第 4 节
作者:美丽心点      更新:2021-04-30 16:15      字数:9322
  out of this perplexity; we must seek some other land; for he this
  country fain would save。
  Are these indeed the terms on which our safety depends?
  Yea; on these; if; that is; we are successful otherwise。
  No longer then cower before the hated Argive spear; for I; of my
  own free will; or ever they bid me; am ready to die and offer myself
  as a victim。 For what excuse have we; if; while this city deems it
  right to incur great danger on our behalf; we; though we might save
  ourselves; fly from death; by foisting our trouble on others? No!
  indeed; 'twere surely most ridiculous to sit and mourn as suppliants
  of the gods; and show ourselves but cowards; children as we are of
  that illustrious sire。 Where among the brave is such conduct seen?
  Better; I suppose; this city should be taken and I (which Heaven
  forefend!) fall into the hands of the enemy; and then; for all I am my
  noble father's child; meet an awful doom; and face the Death…god
  none the less。 Shall I wander as an exile from this land? Shall I
  not feel shame then; when someone says; as say they will; 〃Why are
  ye come hither with suppliant boughs; loving your lives too well?
  Begone from our land! for we will not succour cowards。〃 Nay; if
  these be slain and I alone be saved; I have no hope in any wise of
  being happy; though many ere now have in this hope betrayed their
  friends; For who will care to wed a lonely maid or make me mother of
  his children? 'Tis better I should die than meet such treatment;
  little as I merit it。 This were fitter treatment for some other; one
  that is not born to fame as I am。 Conduct me to the scene of death;
  crown me with garlands; and begin the rites; if so it please you; then
  be victorious o'er the foe; for here I offer my life freely and
  without constraint; and for my brothers and myself I undertake to die。
  For I; by loving not my life too well; have found a treasure very
  fair; a glorious means to leave it。
  Ah; what shall I say on hearing the maid's brave words; she that
  is ready to die for her brothers? Who can speak more noble words or do
  more noble deeds henceforth for ever?
  Daughter; thou art his own true child; no other man's but
  Heracles'; that godlike soul; proud am I of thy words; though I sorrow
  for thy lot。 Yet will I propose a fairer method: 'tis right to
  summon hither all the sisters of this maiden; and then let her; on
  whom the lot shall fall; die for her family; for that thou shouldst
  die without the lot is not just。
  My death shall no chance lot decide; there is no graciousness in
  that; peace! old friend。 But if ye accept and will avail you of my
  readiness; freely do I offer my life for these; and without
  Ah; this is even nobler than thy former word; that was
  matchless; but thou dost now surpass thy bravery and noble speech。 I
  cannot bid; will not forbid thy dying; O my daughter! for by thy death
  thou dost thy brothers serve。
  A cautious bidding thine! Fear not to take a stain of guilt from
  me; only let me die as one whose death is free。 Follow me; old friend;
  for in thy arms I fain would die; stand by and veil my body with my
  robe; for I will go even to the dreadful doom of sacrifice; seeing
  whose daughter I avow myself。
  I cannot stand by and see thee bleed。
  At least do thou beg me this boon of the king; that I may
  breathe out my life in women's arms instead of men's。
  It shall be so; unhappy maid; for this were shame to me to
  refuse the honour due; for many reasons: because thou hast a soul so
  brave; because 'tis right; and thou hast shown more courage than any
  of thy sex my eyes have ever seen。 Now; if thou hast aught to say to
  these children or thy aged guide。 oh! say the last thou hast to
  say…then go。
  Farewell; old friend; farewell and prithee teach these children to
  be like thyself; wise at every point; let them strive no further;
  for that will suffice them。 And seek to save them from death; even as
  thou art anxious to do; thy children are we; thy care it was that
  nurtured us。 Thou seest how I yield my bridal bloom to die for them。
  For you; my brothers gathered here; may you be happy! and may every
  blessing be yours; for the which my blood shall pay the price!
  Honour this old friend; and her that is within the house; Alcmena; the
  aged mother of my sire; and these strangers too。 And if ever heaven
  for you devise release from trouble and a return to your home;
  remember the burial due to her that saved you; funeral fair as I
  deserve; for I have not failed; but stood by you; and died to save
  my race。 This shall be my pearl of price instead of children; and
  for the maiden life I leave; if there be really aught beyond the
  grave…God grant there may not be! For if; e'en there; we who are to
  die shall find a life of care; I know not whither one shall turn;
  for death is held a sovereign cure for every ill。
  Maiden of heroic soul; transcending all thy race; be sure the fame
  that thou shalt win from us; in life; in death; shall leave the rest
  of women far behind; farewell to thee! I dare not say harsh words of
  her to whom thou art devoted; the goddess…daughter of Demeter。
  (DEMOPHON leads MACARIA away。)
  Children; I am undone; grief unnerves my limbs; take hold and
  support me to a seat hard by; when ye have drawn my mantle o'er my
  face; my sons。 For I am grieved at what hath happened; and yet; were
  it not fulfilled; we could not live; thus were our fate worse;
  though this is grief enough。
  CHORUS (singing)
  Without the will of heaven none is blest; none curst; I do
  maintain; nor doth the same house for ever tread the path of bliss;
  for one kind of fortune follows hard upon another; one man it brings
  to naught from his high estate; another though of no account it crowns
  with happiness。 To shun what fate decrees; is no wise permitted;
  none by cunning shall thrust it from him; but he; who vainly would
  do so; shall have unceasing trouble。
  Then fall not prostrate thou; but bear what heaven sends; and
  set limit to thy soul's grief; for she; poor maid! in dying for her
  brothers and this land; hath won a glorious death; and splendid fame
  shall be her meed from all mankind; for virtue's path leads through
  troublous ways。 Worthy of her father; worthy of her noble birth is
  this she does。 And if thou dost honour the virtuous dead; I share with
  thee that sentiment。
  (The SERVANT OF HYLLUS enters。)
  All hail; ye children! Where is aged Iolaus? where the mother of
  your 'sire; absent from their place at this altar?
  Here am I; so far as I can be here at all。
  Why dost thou lie there? Why that downcast look?
  There is come a sorrow on my house; whereby I suffer。
  Arise; lift up thy head。
  I am old; and all my strength is gone。
  But I come with tidings of great joy for thee。
  Who art thou? Where have I met thee? I have no remembrance。
  I am a vassal of Hyllus; dost not recognize me now?
  Best of friends; art thou come to save us twain from hurt?
  Assuredly; and moreover thou art lucky in the present case。
  Alcmena; mother of a noble son; to thee I call! come forth; hear
  this welcome news。 For long has anguish caused thee inwardly to waste;
  wondering if those; who now are here; would ever come。
  (ALCMENA enters from the temple in answer to the call。)
  What means that shout; that echoes throughout the house? Hath
  there come yet a herald from Argos; O Iolaus; and is he treating
  thee with violence? Feeble is any strength of mine; yet thus much
  let me tell thee; stranger; never; whilst I live; shalt thou drag them
  hence。 Shouldst thou succeed; no more let me be thought the mother
  of that hero。 And if thou lay a finger on them; thou wilt struggle
  to thy shame with two aged foes。
  Courage; aged dame; fear not; not from Argos is a herald come;
  with hostile messages。
  Why then didst raise a cry; fear's harbinger?
  I called thee to come to me in front of this temple。
  I know not what it means; who is this?
  A messenger who says thy grandson cometh hither。
  All hail to thee for these thy tidings! But why is he not here;
  where is he? if in this land he hath set foot。 What hath happened to
  keep him from coming hither with thee; to cheer my heart?
  He is posting the army he brought with him; and seeing it
  Then have I no concern herein。
  Yes; thou hast; though it is my business to inquire。
  What then wouldst thou learn of these events?
  About how many allies has he with him?
  A numerous force; I cannot otherwise describe the number。
  The leaders of the Athenians know t