第 38 节
作者:向前      更新:2021-04-30 17:17      字数:9322
  and torpid; he had dismissed with the same forgetfulness the past; the
  present; and the future。 While he thus lay wasting his powers in sloth
  among the woods of Aricia; he was startled by the treachery of
  Lucilius Bassus and the defection of the fleet at Ravenna。 Then came
  the news about Caecina; and he heard with a satisfaction mingled
  with distress; first; that he had revolted; and then; that he had been
  put in irons by the army。 In that dull soul joy was more powerful than
  apprehension。 In great exultation he returned to Rome; and before a
  crowded assembly of the people heaped praises on the dutiful obedience
  of the soldiers。 He ordered Publius Sabinus; prefect of the Praetorian
  Guard; to be thrown into prison; because of his friendship with
  Caecina; and substituted in his place Alfenius Varus。
  He then addressed the Senate in a speech of studied
  grandiloquence; and was extolled by the Senators with elaborate
  adulation。 A savage resolution against Caecina was moved by Lucius
  Vitellius; the rest affected indignation at the idea that a consul had
  betrayed the State; a general his Emperor; a man loaded with wealth so
  vast and honours so numerous his benefactor; and seemed to deplore the
  wrongs of Vitellius; while they uttered their private griefs。 Not a
  word from any one of them disparaged the Flavianist leaders; they
  censured the delusion and recklessness of the armies; and with a
  prudent circumlocution avoided the name of Vespasian。 A man was found;
  who; while all regarded with great contempt both giver and receiver;
  wormed himself by flattery into the one day of office which remained
  to complete the consulate of Caecina。 On the last day of October
  Rosius Regulus both assumed and resigned the office。 The learned
  remarked that never before had a new consul been elected without a
  formal act of deprivation and the passing of a law。 Before this indeed
  Caninius Rebilus had been consul for a single day during the
  dictatorship of Caius Caesar; when the prizes of the civil war had
  to be enjoyed in haste。
  At this time the murder of Junius Blaesus obtained an infamous
  notoriety。 Of this act I have heard the following account。
  Vitellius; who was suffering from severe illness; observed from the
  Servilian gardens a neighbouring turret brilliantly illuminated
  throughout the night。 Inquiring the cause; he was told that Caecina
  Tuscus was entertaining a large party; of whom Junius Blaesus was
  the most distinguished。 Other particulars were given with much
  exaggeration about the splendour of the banquet and the unrestrained
  gaiety of the guests。 There were persons who charged Tuscus and his
  guests; and Blaesus more vindictively than any; with passing their
  days in merriment while the Emperor was sick。 As soon as it was
  sufficiently clear to those who keenly watch the angry moods of
  princes; that Vitellius was exasperated; and that Blaesus might be
  destroyed; the part of the informer was intrusted to Lucius Vitellius。
  An unworthy jealousy made him the enemy of Blaesus; whose
  illustrious character raised him far above one who was stained with
  every infamy; he burst into the Imperial chamber; and clasping to
  his bosom the Emperor's son; fell at his knees。 On Vitellius enquiring
  the cause of his emotion: 〃It is not;〃 he replied; 〃from any private
  apprehension; or because I am anxious for myself; it is for a
  brother and for a brother's children that I have come hither with my
  prayers and tears。 It is idle to fear Vespasian; when there are so
  many legions of Germany; so many provinces with their valour and their
  loyalty; and lastly; so vast an extent of sea and land with enormous
  distances; to keep him from us。 In the capital; in the very bosom of
  the empire; there is the foe of whom we must beware; a foe who
  boasts of Junii and Antonii among his ancestors; who; claiming an
  Imperial descent; displays to soldiers his condescension and his
  magnificence。 On him all thoughts are fixed; while Vitellius;
  regardless alike of friends and foes; is cherishing a rival; who
  from his banqueting table gazes at the sufferings of his sovereign。
  For such ill…timed mirth let him be recompensed with a night of sorrow
  and of death; that he may know and feel that Vitellius still lives and
  reigns; and has a son; if in the course of destiny anything should
  happen to himself。〃
  Vitellius; after wavering between his guilty purpose and his
  fears; dreading lest to postpone the murder of Blaesus might hasten
  his own ruin; while openly to order it might provoke terrible odium;
  determined to destroy him by poison。 He gave a proof of his guilt by
  his marked joy when he visited Blaesus。 He was even heard to utter a
  most brutal speech; in which (I will relate the very words) he boasted
  that he had feasted his eyes on the spectacle of his enemy's death。
  Besides his noble birth and refinement of character; Blaesus was a man
  of resolute loyalty。 In the flourishing days of the party; when
  canvassed by Caecina and the leading men; who were beginning to
  despise Vitellius; he persevered in rejecting their solicitations。 A
  righteous man and a lover of peace; who coveted no sudden elevation;
  much less the throne; he could not escape being thought to deserve it。
  Meanwhile Fabius Valens; who was moving along with a vast and
  luxurious train of concubines and eunuchs too tardily for a general
  about to take the field; received speedy intelligence of the
  betrayal of the Ravenna fleet by Lucilius Bassus。 Had he hastened
  the march which he had then begun; he might have come up with
  Caecina while still undecided; or have reached the legions previous to
  the decisive action。 Some advised him to take a few of his most
  devoted soldiers; and; avoiding Ravenna; to hurry on by unfrequented
  paths to Hostilia or Cremona。 Others thought that he should summon the
  Praetorian cohorts from Rome; and then force his way with a strong
  body of troops。 But with a ruinous delay he wasted in deliberation the
  opportunities of action。 Eventually he rejected both plans; and did
  what is the very worst thing in circumstances of peril; attempted a
  middle course; and was neither bold enough on the one hand; nor
  cautious enough on the other。
  He wrote to Vitellius asking for aid。 Three cohorts with some
  British cavalry arrived; a force too numerous to elude observation;
  too small to force its way。 Even amidst such perils Valens could not
  keep himself clear of the infamous reputation of grasping at
  unlawful gratifications and polluting the houses of his hosts with
  intrigue and violation。 He had power; he had money; and he indulged
  the lusts that are the last solace of desperate fortunes。 At length on
  the arrival of the infantry and cavalry the folly of his plans
  became evident。 With so small a force; even had it been thoroughly
  loyal; he could not have made his way through the enemy; and the
  loyalty they had brought with them was not beyond suspicion。 Yet shame
  and respect for the presence of their general held them in check; no
  lasting restraint with men who loved danger and were careless of
  disgrace。 Moved by this apprehension; Valens; while he retained a
  few attendants whom adversity had not changed; sent on the infantry to
  Ariminum and ordered the cavalry to cover his rear。 He then himself
  made his way to Umbria; and thence to Etruria; where; having learnt
  the issue of the battle of Cremona; he conceived a plan not wanting in
  vigour; and which; had it succeeded; would have had terrible
  results。 This was to seize some ships; to land on some part of
  Gallia Narbonensis; to rouse Gaul with its armies as well as the
  tribes of Germany; and so to kindle a fresh war。
  The garrison of Ariminum were discouraged by the departure of
  Valens; and Cornelius Fuscus; bringing up his army and disposing his
  Liburnian ships at the nearest points of the shore; invested the place
  by sea and land。 His troops occupied the plains of Umbria and that
  portion of the Picentine territory that is washed by the Adriatic; and
  now the whole of Italy was divided by the range of the Apennines
  between Vespasian and Vitellius。 Valens; having started from the bay
  of Pisa; was compelled; either by a calm or a contrary wind; to put in
  at the port of Hercules Monoecus。 Near this place was stationed Marius
  Maturus; procurator of the Maritime Alps; who was loyal to
  Vitellius; and who; though everything around him was hostile; had
  not yet thrown off his allegiance。 While courteously receiving Valens;
  he deterred him by his advice from rashly invading Gallia Narbonensis。
  And now the fidelity of the rest of the party was weakened by their
  fears。 In fact the procurator Valerius Paullinus; an enterprising
  officer; who had been a f