第 12 节
作者:插翅难飞      更新:2021-04-30 17:18      字数:9319
  convent   garden;   but   to   pass   inside   the   convent   unquestioned   was   not   so
  The first thing which I did was to walk round the garden; and I was
  soon able to pick out one large stained…glass window which must belong
  to the chapel。      I had understood from Hubert that the Mother Superior's
  room; in which the powder was stored; was near to this; and that the train
  had been laid through a hole in the wall from some neighbouring cell。                    I
  must; at all costs; get into the convent。           There was a guard at the door;
  and how could I get in without explanations?                But a sudden inspiration
  showed me how the thing might be done。                In the garden was a well; and
  beside the well were a number of empty buckets。                 I filled two of these;
  and approached the door。          The errand of a man who carries a bucket of
  water in each hand does not need to be explained。                The guard opened to
  let me through。       I found myself in a long; stone…flagged corridor; lit with
  lanterns; with the cells of the nuns leading out from one side of it。               Now
  at last I was on the high road to success。          I walked on without hesitation;
  for   I   knew   by   my   observations   in   the   garden   which   way   to   go   for   the
  A   number     of  Spanish    soldiers   were   lounging     and  smoking     in  the
  corridor; several of whom addressed me as I passed。                 I fancy it was for
  my blessing that they asked; and my 〃Ora pro nobis〃 seemed to entirely
  satisfy them。      Soon I had got as far as the chapel; and it was easy enough
  to see that the cell next door was used as a magazine; for the floor was all
  black   with   powder   in   front   of   it。 The   door   was   shut;   and   two   fierce…
  looking fellows stood on guard outside it; one of them with a key stuck in
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  his belt。    Had we been alone; it would not have been long before it would
  have been in my hand; but with his comrade there it was impossible for
  me to hope to take it by force。          The cell next door to the magazine on the
  far side from the chapel must be the one which belonged to Sister Angela。
  It   was   half   open。   I   took   my   courage   in   both   hands   and;   leaving   my
  buckets in the corridor; I walked unchallenged into the room。
  I was prepared to find half a dozen fierce Spanish desperadoes within;
  but what actually met my eyes was even more embarrassing。                        The room
  had   apparently   been   set   aside   for   the   use   of   some   of   the   nuns;   who   for
  some reason had refused to quit their home。                Three of them were within;
  one an elderly; stern…faced dame; who was evidently the Mother Superior;
  the   others;    young    ladies   of  charming     appearance。      They     were    seated
  together at the far side of the room; but they all rose at my entrance; and I
  saw   with   some   amazement;   by   their   manner   and   expressions;   that   my
  coming was both welcome and expected。                   In a moment my presence of
  mind had returned; and I saw exactly how the matter lay。
  Naturally;   since   an   attack   was   about   to   be   made   upon   the   convent;
  these   sisters   had   been   expecting   to   be   directed   to   some   place   of   safety。
  Probably  they  were   under   vow   not   to   quit   the   walls;   and   they  had   been
  told to remain in this cell until they received further orders。
  In any case I adapted my conduct to this supposition; since it was clear
  that   I   must   get   them   out   of   the   room;   and   this   would   give   me   a   ready
  excuse to do so。       I first cast a glance at the door and observed that the key
  was    within。    I   then   made    a  gesture    to  the  nuns    to  follow   me。    The
  Mother      Superior     asked     me   some     question;     but   I  shook     my    head
  impatiently and beckoned to her again。
  She   hesitated;   but   I   stamped   my   foot   and   called   them   forth   in   so
  imperious a manner that they came at once。
  They would be safer in the chapel; and thither I led them; placing them
  at the end which was farthest from the magazine。                 As the three nuns took
  their places before the altar my heart bounded with joy and pride within
  me; for I felt that the last obstacle had been lifted from my path。
  And yet how often have I not found that that is the very  moment of
  danger?      I took a last glance at the Mother Superior; and to my dismay I
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  saw that her piercing dark eyes were fixed; with an expression in which
  surprise was deepening into suspicion; upon my right hand。                     There were
  two points which might well have attracted her attention。                 One was that it
  was   red   with   the   blood   of   the   sentinel   whom   I   had   stabbed   in   the   tree。
  That   alone   might   count   for   little;   as   the   knife   was   as   familiar   as   the
  breviary to the monks of Saragossa。
  But on my forefinger I wore a heavy gold ring the gift of a certain
  German   baroness   whose  name   I   may  not   mention。           It   shone brightly  in
  the    light  of  the   altar  lamp。    Now;      a  ring   upon   a   friar's  hand   is  an
  impossibility; since they are vowed to absolute poverty。
  I turned quickly and made for the door of the chapel; but the mischief
  was done。      As I glanced back I saw that the Mother Superior was already
  hurrying after me。        I ran through the chapel door and along the corridor;
  but    she   called   out   some    shrill  warning     to   the  two    guards    in  front。
  Fortunately I had the presence of mind to call out also; and to point down
  the passage as if we were both pursuing the same object。                    Next instant I
  had dashed past them; sprang into the cell; slammed the heavy door; and
  fastened it upon the inside。
  With   a  bolt   above  and below  and   a huge lock in the  centre  it   was   a
  piece of timber that would take some forcing。
  Even now if they had had the wit to put a barrel of powder against the
  door I should have been ruined。            It was their only chance; for I had come
  to   the   final   stage   of   my   adventure。 Here   at   last;   after   such   a   string   of
  dangers   as   few   men   have   ever   lived   to   talk   of;   I   was   at   one   end   of   the
  powder      train;  with   the   Saragossa     magazine     at  the   other。   They     were
  howling like wolves out in the passage; and muskets were crashing against
  the door。     I paid no heed to their clamour; but I looked eagerly around for
  that train of which Hubert had spoken。              Of course; it must be at the side
  of the room next to the magazine。              I crawled along it on my hands and
  knees; looking into every crevice; but no sign could I see。                   Two bullets
  flew   through   the   door   and   flattened   themselves   against   the   wall。      The
  thudding and smashing grew ever louder。                 I saw a grey pile in a corner;
  flew to it with a cry of joy; and found that it was only dust。                  Then I got
  back to the side of the door where no bullets could ever reach methey
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  were   streaming   freely   into   the   roomand   I   tried   to   forget   this   fiendish
  howling   in   my   ear   and   to   think   out   where   this   train   could   be。 It   must
  have been carefully laid by Hubert lest these nuns should see it。                    I tried to
  imagine how I should myself have arranged it had I been in his place。
  My   eye   was   attracted   by   a   statue   of   St。   Joseph   which   stood   in   the
  corner。     There was a wreath of leaves along the edge of the pedestal; with
  a   lamp   burning   amidst   them。       I   rushed   across   to   it   and   tore   the   leaves
  Yes;   yes;   there   was   a   thin   black   line;   which   disappeared   through   a
  small   hole   in   the   wall。  I   tilted   over   the   lamp   and   threw   myself   on   the
  ground。      Next   instant   came   a   roar   like   thunder;   the   walls   wavered   and
  tottered around me; the ceiling clattered down from above; and over the
  yell of the terrified Spaniards was heard the terrific shout of the storming
  column   of   Grenadiers。        As   in   a   dreama