第 1 节
作者:溜溜      更新:2021-05-14 22:30      字数:9322
  by Hans Christian Andersen
  THERE was once a merchant who was so rich that he could have paved
  the whole street with gold; and would even then have had enough for
  a small alley。 But he did not do so; he knew the value of money better
  than to use it in this way。 So clever was he; that every shilling he
  put out brought him a crown; and so he continued till he died。 His son
  inherited his wealth; and he lived a merry life with it; he went to
  a masquerade every night; made kites out of five pound notes; and
  threw pieces of gold into the sea instead of stones; making ducks
  and drakes of them。 In this manner he soon lost all his money。 At last
  he had nothing left but a pair of slippers; an old dressing…gown;
  and four shillings。 And now all his friends deserted him; they could
  not walk with him in the streets; but one of them; who was very
  good…natured; sent him an old trunk with this message; 〃Pack up!〃
  〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃it is all very well to say 'pack up;' 〃but he had
  nothing left to pack up; therefore he seated himself in the trunk。
  It was a very wonderful trunk; no sooner did any one press on the lock
  than the trunk could fly。 He shut the lid and pressed the lock; when
  away flew the trunk up the chimney with the merchant's son in it;
  right up into the clouds。 Whenever the bottom of the trunk cracked; he
  was in a great fright; for if the trunk fell to pieces he would have
  made a tremendous somerset over the trees。 However; he got safely in
  his trunk to the land of Turkey。 He hid the trunk in the wood under
  some dry leaves; and then went into the town: he could so this very
  well; for the Turks always go about dressed in dressing…gowns and
  slippers; as he was himself。 He happened to meet a nurse with a little
  child。 〃I say; you Turkish nurse;〃 cried he; 〃what castle is that near
  the town; with the windows placed so high?〃
  〃The king's daughter lives there;〃 she replied; 〃it has been
  prophesied that she will be very unhappy about a lover; and
  therefore no one is allowed to visit her; unless the king and queen
  are present。〃
  〃Thank you;〃 said the merchant's son。 So he went back to the wood;
  seated himself in his trunk; flew up to the roof of the castle; and
  crept through the window into the princess's room。 She lay on the sofa
  asleep; and she was so beautiful that the merchant's son could not
  help kissing her。 Then she awoke; and was very much frightened; but he
  told her he was a Turkish angel; who had come down through the air
  to see her; which pleased her very much。 He sat down by her side and
  talked to her: he said her eyes were like beautiful dark lakes; in
  which the thoughts swam about like little mermaids; and he told her
  that her forehead was a snowy mountain; which contained splendid halls
  full of pictures。 And then he related to her about the stork who
  brings the beautiful children from the rivers。 These were delightful
  stories; and when he asked the princess if she would marry him; she
  consented immediately。
  〃But you must come on Saturday;〃 she said; 〃for then the king
  and queen will take tea with me。 They will be very proud when they
  find that I am going to marry a Turkish angel; but you must think of
  some very pretty stories to tell them; for my parents like to hear
  stories better than anything。 My mother prefers one that is deep and
  moral; but my father likes something funny; to make him laugh。〃
  〃Very well;〃 he replied; 〃I shall bring you no other marriage
  portion than a story;〃 and so they parted。 But the princess gave him a
  sword which was studded with gold coins; and these he could use。
  Then he flew away to the town and bought a new dressing…gown;
  and afterwards returned to the wood; where he composed a story; so
  as to be ready for Saturday; which was no easy matter。 It was ready
  however by Saturday; when he went to see the princess。 The king; and
  queen; and the whole court; were at tea with the princess; and he
  was received with great politeness。
  〃Will you tell us a story?〃 said the queen;… 〃one that is
  instructive and full of deep learning。〃
  〃Yes; but with something in it to laugh at;〃 said the king。
  〃Certainly;〃 he replied; and commenced at once; asking them to
  listen attentively。 〃There was once a bundle of matches that were
  exceedingly proud of their high descent。 Their genealogical tree; that
  is; a large pine…tree from which they had been cut; was at one time
  a large; old tree in the wood。 The matches now lay between a
  tinder…box and an old iron saucepan; and were talking about their
  youthful days。 'Ah! then we grew on the green boughs; and were as
  green as they; every morning and evening we were fed with diamond
  drops of dew。 Whenever the sun shone; we felt his warm rays; and the
  little birds would relate stories to us as they sung。 We knew that
  we were rich; for the other trees only wore their green dress in
  summer; but our family were able to array themselves in green;
  summer and winter。 But the wood…cutter came; like a great
  revolution; and our family fell under the axe。 The head of the house
  obtained a situation as mainmast in a very fine ship; and can sail
  round the world when he will。 The other branches of the family were
  taken to different places; and our office now is to kindle a light for
  common people。 This is how such high…born people as we came to be in a
  〃'Mine has been a very different fate;' said the iron pot; which
  stood by the matches; 'from my first entrance into the world I have
  been used to cooking and scouring。 I am the first in this house;
  when anything solid or useful is required。 My only pleasure is to be
  made clean and shining after dinner; and to sit in my place and have a
  little sensible conversation with my neighbors。 All of us; excepting
  the water…bucket; which is sometimes taken into the courtyard; live
  here together within these four walls。 We get our news from the
  market…basket; but he sometimes tells us very unpleasant things
  about the people and the government。 Yes; and one day an old pot was
  so alarmed; that he fell down and was broken to pieces。 He was a
  liberal; I can tell you。'
  〃'You are talking too much;' said the tinder…box; and the steel
  struck against the flint till some sparks flew out; crying; 'We want a
  merry evening; don't we?'
  〃'Yes; of course;' said the matches; 'let us talk about those
  who are the highest born。'
  〃'No; I don't like to be always talking of what we are;'
  remarked the saucepan; 'let us think of some other amusement; I will
  begin。 We will tell something that has happened to ourselves; that
  will be very easy; and interesting as well。 On the Baltic Sea; near
  the Danish shore'…
  〃'What a pretty commencement!' said the plates; 'we shall all
  like that story; I am sure。'
  〃'Yes; well in my youth; I lived in a quiet family; where the
  furniture was polished; the floors scoured; and clean curtains put
  up every fortnight;'
  〃'What an interesting way you have of relating a story;' said
  the carpet…broom; 'it is easy to perceive that you have been a great
  deal in women's society; there is something so pure runs through
  what you say。'
  〃'That is quite true;' said the water…bucket; and he made a spring
  with joy; and splashed some water on the floor。
  〃Then the saucepan went on with his story; and the end was as good
  as the beginning。
  〃The plates rattled with pleasure; and the carpet…broom brought
  some green parsley out of the dust…hole and crowned the saucepan;
  for he knew it would vex the others; and he thought; 'If I crown him
  to…day he will crown me to…morrow。'
  〃'Now; let us have a dance;' said the fire…tongs; and then how
  they danced and stuck up one leg in the air。 The chair…cushion in
  the corner burst with laughter when she saw it。
  〃'Shall I be crowned now?' asked the fire…tongs; so the broom
  found another wreath for the tongs。
  〃'They were only common people after all;' thought the matches。
  The tea…urn was now asked to sing; but she said she had a cold; and
  could not sing without boiling heat。 They all thought this was
  affectation; and because she did not wish to sing excepting in the
  parlor; when on the table with the grand people。
  〃In the window sat an old quill…pen; with which the maid generally
  wrote。 There was nothing remarkable about the pen; excepting that it
  had been dipped too deeply in the ink; but it was proud of that。
  〃'If the tea…urn won't sing;' said the pen; 'she can leave it
  alone; there is a nightingale in a cage who can sing; she has not been
  taught much; certainly; but we need not say anything this evening
  about that。'
  〃'I think it highly improper;' said the tea…kettle; who was
  kitchen singer; and half…brother to the tea…urn; 'that a rich
  foreign bird should be listened to here。 Is it patriotic? Let the
  market…basket decide what is right。'
  〃'I certainly am vexed;' said the basket; 'inwardly vexed; more
  than any one can imagine。 A