a notion you
  were a millionaire like the