第 50 节
作者:白寒      更新:2021-04-30 16:59      字数:9321
  ruined her life。 You let her suffer。 She might have died for all of you。 She
  nursed your child and never whispered the name of its father。 Sam Miller
  is   charging   himself   with   the   keep   of   your   daughter。   Do   you   think   she
  hasn't   paid   a   hundred   times   for   her   mistake?   Now;   by   God;   keep   your
  mouth shut! Be decent enough not to fling mud at her; you of all men。〃
  James shrugged his shoulders and turned away in petulant disgust。 〃I
  see。 You've heard her side of it and you've made up your mind。 All right。
  I've nothing more to say。〃
  〃I've never heard her side of it。 Her own mother doesn't know the truth。
  Sam didn't know not till to…day。 But I know herand now I know you。〃
  〃That's no way to talk; Jeff。 I admit I did wrong。 Can a man say more
  than that? Do you want me to crawl on my hands and knees?〃
  〃It's easy for you to forgive yourself。〃
  〃Maybe      you    think   I  haven't   suffered    too。  I've  lain   awake    nights
  worrying over this。〃
  〃Yes。 For fear you might be found out。〃
  〃I intended to look out for the girl; but she disappeared without letting
  me    know     where    she  was    going。   What    could    I  do?〃   The   lawyer    was
  studying his face very carefully in the glass。 〃My face is a sight。 It will be
  weeks before that eye is fit to be seen。〃
  Jeff turned away and left him。 He walked to his rooms and found his
  uncle    waiting    for   him。   Robert    Farnum     had   sold   out   his  interests   in
  … Page 194…
  Arkansas and returned to Verden with the intention of buying a small mill
  in the vicinity。 Meanwhile he had the apartment next to the one used by
  his nephew。
  〃Seen anything of James lately?〃 he inquired as they started down the
  street to dinner。
  〃Yes。 I saw him to…day。 He's leaving town for a week or so。〃
  〃On    business;    I  suppose。    He   didn't   mention    it  when    I  saw   him
  〃It's a matter that came up suddenly; I understand。〃
  The father agreed proudly。 There were moments when he had doubts
  of   James;   but   he   always   stifled   them   by   remembering   what   a   splendid
  success   he   was。   〃Probably   something   nobody   else   could   attend   to   but
  〃It's amazing how that boy gets along。 His firm has the cream of the
  corporation business of Verden。 I never saw anything like it。〃
  The younger  man   assented; rather  wearily。   Somehow to…night he   did
  not feel like sounding the praises of James。
  His uncle's kindly gaze rested on him。 〃Tired; boy?〃
  〃I think I am a little。 I'll be all right after we've had something to eat。〃
  … Page 195…
  But   when   your   arms   are   full   of   girl   and   fluff   You   hide   your   nerve
  behind a yard of grin; You'd spit into a bulldog's face; or bluff A flock of
  dragons with a safety pin。 Life's a slow skate; but love's the dopey glim
  That puts a brewery horse in racing trim。 Wallace Irwin。
  PART 1
  James Farnum had been back in Verden twenty…four hours。 A few little
  scars   still   decorated   his   handsome   visage;   but   he   explained   them   away
  with   the   story   of   a   motor   car   accident。   Just   now   he   was   walking   to   the
  bank; and he had spoken his piece five times in a distance of three blocks。
  From experience he was getting letter perfect as to the details。 Even the
  idiotic joke about the clutch seemed now a necessary part of the recital。
  It was just as he was crossing Powers that a motor car whirled around
  the   corner   and   down    upon   a  man    descending     from   a  street  car。  The
  chauffeur   honked   wildly   and   rammed   the   brakes   home。   Simultaneously
  James leaped; flinging his weight upon the man standing dazed in the path
  of the automobile。 The two went down together; and for a moment Farnum
  knew only a crash of the senses。
  He was helped to his feet。 Voices; distant and detached; asked whether
  he was hurt。 Blood trickled into his eyes from a cut in the head。 It came to
  him oddly enough that his story about the motor car accident would now
  be true。
  A slender figure in gray slipped swiftly past him and knelt beside the
  still shape lying on the asphalt。
  〃Bring water; Roberts!〃
  James   knew   that   clear;   sweet   voice。   It   could   belong   only   to   Alice
  〃Are you much hurt; Mr。 Farnum?〃
  〃No; I think nota cut over my eye and a few bruises。〃
  〃I'm so glad。 But this poor old manI'm afraid he's badly hurt。〃
  … Page 196…
  〃Was he run over?〃
  〃No。 You saved him from that。 You don't know him; do you?〃
  The   lawyer   looked   at   the   unconscious   man   and   could   not   repress   a
  start。 It was his father。 For just an eyebeat he hesitated before he said; 〃I've
  seen him before somewhere。〃
  〃We must take him to the hospital。 Isn't there a doctor here? Someone
  run for a doctor。〃 The young woman's glance swept the crowd in appeal。
  〃I'll take care of him。 Better get away before the crowd is too large;
  Miss Frome。〃
  〃No。 It was our machine did it。 Oh; here's a doctor。〃
  A pair of lean; muscular shoulders pushed through the press after the
  doctor。 〃Much hurt; James?〃 inquired their owner。
  〃No。   For   heaven's   sake;   get   Miss   Frome   away;   Jeff;〃   implored   his
  〃Miss Frome!〃 Jeff stepped forward with an exclamation。
  The   young   woman   looked   up。   She   was   kneeling   in   the   street   and
  supporting      the  head    of  the   wounded     man。    Her   face   was    almost   as
  bloodless as his。
  〃We almost ran him down。 Your cousin jumped to save him。 He isn't
  dead; doctor; is he?〃
  Jeff turned swiftly to his cousin and spoke in a low voice。 〃It's your
  The lawyer pushed forward with a manner of authority。
  〃This   won't   do;   doctor。  The   crowd's   growing   and   we're   delaying   the
  traffic。 Let us lift him into the machine and take him to the hospital。〃
  〃Very good; Mr。 Farnum。〃
  〃Doctor; will you go with him to the hospital? And Jeff 。 。 。 you; too; if
  you please。〃
  A   minute   later   the   car   pushed   its   way   slowly   through   the   crush   of
  people and disappeared。 James was left standing on the curb with Alice。
  He spoke brusquely。 〃Someone call a cab; please。。。。I'll send you home;
  Miss Frome。〃
  〃No; to the hospital;〃 she corrected。 〃I couldn't go home now without
  knowing how he is。〃
  … Page 197…
  〃Very well。 Anything to get away from here。〃
  〃And you can have your cut attended to there。〃
  〃Oh; that's nothing。 A basin of cold water is all I need。 Here's the cab;
  thank heaven。〃
  The girl's gaze followed the automobile up the hill as she waited for
  the    taxicab   to  stop。   〃I  do  hope    he  isn't  hurt   badly;〃   she  murmured
  〃Probably he isn't。 Just stunned; the doctor seemed to think。 Anyhow it
  was an unavoidable accident。〃
  The eyes of the young woman kindled。 〃I'll never forget the way you
  jumped to save him。 It was splendid。〃
  James flushed with pleasure。 〃Nonsense。 I merely pushed him aside。〃
  〃You merely risked your life for his。 A bagatelledon't mention it;〃 the
  girl mocked。
  Farnum nodded; the old warmth for her in his eyes。 〃All right; I'll take
  all the praise you want to give me。 It's been a good while since you have
  thought I deserved any。〃
  Alice looked out of the   window in a silence that   appeared to   accuse
  〃Yet once〃She felt in his fine voice the vibration of feeling 〃once
  we   were   friends。   We   met   on   the   common   ground   ofof   the   spirit;〃   he
  Her eyes came round to meet his。 〃Is it my fault that we are not still
  〃I don't know。 Something has come between us。 What is it?〃
  〃If you don't know I can't tell you。〃
  〃I   think   I   know。〃   He   folded   his   handkerchief   again   to   find   a   spot
  unstained。 〃You wanted me to fit into some ideal of me you had formed。
  Am I to blame because I can't do it? Isn't the fault with your austerity? I've
  got to follow my own