第 16 节
作者:雨霖铃      更新:2021-05-03 16:33      字数:9322
  The first essential of doubles play is to PUT the ball in play。 A double
  fault   is   bad   in   singles;   but   it   is   inexcusable   in   doubles。   The   return   of
  service   should   be   certain。 After   that   it   should   be   low   and   to   the   server
  coming   in。   Do   not   strive   for   clean   aces   in   doubles   until   you   have   the
  opening。 Remember that to pass two men is a difficult task。
  Always attack in doubles。 The net is the only place in the court to play
  the doubles game; and you should always strive to attain the net position。
  There   are   two   formations   for   the   receiving   team:   one   is   the   Australian
  formation   with   the   receiver's   partner   standing   in   to   volley   the   server's
  return volley; the other is the English and American style with both men
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  back; thus giving the net attack to the server。 This is safer; but less likely to
  produce       a  winning      result   unless     the   team    is   a  wonderful       lobbing
  combination。 Lobbing is a sound defence in doubles; and is used to open
  the court。
  I   believe   in   always   trying   for   the   kill   when   you   see   a   real   opening。
  〃Poach〃   (go   for   a   shot   which   is   not   really   on   your   side   of   the   court)
  whenever you see a chance to score。 Never poach unless you go for the
  kill。 It is a win or nothing shot since it opens your whole court。 If you are
  missing badly do not poach; as it is very disconcerting to your partner。
  The question of covering a doubles court should not be a serious one。
  With   all   men   striving   to   attain the   net   all   the time   every  shot   should   be
  built   up   with   that   idea。   Volley   and   smash   whenever   possible;   and   only
  retreat when absolutely necessary。
  When   the   ball   goes   toward   the   side…line   the   net   player   on   that   side
  goes in close and toward the line。 His partner falls slightly back and to the
  centre  of   the   court;  thus   covering   the  shot   between   the  men。   If   the   next
  return goes to the other side; the two men reverse positions。 The theory of
  court covering is two sides of a triangle; with the angle in the centre and
  the two sides running to the side…lines and in the direction of the net。
  Each man should cover overhead balls over his own head; and hit them
  in the air whenever possible; since to allow them to drop gives the net to
  the   other   team。 The   only  time   for   the   partner   to   protect   the   overhead   is
  when the net man 〃poaches;〃 is outguessed; and the ball tossed over his
  head。 Then the server covers and strives for a kill at once。
  Always be ready to protect your partner; but do not take shots over his
  head unless he calls for you to; or you see a certain kill。 Then say 〃Mine;〃
  step   in   and   hit   decisively。   The   matter   of   overhead   balls;   crossing   under
  them; and such incidentals of team work are matters of personal opinion;
  and should be arranged by each team according to their joint views。 I only
  offer    general     rules   that  can    be   modified     to   meet    the   wishes    of   the
  Use   the   lob   as   a   defence;   and   to   give   time   to   extricate   yourself   and
  your partner from a bad position。 The value of service in doubles cannot
  be   too   strongly   emphasized   since   it   gives   the   net   to   the   server。   Service
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  should always be held。 To lose service is an unpardonable sin in first…class
  doubles。   All   shots   in   doubles   should   be   low   or   very   high。   Do   not   hit
  shoulder…high as it is too easy to kill。 Volley down and hard if possible。
  Every shot you make should be made with a definite idea of opening the
  Hit down the centre to disrupt the team work of the opposing team; but
  hit to the side…lines for your aces。
  Pick   one   man;   preferably   the   weaker   of   your   opponents;   and   centre
  your attack on him and keep it there。 Pound him unmercifully; and in time
  he should crack under the attack。 It is very foolish to alternate attack; since
  it simply puts both men on their game and tires neither。
  If your   partner   starts   badly  play  safely  and   surely  until   he   rounds   to
  form。 Never show annoyance with your partner。 Do not scold him。 He is
  doing the best he can; and fighting with him does no good。 Encourage him
  at all times and don't worry。 A team that is fighting among themselves has
  little   time   left   to   play   tennis;   and   after   all   tennis   is   the   main   object   of
  Offer suggestions to your partner at any time during a match; but do
  not insist on his following them; and do not get peevish if he doesn't。 He
  simply does not agree with you; and he may be right。 Who knows?
  Every   doubles   team   should   have   a   leader   to   direct   its   play;   but   that
  leader must always be willing to drop leadership for any given point when
  his   partner   has   the   superior   position。   It   is   policy   of   attack   not   type   of
  stroke that the leader should determine。
  Pick a partner and stick to him。 He should be a man you like and want
  to play with; and he should want to play with you。 This will do away with
  much   friction。   His   style   should   not   be   too   nearly   your   own;   since   you
  double the faults without greatly increasing the virtues。
  I am a great believer in a brilliant man teaming up with a steady player。
  Let your steady man keep the ball in play; and allow your brilliant man all
  the room he wants to 〃poach〃 and kill。 Thus you get the best of both men。
  Doubles   is   a   game   of   finesse   more   than   speed。   The   great   doubles
  players; the Dohertys; Norman E。 Brookes; the greatest in the world to…day;
  Roper   Barrett;   Beals Wright;   and   F。   B。 Alexander;   are   all   men   of   subtle
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  finesse rather than terrific speed。
  It requires more than speed of shot to beat two men over a barrier 3 to
  3   1/2   feet   high   with   a   distance   of   some   32   feet。   It   is   angles;   pace;   and
  accuracy      that   should    be   the  aim    in  a  great   doubles     game。    Resource;
  versatility; and subtlety; not speed; win doubles matches。
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  Lawn tennis is the outgrowth of the old French game of the courts of
  the early Louis。 It spread to England; where it gained a firm hold on public
  favour。 The game   divided;   the   original form  being   closely  adhered to in
  the   game     known     in  America     as  〃Court    tennis;〃   but   which    is  called
  〃Tennis〃 in England。 Lawn tennis grew out of it。
  The old style game was played over a net some 5 feet high; and the
  service was always from the same end; the players changing courts each
  game。   It   was   more   on   the   style   of   the   present   game   of   badminton   or
  battledore and shuttlecock。
  Gradually the desire for active play had its effect; in a lowered net and
  changed laws; and tennis; as we know it; grew into being。 From its earliest
  period; which is deeply shrouded in mystery; came the terms of 〃love〃 for
  〃nothing〃   and   〃deuce〃   for   〃40…all。〃   What   they   meant   originally;   or   how
  they   gained   their   hold   is   unknown;   but   the   terms   are   a   tradition   of   the
  game and just as much a part of the scoring system as the 〃game〃 or 〃set〃
  In   1920   the   Rules   Committee   of   the   American   Tennis   Association
  advocated a change in scoring that replaced love; 15; 30; 40 with the more
  comprehensive 1; 2; 3; 4。 The real reason for the proposed change was the
  belief   that   the   word   〃love〃   in   tennis   made   the   uninitiated   consider   the
  game effeminate and repelled possible supporters。 The loyal adherents of
  the old customs of the game proved too strong; and defeated the proposed
  change in scoring by an overwhelming majority。
  Personally; I think there is some slight claim to consideration for t