第 57 节
作者:管他三七二十一      更新:2021-04-30 16:22      字数:9322
  arose with a sickly yellow lustre; and clambered a very few degrees
  above the horizon  emitting no decisive light。  There were no
  clouds apparent; yet the wind was upon the increase; and blew with a
  fitful and unsteady fury。 About noon; as nearly as we could guess;
  our attention was again arrested by the appearance of the sun。 It
  gave out no light; properly so called; but a dull and sullen glow
  without reflection; as if all its rays were polarized。 Just before
  sinking within the turgid sea; its central fires suddenly went out;
  as if hurriedly extinguished by some unaccountable power。 It was a
  dim; sliver…like rim; alone; as it rushed down the unfathomable
  We waited in vain for the arrival of the sixth day  that day to me
  has not arrived  to the Swede; never did arrive。 Thenceforward we
  were enshrouded in patchy darkness; so that we could not have seen an
  object at twenty paces from the ship。 Eternal night continued to
  envelop us; all unrelieved by the phosphoric sea…brilliancy to which
  we had been accustomed in the tropics。 We observed too; that;
  although the tempest continued to rage with unabated violence; there
  was no longer to be discovered the usual appearance of surf; or foam;
  which had hitherto attended us。 All around were horror; and thick
  gloom; and a black sweltering desert of ebony。  Superstitious
  terror crept by degrees into the spirit of the old Swede; and my own
  soul was wrapped up in silent wonder。 We neglected all care of the
  ship; as worse than useless; and securing ourselves; as well as
  possible; to the stump of the mizen…mast; looked out bitterly into
  the world of ocean。 We had no means of calculating time; nor could we
  form any guess of our situation。 We were; however; well aware of
  having made farther to the southward than any previous navigators;
  and felt great amazement at not meeting with the usual impediments of
  ice。 In the meantime every moment threatened to be our last  every
  mountainous billow hurried to overwhelm us。 The swell surpassed
  anything I had imagined possible; and that we were not instantly
  buried is a miracle。 My companion spoke of the lightness of our
  cargo; and reminded me of the excellent qualities of our ship; but I
  could not help feeling the utter hopelessness of hope itself; and
  prepared myself gloomily for that death which I thought nothing could
  defer beyond an hour; as; with every knot of way the ship made; the
  swelling of the black stupendous seas became more dismally appalling。
  At times we gasped for breath at an elevation beyond the albatross
  at times became dizzy with the velocity of our descent into some
  watery hell; where the air grew stagnant; and no sound disturbed the
  slumbers of the kraken。
  We were at the bottom of one of these abysses; when a quick scream
  from my companion broke fearfully upon the night。 〃See! see!〃 cried
  he; shrieking in my ears; 〃Almighty God! see! see!〃 As he spoke; I
  became aware of a dull; sullen glare of red light which streamed down
  the sides of the vast chasm where we lay; and threw a fitful
  brilliancy upon our deck。 Casting my eyes upwards; I beheld a
  spectacle which froze the current of my blood。 At a terrific height
  directly above us; and upon the very verge of the precipitous
  descent; hovered a gigantic ship of; perhaps; four thousand tons。
  Although upreared upon the summit of a wave more than a hundred times
  her own altitude; her apparent size exceeded that of any ship of the
  line or East Indiaman in existence。 Her huge hull was of a deep dingy
  black; unrelieved by any of the customary carvings of a ship。 A
  single row of brass cannon protruded from her open ports; and dashed
  from their polished surfaces the fires of innumerable
  battle…lanterns; which swung to and fro about her rigging。 But what
  mainly inspired us with horror and astonishment; was that she bore up
  under a press of sail in the very teeth of that supernatural sea; and
  of that ungovernable hurricane。 When we first discovered her; her
  bows were alone to be seen; as she rose slowly from the dim and
  horrible gulf beyond her。 For a moment of intense terror she paused
  upon the giddy pinnacle; as if in contemplation of her own sublimity;
  then trembled and tottered; and  came down。
  At this instant; I know not what sudden self…possession came over my
  spirit。 Staggering as far aft as I could; I awaited fearlessly the
  ruin that was to overwhelm。 Our own vessel was at length ceasing from
  her struggles; and sinking with her head to the sea。 The shock of the
  descending mass struck her; consequently; in that portion of her
  frame which was already under water; and the inevitable result was to
  hurl me; with irresistible violence; upon the rigging of the
  As I fell; the ship hove in stays; and went about; and to the
  confusion ensuing I attributed my escape from the notice of the crew。
  With little difficulty I made my way unperceived to the main
  hatchway; which was partially open; and soon found an opportunity of
  secreting myself in the hold。 Why I did so I can hardly tell。 An
  indefinite sense of awe; which at first sight of the navigators of
  the ship had taken hold of my mind; was perhaps the principle of my
  concealment。 I was unwilling to trust myself with a race of people
  who had offered; to the cursory glance I had taken; so many points of
  vague novelty; doubt; and apprehension。 I therefore thought proper to
  contrive a hiding…place in the hold。 This I did by removing a small
  portion of the shifting…boards; in such a manner as to afford me a
  convenient retreat between the huge timbers of the ship。
  I had scarcely completed my work; when a footstep in the hold forced
  me to make use of it。 A man passed by my place of concealment with a
  feeble and unsteady gait。 I could not see his face; but had an
  opportunity of observing his general appearance。 There was about it
  an evidence of great age and infirmity。 His knees tottered beneath a
  load of years; and his entire frame quivered under the burthen。 He
  muttered to himself; in a low broken tone; some words of a language
  which I could not understand; and groped in a corner among a pile of
  singular…looking instruments; and decayed charts of navigation。 His
  manner was a wild mixture of the peevishness of second childhood; and
  the solemn dignity of a God。 He at length went on deck; and I saw him
  no more。
  *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
  A feeling; for which I have no name; has taken possession of my soul
  a sensation which will admit of no analysis; to which the lessons
  of bygone times are inadequate; and for which I fear futurity itself
  will offer me no key。 To a mind constituted like my own; the latter
  consideration is an evil。 I shall never  I know that I shall never
  be satisfied with regard to the nature of my conceptions。 Yet it
  is not wonderful that these conceptions are indefinite; since they
  have their origin in sources so utterly novel。 A new sense  a new
  entity is added to my soul。
  *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
  It is long since I first trod the deck of this terrible ship; and the
  rays of my destiny are; I think; gathering to a focus。
  Incomprehensible men! Wrapped up in meditations of a kind which I
  cannot divine; they pass me by unnoticed。 Concealment is utter folly
  on my part; for the people will not see。 It was but just now that I
  passed directly before the eyes of the mate  it was no long while
  ago that I ventured into the captain's own private cabin; and took
  thence the materials with which I write; and have written。 I shall
  from time to time continue this Journal。 It is true that I may not
  find an opportunity of transmitting it to the world; but I will not
  fall to make the endeavour。 At the last moment I will enclose the MS。
  in a bottle; and cast it within the sea。
  *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
  An incident has occurred which has given me new room for meditation。
  Are such things the operation of ungoverned Chance? I had ventured
  upon deck and thrown myself down; without attracting any notice;
  among a pile of ratlin…stuff and old sails in the bottom of the yawl。
  While musing upon the singularity of my fate; I unwittingly daubed
  with a tar…brush the edges of a neatly…folded studding…sail which lay
  near me on a barrel。 The studding…sail is now bent upon the ship; and
  the thoughtless touches of the brush are spread out into the word
  I have made many observations lately upon the structure of the
  vessel。 Although well armed; she is not; I think; a ship of war。 Her
  rigging; build; and general equipment; all negative a supposition of
  this kind。 What she is not; I can easily perceive  what she is I
  fear it is impossible to say。 I know not how it is; but in
  scrutinizing her strange model and singular cast of spars; her huge
  size and overgrown suits of canvas; her severely simple bow and
  antiquated stern; there will occasionally flash across my mind a
  sensation of familiar things; and there is always mixed up with such
  indistinct shadows of recollection; an unaccountable memory of old
  foreign chronicles and ages lon