第 20 节
作者:雨霖铃      更新:2021-05-03 16:33      字数:9322
  Australia; Japan; etc。; rests in the hands of the boys。 If the game is to grow;
  tennis     must   be   encouraged      among     the   youngsters     and    played    in  the
  England is faced with a serious problem。 Eton and Harrow; the two big
  schools; are firm set against tennis。 The other institutions naturally follow
  in the lead of these famous schools。 The younger generation is growing up
  with little or no knowledge of tennis。 One thing that forcibly bore in on
  my mind; during my trip in 1920; was the complete absence of boys of all
  ages at the various tournaments。 In America youngsters from ten years of
  age up swarm all over the grounds at big tennis events。 I saw very few of
  either   at   Queen's   Club;   Wimbledon;   Eastbourne;   or   Edgbaston   where   I
  played。 The  boys   do   not   understand   tennis   in   England;   and   naturally  do
  not care to play it。
  The English Lawn Tennis Association is very desirous of building up
  tennis in the schools; but so far has not yet succeeded in breaking down
  the old prejudice。 It is really a question of life or death with English tennis
  at this time。 Major A。 R。 F。 Kingscote; the youngest of the leading players
  in   England;   is   older   than   any   man   in   the   American   First   ten;   with   the
  single exception of Walter T。 Hayes。 J。 C。 Parke has stated definitely that
  1920 marked his retirement from the game。 He is just under forty。 Young
  players   must   be   found   to   replace   the   waning   stars。   The   danger   is   not
  immediate; for all the players who proved so good in 1920 seemed certain
  … Page 75…
  of several more years of first… class play; but what of the next ten years?
  The future development of tennis is dependent largely upon the type of
  court that will become the standard。 All big fixtures to…day are played on
  grass wherever possible。 There is little question but that the grass game is
  the best。 In the first place; it is the old…established custom; and should be
  maintained       if  possible。   Secondly;     the  game     is  more    skilful  and   more
  interesting on turf。 Thirdly; grass is far easier on the eyes and feet of the
  players than any other surface。
  There are drawbacks to grass courts。 Grass cannot grow in all climates。
  The   grass   season   opens   late   and   closes   early。  The   expense   of   upkeep   is
  very great; and skilled groundsmen are required at all clubs that have grass
  The   hard   court   of   clay   or   dirt;   cinder;   en…tout…cas;   or   asphalt   allows
  more   continuous   play  and uniform  conditions   in   more   kinds   of   weather。
  The bound is truer and higher; but the light and surface are harder on the
  player。   The   balls   wear   light   very   rapidly;   while   racquets   wear   through
  quite soon。
  The   advantages   are   a   much   longer   season   on   hard   courts;   with   less
  chance of weather interrupting important meetings。 The courts require far
  less care in upkeep than grass。
  What has been the actual tendency in the last decade? In America the
  hard courts erected have been approximately nine to one grass。 America is
  rapidly   become   a   hard…court   country。   France   is   entirely   on   a   hard…court
  basis; there are no grass courts at all。 Play in South Africa is entirely on
  hard courts。 Australia and the British Isles have successfully repelled the
  hard…court      invasion    thus   far;  although     during    the  past   two    years   the
  number of hard courts put up in England has exceeded grass。
  The    en…tout…cas     court   of  peculiar    red   surface   is  the   most   popular
  composition in England and the Continent。
  There seems little doubt but that the hard court is the coming surface
  in the next decade。 Grass will continue to be used for the most important
  events;     but  the   great   majority    of   the  tennis   played;    exclusive     of  the
  championships; will be on hard courts。
  The   result   on   the   game   will   be   one   of   increasing   the   value   of   the
  … Page 76…
  ground stroke and partially cutting down the net attack; since the surface
  of a   hard court is slippery  and tends to   make it hard to   reach the net   to
  volley。 Thus the natural attack will become a drive and not a volley。 Hard…
  court    play    speeds    up   the  ground     strokes;    and   makes     the   game    more
  The installation of hard courts universally should spread tennis rapidly;
  since it will afford more chance to play over a longer period。 The growth
  of public courts in the parks and the municipal play grounds in America
  has been   a big   factor in   the spread of the game's popularity。  Formerly  a
  man or boy had to belong to a club in order to have an opportunity to play
  tennis。   Now   all   he   needs   is   a   racquet   and   balls;   and   he   may   play   on   a
  public   court   in   his   own   city。   This   movement   will   spread;   not   only   in
  America but throughout the world。 England and France have some public
  courts; but their systems are not quite as well organized as the American。
  The branch of tennis which England and France foster; and in which
  America is woefully lax; is the indoor game。 Unfortunately the majority of
  the courts abroad have wood surfaces; true but lightning fast。 The perfect
  indoor court should retain its true bound; but slow up the skid of the ball。
  The     most    successful     surface     I  have    ever   played     upon    is   battleship
  linoleumthe       heavy    covering     used    on   men…of…war。      This    gives   a  true;
  slightly retarded bound; not unlike a very fast grass court。
  Indoor   play   in   America   is   sadly   crippled   by   reason   of   no   adequate
  facilities for play。 The so…called National Indoor Championship is held at
  the Seventh Regiment Armoury in New York City on a wood floor; with
  such   frightful   lighting   that   it   is   impossible   to   play   real   tennis。   The   two
  covered   courts   at   Longwood   Club;   Boston;   are   very   fine;   well   lighted;
  with   plenty   of   space。   There   is   a   magnificent   court   at   Providence;   and
  another   at   Buffalo。   Utica   boasts   of   another;   while   there   are   several   fine
  courts;   privately   owned;   on   Long   Island。   New   York   City   uses   the   big
  armouries for indoor play; but the surface and light in these are not fit for
  real tennis。 The Brooklyn Heights Casino has the only adequate court in
  the Metropolitan district。
  Philadelphia   and   Chicago;   cities   of   enormous   populations   and   great
  tennis interest; have no courts or facilities for indoor play。 This condition
  … Page 77…
  must   be   rectified   in   America   if   we   wish   to   keep   our   supremacy   in   the
  tennis world。 The French players are remarkable on wood。 Gobert is said
  to be   the  superior   of   any  player  in   the  world;  when   playing   under   good
  conditions   indoors。 The   game   of   tennis   is   worthy  of   having   all   types   of
  play within reach of its devotees。 Why should a player drop his sport in
  October because the weather is cold? Indoor play during the winter means
  an improvement from season to season。 Lack of it is practically stagnation
  or retrogression。
  The future will see a growth of hard…court play the world over。 Grass
  must fight to hold its position。 Indoor play will come more and more into
  … Page 78…
  What will be the outcome of the world…wide boom in tennis? Will the
  game change materially in the coming years? Time; alone; can answer; but
  with that rashness that seizes one when the opportunity to prophesy arrives
  and no one is at hand to cry 〃Hold; hold;〃 I dare to submit my views on
  the coming years in international tennis。
  I do not look to see a material change in the playing rules。 A revival of
  the footfault fiend; who desires to handicap the server; is international in
  character     and;    like   the   poor;   〃always     with   us。〃   The    International
  Federation has practically adopted a footfault rule for 1921 that prohibits
  the   server    lifting  one   foot  unless    replaced    behind   the   baseline