第 9 节
作者:插翅难飞      更新:2021-04-30 17:18      字数:9322
  Within; there was a labyrinth of passages formed among the debris of the
  houses which had been destroyed by the mines of the engineers。                      Acres
  and acres were covered with splintered walls and piles of brick which had
  once   been   a   populous   suburb。      Lanes   had   been   driven   through   it   and
  lanterns   placed   at   the   corners   with   inscriptions   to   direct   the   wayfarer。
  The colonel hurried onward until at last; after a long walk; we found our
  way barred by a high grey wall which stretched right across our path。
  Here behind a barricade lay our advance guard。                The colonel led me
  into   a  roofless    house;   and   there   I  found   two   general    officers;   a  map
  stretched     over   a  drum    in  front   of  them;   they   kneeling     beside   it  and
  examining it carefully by the light of a lantern。             The one with the clean…
  shaven   face   and   the   twisted   neck   was   Marshal   Lannes;   the   other   was
  General Razout; the head of the engineers。
  〃Captain Gerard has volunteered to go;〃 said the colonel。
  Marshal Lannes rose from his knees and shook me by the hand。
  〃You   are   a   brave   man;   sir;〃   said   he。 〃I   have   a   present   to   make   to
  you;〃 he added; handing me a very tiny glass tube。               〃It has been specially
  prepared by Dr。 Fardet。         At the supreme moment you have but to put it to
  your lips and you will be dead in an instant。〃
  This was a cheerful beginning。           I will confess to you; my friends; that
  a cold chill passed up my back and my hair rose upon my head。
  〃Excuse      me;   sir;〃  said  I;  as  I  saluted;   〃I  am    aware    that  I  have
  volunteered for a service of great danger; but the exact details have not yet
  been given to me。〃
  〃Colonel Perrin;〃 said Lannes; severely; 〃it is unfair to allow this brave
  officer to volunteer before he has learned what the perils are to which he
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  will be exposed。〃
  But already I was myself once more。
  〃Sir;〃   said   I;   〃permit   me   to   remark   that   the   greater   the   danger   the
  greater the glory; and that I could only repent of volunteering if I found
  that there were no risks to be run。〃
  It   was   a   noble   speech;   and   my   appearance   gave   force   to   my   words。
  For the moment I was a heroic figure。
  As I saw Lannes's eyes fixed in admiration upon my face it thrilled me
  to think how splendid was the debut which I was making in the army of
  Spain。     If I died that night my name would not be forgotten。                  My  new
  comrades and my old; divided in all else; would still have a point of union
  in their love and admiration of Etienne Gerard。
  〃General Razout; explain the situation!〃 said Lannes; briefly。
  The engineer officer rose; his compasses in his hand。
  He led me to the door and pointed to the high grey wall which towered
  up amongst the debris of the shattered houses。
  〃That is the enemy's present line of defence;〃 said he。               〃It is the wall
  of the great Convent of the Madonna。             If we can carry it the city must fall;
  but    they   have    run  countermines       all  round    it;  and  the   walls   are   so
  enormously   thick   that   it   would   be   an   immense   labour   to   breach   it   with
  artillery。     We     happen     to  know;     however;     that   the   enemy     have    a
  considerable store of powder in one of the lower chambers。                  If that could
  be exploded the way would be clear for us。〃
  〃How can it be reached?〃 I asked。
  〃I   will   explain。   We   have   a   French   agent   within   the   town   named
  Hubert。      This   brave   man   has   been   in   constant   communication   with   us;
  and he had promised to explode the magazine。                  It was to be done in the
  early morning; and for two days running we have had a storming party of
  a thousand Grenadiers waiting for the breach to be formed。                 But there has
  been no explosion; and for these two days we have had no communication
  from Hubert。
  The question is; what has become of him?〃
  〃You wish me to go and see?〃
  〃Precisely。     Is   he   ill;   or   wounded;   or   dead? Shall   we   still   wait   for
  … Page 31…
  him; or shall we attempt the attack elsewhere?
  We   cannot determine   this   until   we   have heard   from  him。       This   is   a
  map of the town; Captain Gerard。
  You perceive that within this ring of convents and monasteries are  a
  number of streets which branch off from a central square。               If you come so
  far as this square you will find the cathedral at one corner。             In that corner
  is the street of Toledo。      Hubert lives in a small house between a cobbler's
  and a wine…shop; on the right…hand side as you go from the cathedral。                 Do
  you follow me?〃
  〃You are to reach that house; to see him; and to find out if his plan is
  still feasible or if we must abandon it。〃
  He produced what appeared to be a roll of dirty brown flannel。                〃This
  is   the   dress   of   a   Franciscan   friar;〃   said   he。 〃You   will   find   it   the   most
  useful disguise。〃
  I shrank away from it。
  〃It turns me into a spy;〃 I cried。      〃Surely I can go in my uniform?〃
  〃Impossible!      How could you hope to pass through the streets of the
  city?    Remember; also; that the Spaniards take no prisoners; and that your
  fate will be the same in whatever dress you are taken。〃
  It was true; and I had been long enough in Spain to know that that fate
  was likely to be something more serious than mere death。                   All the way
  from   the   frontier   I   had   heard   grim   tales   of   torture   and   mutilation。 I
  enveloped myself in the Franciscan gown。
  〃Now I am ready。〃
  〃Are you armed?〃
  〃My sabre。〃
  〃They will hear it clank。       Take this knife; and leave your sword。          Tell
  Hubert that at four o'clock; before dawn; the storming party will again be
  ready。    There is a sergeant outside who will show you how to get into the
  city。   Good…night; and good luck!〃
  Before   I   had   left   the   room;   the   two   generals   had   their   cocked   hats
  touching     each   other   over   the  map。    At    the  door    an  under…officer    of
  engineers was waiting for me。
  … Page 32…
  I tied the girdle of my gown; and taking off my busby; I drew the cowl
  over   my   head。     My   spurs   I   removed。     Then   in   silence   I   followed   my
  It was necessary to move with caution; for the walls above were lined
  by the Spanish sentries; who fired down continually at our advance posts。
  Slinking along under the very shadow of the great convent; we picked our
  way slowly and carefully among the piles of ruins until we came to a large
  chestnut tree。     Here the sergeant stopped。
  〃It is an easy tree to climb;〃 said he。         〃A scaling ladder would not be
  simpler。     Go up it; and you will find that the top branch will enable you to
  step upon the roof of that house。          After that it is your guardian angel who
  must be your guide; for I can help you no more。〃
  Girding up the heavy brown gown; I ascended the tree as directed。                    A
  half   moon   was   shining brightly;   and   the   line of   roof   stood   out dark   and
  hard   against   the   purple;   starry  sky。   The   tree   was   in   the   shadow   of   the
  Slowly I crept from branch to branch until I was near the top。                  I had
  but to climb along a stout limb in order to reach the wall。                But suddenly
  my ears caught the patter of feet; and I cowered against the trunk and tried
  to blend myself with its shadow。            A man was coming toward me on the
  roof。    I saw his dark figure creeping along; his body crouching; his head
  advanced; the barrel of his gun protruding。            His whole bearing was full of
  caution and suspicion。         Once or twice he paused; and then came on again
  until   he   had   reached   the   edge   of   the   parapet   within   a   few   yards   of   me。
  Then he knelt down; levelled his musket; and fired。
  I was so astonished at this sudden crash at my very elbow that I nearly
  fell out of the tree。      For an instant I could not be sure that he had not hit