第 4 节
作者:开了      更新:2021-04-30 17:21      字数:9321
  tranquil deportment; but I perceive his sufferings are the greater from
  thus endeavouring to conceal them。  By the by; I forgot to mention that
  he knew of the visit you paid me on the day after the catastrophe。  I
  dreaded that your enemies; the greater number of whom are also mine;
  might have misrepresented that interview; but; fortunately; he paid
  little attention to it。  He merely said; 'So you have seen Bourrienne?
  Does he sulk at me?  Nevertheless I must do something for him。'  He has
  again spoken in the same strain; and repeated nearly the same expressions
  three days ago; and since he has commanded your presence to…day; I have
  not a doubt but he has something in view for your advantage。〃〃 May I
  presume to inquire what it is?〃〃I do not yet know; but I would
  recommend to you; in the meantime; to be more strictly on your guard than
  ever; he is so suspicious; and so well informed of all that is done or
  said respecting himself。  I have suffered so much since I last saw you;
  never can I forget the unkind manner in which he rejected my entreaties!
  For several days I laboured under a depression of spirits which greatly
  irritated him; because he clearly saw whence it proceeded。  I am not
  dazzled by the title of Empress; I dread some evil will result from this
  step to him; to my children; and to myself。  The miscreants ought to be
  satisfied; see to what they have driven us!  This death embitters every
  moment of my life。  I need not say to you; Bourrienne; that I speak this
  in confidence。〃〃You cannot doubt my prudence。〃〃 No; certainly not;
  Bourrienne。  I do not doubt it。  My confidence in you is unbounded。  Rest
  assured that I shall never forget what you have done for me; under
  various circumstances; and the devotedness you evinced to me on your
  return from Egypt。Adieu; my friend。  Let me see you soon again。〃
  It was on the 14th of June 1804 that I had this audience of the Emperor;
  and afterwards attended the Empress。
  On my return home I spent three hours in making notes of all that was
  said to me by these two personages; and the substance of these notes I
  have now given to the reader。
  Curious disclosures of FoucheRemarkable words of Bonaparte
  respecting the protest of Louis XVIIISecret document inserted in
  the MoniteurAnnouncement from Bonaparte to RegnierFouche
  appointed Minister of PoliceError of Regnier respecting the
  conspiracy of GeorgesUndeserved praise bestowed on Fouche
  Indication of the return of the BourbonsVariation between the
  words and conduct of BonaparteThe iron crownCelebration of the
  14th of JulyChurch festivals and loss of timeGrand ceremonial at
  the InvalidesRecollections of the 18th BrumaireNew oath of the
  Legion of HonourGeneral enthusiasmDeparture for BoulogneVisits
  to Josephine at St。 Cloud and MalmaisonJosephine and Madame de
  RemusatPardons granted by the EmperorAnniversary of the 14th of
  JulyDeparture for the camp of BoulogneGeneral error respecting
  Napoleon's designsCaesar's TowerDistribution of the crosses of
  the Legion of HonourThe military throneBonaparte's charlatanism
  Intrepidity of two English sailorsThe decennial prizes and the
  Polytechnic SchoolMeeting of the Emperor and EmpressFirst
  negotiation with the Holy SeaThe Prefect of Arras and Comte Louis
  de NarbonneChange in the French Ministry。
  Louis XVIII。; being at Warsaw when he was informed of the elevation of
  Napoleon to the Imperial dignity; addressed to the sovereigns of Europe a
  protest against that usurpation of his throne。  Fouche; being the first
  who heard of this protest; immediately communicated the circumstance to
  the Emperor; observing that doubtless the copies would be multiplied and
  distributed amongst the enemies of his Government; in the Faubourg St。
  Germain; which might produce the worst effects; and that he therefore
  deemed it his duty to inform him that orders might be given to Regnier
  and Real to keep a strict watch over those engaged in distributing this
  〃You may judge of my surprise;〃 added Fouche; 〃you who know so well that
  formerly the very mention of the Bourbons rendered Bonaparte furious;
  when; after perusing the protest; he returned it to me; saying; 'Ah; ah;
  so the Comte de Lille makes his protest!  Well; well; all in good time。
  I hold my right by the voice of the French nation; and while I wear a
  sword I will maintain it!  The Bourbons ought to know that I do not fear
  them; let them; therefore; leave me in tranquillity。  Did you say that
  the fools of the Faubourg St。 Germain would multiply the copies of this
  protest of Comte de Lille?  well; they shall read it at their ease。  Send
  it to the Moniteur; Fouche; and let it be inserted to…morrow morning。'〃
  This passed on the 30th of June; and the next day the protest of Louis
  XVIII。 did actually appear in that paper。
  Fouche was wholly indifferent respecting the circulation of this protest;
  he merely wished to show the Emperor that he was better informed of
  passing events than Regnier; and to afford Napoleon another proof of the
  inexperience and inability of the Grand Judge in police; and Fouche was
  not long in receiving the reward which he expected from this step。  In
  fact; ten days after the publication of the protest; the Emperor
  announced to Regnier the re…establishment of the Ministry of General
  The formula; I Pray God to have you in His holy keeping; with which the
  letter to Regnier closed; was another step of Napoleon in the knowledge
  of ancient usages; with which he was not sufficiently familiar when he
  wrote Cambaceres on the day succeeding his elevation to the Imperial
  throne; at the same time it must be confessed that this formula assorted
  awkwardly with the month of 〃Messidor;〃 and the 〃twelfth year of the
  The errors which Regnier had committed in the affair of Georges were the
  cause which determined Bonaparte to re…establish the Ministry of Police;
  and to bestow it on a man who had created a belief in the necessity of
  that measure; by a monstrous accumulation of plots and intrigues。  I am
  also certain that the Emperor was swayed by the probability of a war
  breaking out; which would force him to leave France; and that he
  considered Fouche as the most proper person to maintain the public
  tranquillity during his absence; and detect any cabala that might be
  formed in favour of the Bourbons。
  At this period; when Bonaparte had given the finishing blow to the
  Republic; which had only been a shadow since the 19th Brumaire; it was
  not difficult to foresee that the Bourbons would one day remount the
  throne of their ancestors; and this presentiment was not; perhaps;
  without its influence in rendering the majority greater in favour of the
  foundation of the Empire than for the establishment of a Consulate for
  life。  The reestablishment of the throne was a most important step in
  favour of the Bourbons; for that was the thing most difficult to be done。
  But Bonaparte undertook the task; and; as if by the aid of a magic rod;
  the ancient order of things was restored in the twinkling of an eye。  The
  distinctions of rankorderstitles; the noblessedecorationsall the
  baubles of vanityin short; all the burlesque tattooing which the vulgar
  regard as an indispensable attribute of royalty; reappeared in an
  instant。  The question no longer regarded the form of government; but the
  individual who should be placed at its head。  By restoring the ancient
  order of things; the Republicans had themselves decided the question; and
  it could no longer be doubted that when an occasion presented itself the
  majority of the nation would prefer the ancient royal family; to whom
  France owed her civilisation; her greatness; and her power; and who had
  exalted her to such a high degree of glory and prosperity。
  It was not one of the least singular traits in Napoleon's character that
  during the first year of his reign he retained the fete of the 14th of
  July。  It was not indeed strictly a Republican fate; but it recalled。the
  recollection of two great popular triumphs;the taking of the Bastille
  and the first Federation。  This year the 14th of July fell on a Saturday;
  and the Emperor ordered its celebration to be delayed till the following
  day; because it was Sunday; which was in conformity with the sentiments
  he delivered respecting the Concordat。  〃What renders me;〃 he said; 〃most
  hostile to the re…establishment of the Catholic worship is the number of
  festivals formerly observed。  A saint's day is a day of indolence; and I
  wish not for that; the people must labour in order to live。  I consent to
  four holidays in the year; but no more; if the gentlemen from Rome are
  not satisfied with this; they may take their departure。〃
  The loss of time seemed to him so great a calamity that he seldom failed
  to order an indispensable solemnity to be held on the succeeding holiday。
  Thus he postponed the Corpus Christi to the following Sunday。
  On Sunday; the 15th of July 1804; the Emperor appeared for the first time
  before the Parisians surrounded by all the pomp of royalty。  The members
  of the Legion of Honour; then in Paris; took