第 12 节
作者:希望之舟      更新:2021-04-30 16:13      字数:9321
  idiotic    or  insane   or   had   any   of  the  following     diseases;    viz。:  syphilis;
  tuberculosis;      cancer;    leprosy;    yellow    fever;    smallpox;     or   any   other
  contagious disease or fever; or was shown on examination to be addicted
  to   vicious   habits;   were   denied   admission。   Another   of   the   duties   of   the
  Department of Health was to examine every person that applied to practice
  medicine   and   surgery   or   to   engage   in   any   professional   calling。  The   law
  required     a  medical     examination      to  be  made     of  the  person;    who    was
  granted   a  license   every   year;   so   as   to   keep   the   professions   up   to   a   high
  Before     granting     license    to   any   man;    three    male    physicians      in
  Government         employ     examined      him;    and    if  a   female    three    female
  physicians examined her。 The first examination was physical; and if found
  to    be   in  good    physical     health   they    were    passed    up   for   a  mental
  examination; and if they qualified for their profession they were examined
  morally; when they were asked the following questions: 〃Do you believe
  in the Brotherhood of Man? Will you do unto others always as you would
  desire   that   others   should   do   to   you?   Do   you   promise   that   you   will   not
  render obedience directly or indirectly to any person or persons outside of
  Eurasia and that you will render willing obedience to the laws and do all
  that lies in your power to maintain the honor of the country?〃 If they did
  not   agree   to   those   rules   of   conduct   they   were   denied   a   license。   If   any
  person     attempted     to  practice   any   profession    without   a   license    he  was
  punished by six months' imprisonment at hard labor。
  Any  person   practicing   fortune…telling   or   any  other   fraudulent   calling
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  was   tried   for   obtaining   money   under   false   pretenses;   and   on   conviction
  thereof was sentenced to five years' imprisonment at hard labor at the rock
  crusher。 The result of this wise law showed in the total absence of bands of
  gypsies; dancing dervishes; holy rollers and strolling vagabonds of every
  description in Eurasia。 If a man or woman was found anywhere in Eurasia
  without visible means of support the Department of Health found work for
  them   until    such   time   as  they  could    better  their  condition。    They   were
  required to work eight hours a day if they were able to do manual labor
  and if not able to work they were sent to a Government Sanatorium。
  The Department of Health had charge of the sewerage system in every
  district; city as well as country。 In the cities it supervised the erection of
  every new building; and any old buildings that it pronounced unsanitary
  had to be torn down。 It saw also to the removal of all garbage and refuse
  material。 The Department of Health had charge of all births; marriages and
  deaths; and could order the cremation of any dead body when it believed
  that it would be to the benefit of the health of the community to do so。 The
  Department       of  Health    was   also   required    by  law   to  make     a  physical
  examination of children when they were born and to take care of them if
  the mother was unable to do so and to send all illegitimate children to the
  Government Orphan College。 It superintended the sale of all medicine and
  drugs;   having   a   Government   physician   at   every   Government   warehouse
  where they were sold。 It had also charge of all idiots and insane persons as
  well as dangerous criminals。
  The   Superintendent   and   two Assistant   Superintendents   of   the   lunatic
  asylums (of which there were only two; one for males and one for females)
  were   required   by   law   to   castrate   male   lunatics   and   emasculate   females
  who had become insane through masturbation or other vicious habits and
  to   chloroform   dangerous   lunatics   who   had   homicidal   tendencies。   Those
  three physicians in committee examined every dangerous lunatic and two
  of them could order the person chloroformed if in their judgment it was
  necessary。 Lady physicians had charge of the female lunatic asylum with
  the same authority as the men。 The two asylums were located in the center
  of a fine tract of farming land in the Southern part of Eurasia; consisting of
  ninety…two      thousand    one    hundred    and   sixty   acres   in  a  high   state  of
  … Page 49…
  cultivation      with   flourishing     orchards   and     vineyards;   and     at  the   time   I
  visited it had a population of sixty thousand male inmates and thirty…five
  thousand female inmates…besides the officers and guards。
  The   mildest   and   most   tractable   of   the   inmates   were   in   communities
  organized   in   military   style   in   different   parts   of   the   grounds   and   were
  busily     employed      in   doing    everything      that  was    required     to  make     the
  institution     self…stustaining。      The    physicians     of   the   State   prisons     were
  required by law after one year's imprisonment (one year after sentence was
  passed was allowed to prove innocence) to castrate all males convicted of
  rape;   incest;   or   any  other   infamous   crime   against   nature;   and   to   castrate
  every   male   prisoner       who   committed   sodomy   or   other   infamous             crime
  while in prison; but only after trial and conviction for the crime before the
  District     Court;    and    they    could    by   a   majority     vote    chloroform      any
  dangerous criminal that showed homicidal tendencies。
  I   saw   no   red…light    sign   of   houses    of  prostitution;     and   on   making
  inquiries   I    was   informed      that   there  were   no    houses   of    prostitution    in
  Eurasia; for as soon as information was given to any Magistrate the law
  required him or her to issue an order for the arrest of the female practicing
  prostitution;      and    on    conviction      she   was     committed       to   the   female
  reformatory   for   five   years;   subject   to   parole   after   one   year;   and   for   a
  second      offense    of  the   same    crime    she   was    deprived     of  the   power    to
  propagate   the   race。   Gentle   reader;   don't   think   that   this   law   is   cruel   or
  unjust;   for   the   amount   of   evil   that   a   depraved   woman   can   commit   in
  spreading;      that   loathsome      disease;   syphilis;    is  incalculable;     and   Christ
  when   he   told   the   woman   that   had   committed   adultery   that   he   did   not
  condemn   her   also   added:   〃Go   and   sin   no         more。〃   A   committee   of   six
  physicians;       three    males     and    three    females;     in   the   service     of   the
  Government         in  every   district    were   required     by   law   to  examine      every
  person   desiring   marriage   and   if   the   person   examined   was   affected   with
  tuberculosis; cancer; scrofula; leprosy; syphilis; or any other loathsome or
  contagious   disease;  then   that   person   was   denied   a   license   to   marry;   and
  also if they were mentally unsound。
  Under the law no person was allowed to marry until twenty…one years
  of age; male and female; and any person violating this law was punished
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  by one year's imprisonment at hard labor in the district in which this law
  had   been violated。  In   no case   was   a   Government   physician permitted   to
  receive   any   compensation   for   services   rendered   as   physician;   for   they
  were the servants of the people; elected by the people in every district and
  paid by the Government a salary fixed by law; and no bonds were required
  of   them   or   of   any   public   official;   for   the   people   elected   every   public
  official   with   the   exception   of   officers   in the Army   and   Navy;   who   were
  elected by the soldiers up to the grade of Colonel; and the Brigadiers and
  Major…Generals         were    appointed     by   the   Minister     of  War;    was    was
  Commander…in…Chief   and   directed   all   the   operations   of   the   Army   and
  Navy in war; and also the agents of the Department of Information; who
  were appointed by the Minister of that department on the recommendation
  of his assistant chiefs; of whom there was one in every district who was