第 27 节
作者:插翅难飞      更新:2021-04-30 17:18      字数:9320
  He     rang   the   bell   furiously。    〃Two      horses;    this  instant!〃    he   cried。
  〃Colonel Gerard; your pistols!           Jane comes back with me this night from
  Gravel Hanger or there will be a new master in High Combe Hall。〃
  Behold   us   then   within   half   an   hour;   like   two   knight…   errants   of   old;
  riding forth to the rescue of this lady in distress。             It was near Tavistock
  that Lord Dacre lived; and at every house and toll…gate along the road we
  heard the news of the flying post…chaise in front of us; so there could be no
  doubt whither they were bound。             As we rode Lord Rufton told me of the
  man whom we were pursuing。
  His name; it seems; was a household word throughout all England for
  every sort of mischief。        Wine; women; dice; cards; racingin all forms of
  debauchery he had earned for himself a terrible name。                 He was of an old
  and noble family; and it had been hoped that he had sowed his wild oats
  when he married the beautiful Lady Jane Rufton。
  For    some    months     he  had   indeed    behaved     well;   and   then   he  had
  wounded her feelings in their most tender part by some unworthy liaison。
  … Page 91…
  She   had   fled   from   his   house   and   taken   refuge   with   her   brother;   from
  whose care she had now been dragged once more; against her will。                     I ask
  you if two men could have had a fairer errand than that upon which Lord
  Rufton and myself were riding。
  〃That's   Gravel   Hanger;〃   he   cried   at   last;   pointing   with   his   crop;   and
  there on the green side of a hill was an old brick and timber building as
  beautiful as only an English country…house can be。              〃There's an inn by the
  park…gate; and there we shall leave our horses;〃 he added。
  For my own part it seemed to me that with so just a cause we should
  have done best to ride boldly up to his door and summon him to surrender
  the   lady。    But    there   I  was   wrong。     For    the  one   thing   which    every
  Englishman fears is the law。          He makes it himself; and when he has once
  made it it becomes a terrible tyrant before whom the bravest quails。                   He
  will smile at breaking his neck; but he will turn pale at breaking the law。
  It seems; then; from what Lord Rufton told me as we walked through the
  park;   that   we   were   on   the   wrong   side   of   the   law   in   this   matter。 Lord
  Dacre was in the right in carrying off his wife; since she did indeed belong
  to him; and our own position now was nothing better than that of burglars
  and trespassers。      It was not for burglars to openly approach the front door。
  We could take the lady by force or by craft; but we could not take her by
  right; for the law was against us。          This was what my friend explained to
  me as we crept up toward the shelter of a shrubbery which was close to the
  windows       of  the  house。    Thence      we   could   examine     this  fortress;   see
  whether we could effect a lodgment in it; and; above all; try to establish
  some communication with the beautiful prisoner inside。
  There we were; then; in the shrubbery; Lord Rufton and I; each with a
  pistol   in  the   pockets   of  our   riding   coats;   and  with   the   most   resolute
  determination in our hearts that we should not return without the lady。
  Eagerly we scanned every window of the wide…spread house。
  Not a sign could we see of the prisoner or of anyone else; but on the
  gravel drive outside the door were the deep… sunk marks of the wheels of
  the   chaise。    There     was   no   doubt    that  they   had   arrived。    Crouching
  among      the  laurel   bushes   we   held   a  whispered     council   of   wary   but   a
  singular interruption brought it to an end。
  … Page 92…
  Out of the door of the house there stepped a tall; flaxen… haired man;
  such a figure as one would choose for the flank of a Grenadier company。
  As he turned his brown face and his blue eyes toward us I recognised Lord
  With long strides he came down the gravel path straight for the spot
  where we lay。
  〃Come out; Ned!〃 he shouted; 〃you'll have the game… keeper putting a
  charge   of   shot   into   you。  Come   out;   man;   and   don't   skulk   behind   the
  It was not a very heroic situation for us。          My poor friend rose with a
  crimson face。       I sprang to my feet also and bowed with such dignity as I
  could muster。
  〃Halloa! it's the Frenchman; is it?〃 said he; without returning my bow。
  〃I've got a crow to pluck with him already。             As to you; Ned; I knew you
  would be hot on our scent; and so I was looking out for you。                   I saw you
  cross the park and go to ground in the shrubbery。               Come in; man; and let
  us have all the cards on the table。〃
  He   seemed   master   of   the   situation;   this   handsome   giant   of   a   man;
  standing at his ease on his own ground while we slunk out of our hiding…
  place。    Lord Rufton had said not a word; but I saw by his darkened brow
  and   his   sombre   eyes   that   the   storm   was   gathering。  Lord   Dacre   led   the
  way into the house; and we followed close at his heels。
  He ushered us himself into an oak…panelled sitting…room; closing   the
  door behind us。       Then he looked me up and down with insolent eyes。
  〃Look here; Ned;〃   said he;  〃time was   when an   English family  could
  settle their own affairs in their own way。
  What has this foreign fellow got to do with your sister and my wife?〃
  〃Sir;〃   said   I;   〃permit   me   to   point   out   to   you   that   this   is   not   a   case
  merely of a sister or a wife; but that I am the friend of the lady in question;
  and    that   I  have    the  privilege    which    every    gentleman      possesses    of
  protecting a   woman   against   brutality。      It   is   only  by  a   gesture that   I   can
  show you what I think of you。〃            I had my riding glove in my hand; and I
  flicked him across the face with it。          He drew back with a bitter smile and
  his eyes were as hard as flint。
  … Page 93…
  〃So you've brought your bully with you; Ned?〃 said he。                   〃You might
  at least have done your fighting yourself; if it must come to a fight。〃
  〃So I will;〃 cried Lord Rufton。          〃Here and now。〃
  〃When I've killed this swaggering Frenchman;〃 said Lord Dacre。                      He
  stepped to a side table and opened a brass…bound case。                〃By Gad;〃 said he;
  〃either that man or I go out of this room feet foremost。                 I meant well by
  you; Ned; I did; by George; but I'll shoot this led… captain of yours as sure
  as my name's George Dacre。
  Take   your   choice   of   pistols;   sir;   and   shoot   across   this   table。 The
  barkers are loaded。       Aim straight and kill me if you can; for by the Lord if
  you don't; you're done。〃
  In   vain   Lord   Rufton   tried   to   take   the   quarrel   upon   himself。   Two
  things were clear in my mindone that the Lady Jane had feared above all
  things that her husband and brother should fight; the other that if I could
  but kill this big milord; then the whole question would be settled forever in
  the best way。       Lord Rufton did not want him。             Lady Jane did not want
  him。     Therefore;   I;   Etienne   Gerard;   their   friend;   would   pay   the   debt   of
  gratitude which I owed them by freeing them of this encumbrance。                       But;
  indeed; there was no choice in the matter; for Lord Dacre was as eager to
  put a bullet into me as I could be to do the same service to him。                  In vain
  Lord Rufton argued and scolded。             The affair must continue。
  〃Well;   if   you   must   fight   my   guest   instead   of   myself;   let   it   be   to…
  morrow   morning   with   two   witnesses;〃   he   cried;   at   last;   〃this   is   sheer
  murder across the table。〃
  〃But it suits my humour; Ned;〃 said Lord Dacre。
  〃And mine; sir;〃 said I。
  〃Then I'll have nothing to do with it;〃 cried Lord Rufton。                〃I tell you;
  George; if you shoot Colonel Gerard under these circumstances you'll find
  yourself in the dock instead of on the bench。               I won't act as second; and
  that's flat。〃
  〃Sir;〃 said I; 〃I am perfectly prepared to proceed without a second。〃
  〃That   won't   do。