第 11 节
作者:人生几何      更新:2021-08-28 17:14      字数:9320
  Griffin; and; after walking on at her side for a little while and
  talking with her; looked at me。  Supposing him to be a minion of the
  law; and that my hour was come; I instantly ran away; with the
  general purpose of making for Egypt。
  The whole Seraglio cried out; when they saw me making off as fast as
  my legs would carry me (I had an impression that the first turning
  on the left; and round by the public…house; would be the shortest
  way to the Pyramids); Miss Griffin screamed after me; the faithless
  Vizier ran after me; and the boy at the turnpike dodged me into a
  corner; like a sheep; and cut me off。  Nobody scolded me when I was
  taken and brought back; Miss Griffin only said; with a stunning
  gentleness; This was very curious!  Why had I run away when the
  gentleman looked at me?
  If I had had any breath to answer with; I dare say I should have
  made no answer; having no breath; I certainly made none。  Miss
  Griffin and the strange man took me between them; and walked me back
  to the palace in a sort of state; but not at all (as I couldn't help
  feeling; with astonishment) in culprit state。
  When we got there; we went into a room by ourselves; and Miss
  Griffin called in to her assistance; Mesrour; chief of the dusky
  guards of the Hareem。  Mesrour; on being whispered to; began to shed
  tears。  〃Bless you; my precious!〃 said that officer; turning to me;
  〃your Pa's took bitter bad!〃
  I asked; with a fluttered heart; 〃Is he very ill?〃
  〃Lord temper the wind to you; my lamb!〃 said the good Mesrour;
  kneeling down; that I might have a comforting shoulder for my head
  to rest on; 〃your Pa's dead!〃
  Haroun Alraschid took to flight at the words; the Seraglio vanished;
  from that moment; I never again saw one of the eight of the fairest
  of the daughters of men。
  I was taken home; and there was Debt at home as well as Death; and
  we had a sale there。  My own little bed was so superciliously looked
  upon by a Power unknown to me; hazily called 〃The Trade;〃 that a
  brass coal…scuttle; a roasting…jack; and a birdcage; were obliged to
  be put into it to make a Lot of it; and then it went for a song。  So
  I heard mentioned; and I wondered what song; and thought what a
  dismal song it must have been to sing!
  Then; I was sent to a great; cold; bare; school of big boys; where
  everything to eat and wear was thick and clumpy; without being
  enough; where everybody; largo and small; was cruel; where the boys
  knew all about the sale; before I got there; and asked me what I had
  fetched; and who had bought me; and hooted at me; 〃Going; going;
  gone!〃  I never whispered in that wretched place that I had been
  Haroun; or had had a Seraglio:  for; I knew that if I mentioned my
  reverses; I should be so worried; that I should have to drown myself
  in the muddy pond near the playground; which looked like the beer。
  Ah me; ah me!  No other ghost has haunted the boy's room; my
  friends; since I have occupied it; than the ghost of my own
  childhood; the ghost of my own innocence; the ghost of my own airy
  belief。  Many a time have I pursued the phantom:  never with this
  man's stride of mine to come up with it; never with these man's
  hands of mine to touch it; never more to this man's heart of mine to
  hold it in its purity。  And here you see me working out; as
  cheerfully and thankfully as I may; my doom of shaving in the glass
  a constant change of customers; and of lying down and rising up with
  the skeleton allotted to me for my mortal companion。
  I have always noticed a prevalent want of courage; even among
  persons of superior intelligence and culture; as to imparting their
  own psychological experiences when those have been of a strange
  sort。  Almost all men are afraid that what they could relate in such
  wise would find no parallel or response in a listener's internal
  life; and might be suspected or laughed at。  A truthful traveller;
  who should have seen some extraordinary creature in the likeness of
  a sea…serpent; would have no fear of mentioning it; but the same
  traveller; having had some singular presentiment; impulse; vagary of
  thought; vision (so…called); dream; or other remarkable mental
  impression; would hesitate considerably before he would own to it。
  To this reticence I attribute much of the obscurity in which such
  subjects are involved。  We do not habitually communicate our
  experiences of these subjective things as we do our experiences of
  objective creation。  The consequence is; that the general stock of
  experience in this regard appears exceptional; and really is so; in
  respect of being miserably imperfect。
  In what I am going to relate; I have no intention of setting up;
  opposing; or supporting; any theory whatever。  I know the history of
  the Bookseller of Berlin; I have studied the case of the wife of a
  late Astronomer Royal as related by Sir David Brewster; and I have
  followed the minutest details of a much more remarkable case of
  Spectral Illusion occurring within my private circle of friends。  It
  may be necessary to state as to this last; that the sufferer (a
  lady) was in no degree; however distant; related to me。  A mistaken
  assumption on that head might suggest an explanation of a part of my
  own case;but only a part;which would be wholly without
  foundation。  It cannot be referred to my inheritance of any
  developed peculiarity; nor had I ever before any at all similar
  experience; nor have I ever had any at all similar experience since。
  It does not signify how many years ago; or how few; a certain murder
  was committed in England; which attracted great attention。  We hear
  more than enough of murderers as they rise in succession to their
  atrocious eminence; and I would bury the memory of this particular
  brute; if I could; as his body was buried; in Newgate Jail。  I
  purposely abstain from giving any direct clue to the criminal's
  When the murder was first discovered; no suspicion fellor I ought
  rather to say; for I cannot be too precise in my facts; it was
  nowhere publicly hinted that any suspicion fellon the man who was
  afterwards brought to trial。  As no reference was at that time made
  to him in the newspapers; it is obviously impossible that any
  description of him can at that time have been given in the
  newspapers。  It is essential that this fact be remembered。
  Unfolding at breakfast my morning paper; containing the account of
  that first discovery; I found it to be deeply interesting; and I
  read it with close attention。  I read it twice; if not three times。
  The discovery had been made in a bedroom; and; when I laid down the
  paper; I was aware of a flashrushflowI do not know what to
  call it;no word I can find is satisfactorily descriptive;in
  which I seemed to see that bedroom passing through my room; like a
  picture impossibly painted on a running river。  Though almost
  instantaneous in its passing; it was perfectly clear; so clear that
  I distinctly; and with a sense of relief; observed the absence of
  the dead body from the bed。
  It was in no romantic place that I had this curious sensation; but
  in chambers in Piccadilly; very near to the corner of St。 James's
  Street。  It was entirely new to me。  I was in my easy…chair at the
  moment; and the sensation was accompanied with a peculiar shiver
  which started the chair from its position。  (But it is to be noted
  that the chair ran easily on castors。)  I went to one of the windows
  (there are two in the room; and the room is on the second floor) to
  refresh my eyes with the moving objects down in Piccadilly。  It was
  a bright autumn morning; and the street was sparkling and cheerful。
  The wind was high。  As I looked out; it brought down from the Park a
  quantity of fallen leaves; which a gust took; and whirled into a
  spiral pillar。  As the pillar fell and the leaves dispersed; I saw
  two men on the opposite side of the way; going from West to East。
  They were one behind the other。  The foremost man often looked back
  over his shoulder。  The second man followed him; at a distance of
  some thirty paces; with his right hand menacingly raised。  First;
  the singularity and steadiness of this threatening gesture in so
  public a thoroughfare attracted my attention; and next; the more
  remarkable circumstance that nobody heeded it。  Both men threaded
  their way among the other passengers with a smoothness hardly
  consistent even with the action of walking on a pavement; and no
  single creature; that I could see; gave them place; touched them; or
  looked after them。  In passing before my windows; they both stared
  up at me。  I saw their two faces very distinctly; and I knew that I
  could recognise them anywhere。  Not that I had consciously noticed
  anything very remarkable in either face; except that the man who
  went first had an unusually lowering appearance; and that the face
  of the man who followed him was of the colour of impure wax。