第 13 节
作者:双曲线      更新:2021-04-30 17:21      字数:9282
  after…heave   of   a   storm;   lay   in   our   way。    Then   we   crossed   a   ravine。      It
  was not much of a ravine; in fact it was more like a slight gouge in the
  flatness of the country。         After that we began to see oak…trees; scattered at
  rare intervals。      So interested were we in them that we did not notice rocks
  beginning   to   outcrop   through   the   soil   until   they   had   become   numerous
  enough      to   be  a   feature   of   the   landscape。       The     hills;  gently;   quietly;
  without   abrupt   transition;   almost   as   though   they   feared   to   awaken   our
  alarm   by   too   abrupt   movement   of   growth;   glided   from   little   swells   to
  bigger swells。        The oaks gathered closer together。               The ravine's brother
  could almost be called a canon。             The character of the country had entirely
  And   yet;   so   gradually   had   this   change   come   about   that   we   did   not
  awaken to a full realization of our escape。                 To us it was still the plain; a
  trifle   modified   by   local   peculiarity;   but   presently   to   resume   its   wonted
  aspect。     We plodded on dully; anodyned with the desert patience。
  But   at   a   little   before   noon;   as   we   rounded   the   cheek   of   a   slope;   we
  encountered an errant current of air。              It came up to us curiously; touched
  … Page 43…
  us each in turn; and went on。         The warm furnace heat drew in on us again。
  But it had been a cool little current of air; with something of the sweetness
  of pines and water and snow…banks in it。             The Tenderfoot suddenly reined
  in his horse and looked about him。
  〃Boys!〃 he   cried;   a  new   ring   of   joy  in   his   voice;   〃we're   in   the   foot…
  Wes calculated rapidly。         〃It's the eighth day to…day:        I guessed right
  on the time。〃
  We stretched our arms   and   looked about   us。           They were   dry  brown
  hills enough; but they were hills; and they had trees on them; and canons
  in them; so to our eyes; wearied with flatness; they seemed wonderful。
  … Page 44…
  At once our spirits rose。       We straightened in our saddles; we breathed
  deep; we joked。        The country was scorched and sterile; the wagon…trail;
  almost paralleling the mountains themselves on a long easy slant toward
  the   high   country;   was   ankle…deep   in   dust;   the   ravines   were   still   dry   of
  water。    But   it   was   not   the   Inferno;   and   that   one   fact   sufficed。 After   a
  while   we   crossed   high   above   a   river   which   dashed   white   water   against
  black rocks; and so were happy。
  The     country     went     on   changing。        The     change     was     always
  imperceptible; as is growth; or the stealthy advance of autumn through the
  woods。      From     moment       to   moment     one    could   detect   no   alteration。
  Something       intangible     was   taken   away;    something     impalpable     added。
  At the end of an hour we were in the oaks and sycamores;                  at the end of
  two we were in the pines and low           mountains of Bret Harte's Forty…Nine。
  The wagon…trail felt ever farther and farther into the hills。            It had not
  been used as a stage…route for years; but the freighting kept it deep with
  dust; that writhed and twisted and crawled lazily knee…high to our horses;
  like a living creature。       We felt the swing and sweep of the route。              The
  boldness of its stretches; the freedom of its reaches for the opposite slope;
  the   wide    curve   of  its  horseshoes;    all  filled  us  with   the  breath   of  an
  expansion which as yet the broad low country only suggested。
  Everything here was reminiscent of long ago。             The very names hinted
  stories    of  the  Argonauts。     Coarse     Gold    Gulch;   Whiskey     Creek;    Grub
  Gulch;   Fine   Gold   Post…Office   in   turn   we   passed。    Occasionally;   with   a
  fine round dash into the  open;  the trail   drew  one side  to   a  stage…station。
  The huge stables; the wide corrals; the low living…houses; each shut in its
  dooryard   of blazing   riotous   flowers;   were   all   familiar。   Only  lacked   the
  old…fashioned   Concord   coach;   from   which   to   descend   Jack   Hamlin   or
  Judge Starbottle。      As for M'liss; she was there; sunbonnet and all。
  Down in the gulch bottoms were the old placer diggings。                  Elaborate
  little ditches for the deflection of water; long cradles for the separation of
  gold; decayed rockers; and shining in the sun the tons and tons of pay dirt
  … Page 45…
  which   had   been   turned   over   pound   by  pound   in   the   concentrating   of   its
  treasure。     Some   of   the   old   cabins   still   stood。 It   was   all   deserted   now;
  save    for   the  few    who    kept   trail  for  the  freighters;    or  who    tilled  the
  restricted bottom…lands of the flats。          Road…runners racked away down the
  paths;     squirrels    scurried    over    worn…out     placers;    jays   screamed      and
  chattered   in   and   out   of   the   abandoned   cabins。      Strange   and   shy   little
  creatures and birds; reassured by the silence of many years; had ventured
  to   take   to  themselves      the  engines    of  man's    industry。    And     the   warm
  California sun embalmed it all in a peaceful forgetfulness。
  Now the trees grew bigger; and the hills more impressive。                  We should
  call them mountains in the East。            Pines covered them to the top; straight
  slender pines with voices。           The little flats were planted with great oaks。
  When we rode through them; they shut out the hills; so that we might have
  imagined ourselves in the level wooded country。                 There insisted the effect
  of limitless tree…grown plains; which the warm drowsy sun; the park…like
  landscape;   corroborated。         And   yet   the   contrast   of   the   clear   atmosphere
  and the sharp air equally insisted on the mountains。                It was a strange and
  delicious double effect; a contradiction of natural impressions; a negation
  of our right to generalize from previous experience。
  Always the trail wound up and up。               Never was it steep; never did it
  command        an   outlook。    Yet    we   felt  that  at  last  we    were   rising;   were
  leaving   the   level   of   the   Inferno;   were   nearing   the   threshold   of   the   high
  Mountain peoples came to the edges of their clearings and gazed at us;
  responding solemnly to our salutations。              They dwelt in cabins and held to
  agriculture and the herding of the wild mountain cattle。                   From them we
  heard of the high country to which we were bound。                    They spoke of it as
  you    or   I  would    speak    of  interior   Africa;   as   something     inconceivably
  remote; to be visited only by the adventurous; an uninhabited realm of vast
  magnitude   and   unknown   dangers。           In   the   same   way   they   spoke   of   the
  plains。    Only the narrow pine…clad strip between the two and six thousand
  feet   of   elevation   they   felt   to   be   their   natural   environment。   In   it   they
  found the proper conditions for their existence。              Out of it those conditions
  lacked。      They   were   as   much   a   localized   product   as   are   certain   plants
  … Page 46…
  which occur only at certain altitudes。     Also were they densely ignorant of
  trails and routes outside of their own little districts。
  All this; you will understand; was in what is known as the low country。
  The landscape was still brown; the streams but trickles; sage…brush clung
  to the ravines; the valley quail whistled on the side hills。
  But one day we came suddenly into the big pines and           rocks; and that
  very night we made our first camp in a       meadow typical of the mountains
  we had dreamed about。
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