第 33 节
作者:白寒      更新:2021-04-30 16:59      字数:9322
  door grew more frequent。 Sometimes she opened it an inch or two。 On one
  of these occasions she went in quickly and shut the door behind her。
  〃Good enough。 They don't need us here; Sam。 We'll go out and have
  some breakfast;〃 Jeff proposed。
  On    the  street   they   met   Billie  Gray。   He    greeted   the   editor  with    a
  knowing grin。 〃Good morning; Mr。 Farnum。 How's everything? Fine and
  dandy; eh?〃
  Jeff looked at him sharply。 〃What the mischief is he doing here?〃 he
  asked Miller by way of comment。
  All through breakfast that sinister little figure shadowed his thoughts。
  Gray was like a stormy petrel。 He was surely there for no good; barring the
  chance of its being an accident。 Both of them kept their eyes open on their
  … Page 128…
  way back; but they met nobody except a policeman swinging his club as
  he leaned against a lamp post and
  whistled the Merry Widow waltz。
  But    Farnum     was   not   satisfied。   He   cautioned     both   Sam    and   Mrs。
  Anderson   to   say   nothing;   above   all   to   give   no   names   or   explanation   to
  anybody。 A whisper of the truth would bring reporters down on them  in
  〃You had better stay here quietly to…day;〃 their host advised。 〃I'll see
  you're   not   disturbed   by   the   help。   Sam   will   bring   your   meals   in   from   a
  restaurant。 I'd say stay here as long as you like; but it can't be done without
  arousing curiosity; the one thing we don't want。〃
  〃No; better leave late to…night in a taxi;〃 Sam proposed。
  〃Better still; I'll bring around Captain Chunn's car and Sam can drive
  you home。 We can't be too careful。〃
  So it was arranged。 Mrs。 Anderson left it to them and went back into
  the bedroom where her wounded lamb lay。
  About   midnight   Jeff   stopped   a   car   in   front   of   the   stairway。  The   two
  veiled women emerged; accompanied by Sam。 They were helped into the
  tonneau   and   Miller   took   the   driver's   seat。   Just   as   the   machine   began   to
  move a little man ran across the street toward them。
  Jeff's forearm went up suddenly and caught him under the chin。 Billie
  Gray's head went back and his heels came up。 Farnum was on him in an
  instant; ostensibly to help him up; but really to see he did not get up too
  quickly。 As soon as the automobile swung round the corner Jeff lifted him
  to his feet。
  〃Sorry。 Hope I didn't hurt you;〃 he smiled。
  〃Smart     trick;  wasn't    it?〃  snarled   the   detective。   〃Never     mind;    Mr。
  Farnum。 We've got your goat right。〃
  〃Again?〃 Jeff asked with pleasant impudence。
  〃Got you dead to rights this trip。〃 Gray fired another shot as he turned
  away。 〃And we'll find out yet who your lady friends are。 Don't you forget
  But Billie had overlooked a bet。 He had been in the back of the drug
  store getting a drink when Sam and Mrs。 Anderson arrived。 The policeman
  … Page 129…
  on   guard   had   not   connected   the   coming   of   these   with   Jeff。   None   of   the
  watchers knew that Jeff had not been alone with the girl all night。
  PART 5
  Sam called on Jeff two days later。
  〃I want you to come round to…night at seven…fifteen。 We're going to be
  married;〃 he explained。
  The    newspaper      man's    eye   met   his  in   a  swift  surprise。    〃You   and
  〃Yes。〃 Miller's jaw set。 〃Why not? YOU'RE not going to spring   that
  damned cant about〃
  〃I thought you knew me better;〃 his friend interrupted。
  Miller's face worked。 〃I'll ask your pardon for that; Jeff。 You've been
  the   best   friend   she   has。   Well;   we've   thrashed   it   all   out。   She   fought   her
  mother and me two days; didn't think it right to let me give my name to
  her; even though she admits she has come to care for me。 You can see how
  she would be torn two ways。 It's the only road out for her and the baby that
  is on the way; but she couldn't bring herself to sacrifice me; as she calls it。
  I've hammered and hammered at her that it's no sacrifice。 She can't see it;
  just cries and cries。〃
  〃Of course she would be unusually sensitive; Her nerves must be all
  bare so that she shrinks as one does when a wound is touched。〃
  〃That's it。 She keeps speaking of herself as if she were a lost soul。 At
  last we fairly wore her out。 After we are married her mother and she will
  take   the   eight   o'clock   for   Kenton。   Nobody   there   knows   them;   and   she'll
  have a chance to forget。〃
  〃You're   a   white   man;   Sam;〃   Jeff   nodded   lightly。   But   his   eyes   were
  〃I'm the man that loves her。 I couldn't do less; could I?〃
  〃Some men would do a good deal less。〃
  〃Not   if   they   looked   at   it   the   way   I   do。   She's   the   same   Nellie   I've
  always known。 What difference does it make to me that she stumbled in
  the dark and hurt herselfexcept that my heart is so much more tender to
  her it aches?〃
  … Page 130…
  〃If you hold to that belief she'll live to see the day when she is a happy
  woman again;〃 the journalist prophesied。
  〃I'm going to teach her to think of it all as only a bad nightmare she's
  been through。〃 His jaw clinched again so that the muscles stood out on his
  cheeks。   〃Do   you   know   she   won't   say   a   wordnot   even   to   her   mother
  about who the villain is that betrayed her? I'd wring his coward neck off
  for him;〃 he finished with a savage oath。
  〃Better the way it is; Sam。 Let her keep her secret。。 The least said and
  thought about it the better。〃
  Miller   looked   at   his   watch。   〃Perhaps   you're   right。   I've   got   to   go   to
  work。 Remember; seven…fifteen sharp。 We need you as a witness。 Just your
  business suit; you understand。 No present; of course。〃
  The   wedding   took   place   in   the   room   where   Jeff   had   been   used   to
  drinking chocolate with his little friend only a year before。 It was the first
  time he had been here since that night when the danger signal had flashed
  so    suddenly     before    his   eyes。   The    whole     thing   came     back    to  him
  It was a pitiful little wedding; with the bride and her mother in tears
  from the start。 The ceremony was   performed by their friend Mifflin; the
  young clergyman who had a mission for sailors on the waterfront。 Nobody
  else was present except Marchant; the second witness。
  As soon as the ceremony was finished Sam put Nellie and her mother
  into a cab to take them to their train。 The other three walked back down
  As Jeff sat before his desk four hours later; busy with a tax levy story;
  Miller came   in   and   took a   seat。 Jeff   waved   a hand   at him  and   promptly
  forgot he was on earth until he rose and put on his coat an hour later。
  〃Well! Did they get off all right?〃 he asked。
  Miller   nodded      absently。   Ten   minutes   later   he   let   out   what   he   was
  thinking about。
  〃I wish to God I knew the man;〃 he exploded。
  Jeff   looked   at   him   quietly。   〃I'm   glad   you   don't。 Adding   murder   to   it
  wouldn't help the situation one little bit; my friend。〃
  … Page 131…
  Only the man who is sheet…armored in a triple plate of selfishness can
  be   sure   that   weak   hands   won't   clutch   at   him   and   delay   his   march   to
  success。From the Note Book of a Dreamer。
  THE      HERO;      CONFRONTED             WITH       AN     UNPLEASANT
  PART 1
  James came down to the office one morning in his car with a smile of
  contentment on his handsome face。 It had been decided that he was to be
  made speaker of the House after the next election; assuming that he and
  his party were returned to power。 Jeff and the progressives were to stand
  back of him; and he felt sure that after a nominal existence the standpatters
  would   accept   him。   He   intended   by   scrupulous   fair   play   to   win   golden
  opinions for himself。 From the speakership to the governor's chair would
  not be a large step。 After thatwell; there were many possibilities。
  He did not for a moment admit to himself tha