第 77 节
作者:红色风帆      更新:2021-04-30 17:08      字数:9322
  propagated abroad; for there is no country in Europe so subdued by any single authority as not to contain citizens who are ready to protect the man who raises his voice in the cause of truth from the consequences of his hardihood。 If he is unfortunate enough to live under an absolute government; the people is upon his side; if he inhabits a free country; he may find a shelter behind the authority of the throne; if he require one。  The aristocratic part of society supports him in some countries; and the democracy in others。  But in a nation where democratic institutions exist; organized like those of the United States; there is but one sole authority; one single element of strength and of success; with nothing beyond it。
  In America the majority raises very formidable barriers to the liberty of opinion: within these barriers an author may write whatever he pleases; but he will repent it if he ever step beyond them。  Not that he is exposed to the terrors of an auto…da…fe; but he is tormented by the slights and persecutions of daily obloquy。  His political career is closed forever; since he has offended the only authority which is able to promote his success。 Every sort of compensation; even that of celebrity; is refused to him。 Before he published his opinions he imagined that he held them in common with many others; but no sooner has he declared them openly than he is loudly censured by his overbearing opponents; whilst those who think without having the courage to speak; like him; abandon him in silence。  He yields at length; oppressed by the daily efforts he has been making; and he subsides into silence; as if he was tormented by remorse for having spoken the truth。
  Fetters and headsmen were the coarse instruments which tyranny formerly employed; but the civilization of our age has refined the arts of despotism which seemed; however; to have been sufficiently perfected before。  The excesses of monarchical power had devised a variety of physical means of oppression: the democratic republics of the present day have rendered it as entirely an affair of the mind as that will which it is intended to coerce。 Under the absolute sway of an individual despot the body was attacked in order to subdue the soul; and the soul escaped the blows which were directed against it and rose superior to the attempt; but such is not the course adopted by tyranny in democratic republics; there the body is left free; and the soul is enslaved。  The sovereign can no longer say; 〃You shall think as I do on pain of death;〃 but he says; 〃You are free to think differently from me; and to retain your life; your property; and all that you possess; but if such be your determination; you are henceforth an alien among your people。 You may retain your civil rights; but they will be useless to you; for you will never be chosen by your fellow…citizens if you solicit their suffrages; and they will affect to scorn you if you solicit their esteem。  You will remain among men; but you will be deprived of the rights of mankind。  Your fellow…creatures will shun you like an impure being; and those who are most persuaded of your innocence will abandon you too; lest they should be shunned in their turn。  Go in peace!  I have given you your life; but it is an existence in comparably worse than death。〃
  Monarchical institutions have thrown an odium upon despotism; let us beware lest democratic republics should restore oppression; and should render it less odious and less degrading in the eyes of the many; by making it still more onerous to the few。
  Works have been published in the proudest nations of the Old World expressly intended to censure the vices and deride the follies of the times; Labruyere inhabited the palace of Louis XIV when he composed his chapter upon the Great; and Moliere criticised the courtiers in the very pieces which were acted before the Court。  But the ruling power in the United States is not to be made game of; the smallest reproach irritates its sensibility; and the slightest joke which has any foundation in truth renders it indignant; from the style of its language to the more solid virtues of its character; everything must be made the subject of encomium。  No writer; whatever be his eminence; can escape from this tribute of adulation to his fellow…citizens。 The majority lives in the perpetual practice of self…applause; and there are certain truths which the Americans can only learn from strangers or from experience。
  If great writers have not at present existed in America; the reason is very simply given in these facts; there can be no literary genius without freedom of opinion; and freedom of opinion does not exist in America。  The Inquisition has never been able to prevent a vast number of anti…religious books from circulating in Spain。  The empire of the majority succeeds much better in the United States; since it actually removes the wish of publishing them。  Unbelievers are to be met with in America; but; to say the truth; there is no public organ of infidelity。  Attempts have been made by some governments to protect the morality of nations by prohibiting licentious books。  In the United States no one is punished for this sort of works; but no one is induced to write them; not because all the citizens are immaculate in their manners; but because the majority of the community is decent and orderly。
  In these cases the advantages derived from the exercise of this power are unquestionable; and I am simply discussing the nature of the power itself。 This irresistible authority is a constant fact; and its judicious exercise is an accidental occurrence。
  Effects Of The Tyranny Of The Majority Upon The National Character Of The Americans
  Effects of the tyranny of the majority more sensibly felt hitherto in the manners than in the conduct of society … They check the development of leading characters … Democratic republics organized like the United States bring the practice of courting favor within the reach of the many … Proofs of this spirit in the United States … Why there is more patriotism in the people than in those who govern in its name。
  The tendencies which I have just alluded to are as yet very slightly perceptible in political society; but they already begin to exercise an unfavorable influence upon the national character of the Americans。  I am inclined to attribute the singular paucity of distinguished political characters to the ever…increasing activity of the despotism of the majority in the United States。  When the American Revolution broke out they arose in great numbers; for public opinion then served; not to tyrannize over; but to direct the exertions of individuals。  Those celebrated men took a full part in the general agitation of mind common at that period; and they attained a high degree of personal fame; which was reflected back upon the nation; but which was by no means borrowed from it。
  In absolute governments the great nobles who are nearest to the throne flatter the passions of the sovereign; and voluntarily truckle to his caprices。  But the mass of the nation does not degrade itself by servitude: it often submits from weakness; from habit; or from ignorance; and sometimes from loyalty。  Some nations have been known to sacrifice their own desires to those of the sovereign with pleasure and with pride; thus exhibiting a sort of independence in the very act of submission。  These peoples are miserable; but they are not degraded。  There is a great difference between doing what one does not approve and feigning to approve what one does; the one is the necessary case of a weak person; the other befits the temper of a lackey。
  In free countries; where everyone is more or less called upon to give his opinion in the affairs of state; in democratic republics; where public life is incessantly commingled with domestic affairs; where the sovereign authority is accessible on every side; and where its attention can almost always be attracted by vociferation; more persons are to be met with who speculate upon its foibles and live at the cost of its passions than in absolute monarchies。 Not because men are naturally worse in these States than elsewhere; but the temptation is stronger; and of easier access at the same time。  The result is a far more extensive debasement of the characters of citizens。
  Democratic republics extend the practice of currying favor with the many; and they introduce it into a greater number of classes at once: this is one of the most serious reproaches that can be addressed to them。  In democratic States organized on the principles of the American republics; this is more especially the case; where the authority of the majority is so absolute and so irresistible that a man must give up his rights as a citizen; and almost abjure his quality as a human being; if te intends to stray from the track which it lays down。
  In that immense crowd which throngs the avenues to power in the United States I found very few men who displayed any of that manly candor and that masculine independence of opinion which frequently distinguished the Americans in former times; and which constitutes the leading feature in distinguished characters; wheresoever they may be found。  It seems; at first sight; as if all the m