第 2 节
作者:希望之舟      更新:2021-04-30 16:13      字数:9322
  pages     who    delivered     them    to  the   Judges    in  alphabetical     order。   Three
  Judges;   forming   a   committee;   decided   every   case   that   came   into   their
  hands on the same day。 There was no delay in Justice; and; if any Judge
  misbehaved;   the   voters   in   his   district   could   remove   him  under   the   same
  law that applied to the President。
  The law of recall applied to all officers of the Government elected by
  the people。 The salary of the Supreme Court Judges was fixed by law at
  ten dollars per day and that of a Chief Justice of a district at five dollars
  per day。 That of the Prosecuting Attorney and Attorney for the Defense at
  four dollars per day; and that of Justice and Jurors at three dollars per day
  the year 'round。
  No costs were charged to either complainant or defendant in any case;
  either civil or criminal; but if a person brought complaint without just and
  sufficient   cause;   the   law   provided   that   they   should   be   examined   by   the
  … Page 6…
  Court; and if found sane; they should be imprisoned for one year at hard
  labor;   and   if   insane;   to   be   sent   immediately   to   the   Lunatic   Asylum。   In
  every case the complainant was first warned by the Court of what would
  happen if the charge proved to be unfounded。
  I   made   inquiries   among   the   people   and   was   told   that   the   law   was   a
  great promoter of peace and good will。
  … Page 7…
  During   the   following   week   I   called   on   the   Minister   of   Justice   and
  informed her of my desire to learn the workings of her Department。 She
  handed me a copy of the Penal Code; and I was astonished to find how
  simple the course of procedure was compared with that of my own country。
  Felonies ranked in the following order: Murder; Rape; Incest and crimes
  against     nature;   Arson;     Robbery;     Assault    to   Murder;    Manslaughter;
  Mayhem;       Bribery;   Larceny     and   Perjury。  The    law   held  one   degree    of
  murder and that was with malice aforethought; but where a person killed a
  human      being   wantonly;     without    cause   or   malice;   the   homicide     was
  committed   to   the   Lunatic   Asylum;   and;   after   one   year's   imprisonment;
  deprived   of   the   sexual   organs;   and   if   his   or   her   conduct   endangered   the
  peace or safety of the community; were to be chloroformed。
  The   penalty   for   murder   was   imprisonment   for   life;   subject   to   parole
  after ten years。 Rape fiends were sentenced to twenty…five years; and after
  one year's imprisonment to be desexualizcd and subject to parole after five
  Persons found guilty of Incest and crimes against nature received the
  same punishment as Rape fiends and subject to parole after five years。 The
  penalty for Arson was twenty years; subject to parole after four years。 For
  Robbery   fifteen   years   and   subject   to   parole   after   three   years。   The   same
  penalty   for   Assault   to   Murder   and   subject   to   parole   after   three   years。
  Manslaughter; Mayhem and Bribery were punished by imprisonment for
  ten years and subject to parole after two years。 Larceny and Perjury were
  punished by five years' imprisonment; and subject to parole after one year。
  Public officials who embezzled public funds were committed for Perjury
  as well as Larceny; and were debarred from ever holding office。 The law
  provided that in the course of the trial of any person charged with Felony;
  if the evidence showed they had committed a felony; other than the one for
  which they were being tried; then the Court could sentence them for the
  crime that the evidence showed they had committed; even if there was not
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  sufficient   evidence   to   convict   them   of   the   crime   with   which   they   were
  Any person found guilty was remanded to the custody of the Governor
  of the district to await the decision of the Supreme Court。 If they appealed;
  and   the   appeal   was   not   confirmed;   they   were   sent   to   the   nearest   State
  Prison; of which there are at the present time twenty…five。
  No fines were imposed for any crime and no confiscation of property
  for any cause。
  A Magistrate was elected in every sub…district; according to population。
  One for every ten thousand inhabitants; at a salary of three dollars per day
  the   year   'round;   and   who   tried   all   persons   charged   with   Felony;   and   if
  proven guilty; committed them to the District Court…but a charge of Felony
  could be made before the District Court; and if probable cause was shown;
  the case came up for trial。 The Magistrate was authorized by law to release
  any person charged with a misdemeanor on probation; or to sentence them
  from one month to twelve months' imprisonment at hard labor within the
  district; and the prisoners were paid for their work from five to twenty…five
  cents   per   day;   according   to   their   ability   and   skill;   and   the   money   they
  earned was sent to their wives and children; if they had any。 If they were
  single;    what    they   earned    was   paid   to  them    at  the  expiration     of  their
  sentence。 No handcuffs; balls or chains or Oregon Boots were permitted to
  be used; but if the person in custody was violent; a jacket with straps at the
  waist to secure the hands at the side was provided and no punishment was
  inflicted   for   violation   of   the   prison   rules…but   bread   and   water   for   three
  days at any one time。 If a prisoner committed sodomy or other infamous
  crime   against   nature;   while   in   custody;   he   was   castrated;   and   if   he   still
  persisted in   committing   crimes   against nature; he   was   chloroformed。  No
  trial by jury was permitted in cases of misdemeanor…but an appeal to the
  Governor was allowed by law and a copy of the evidence in the case was
  sent to him and he had to decide according to the law and evidence within
  thirty days and publish his reasons therefor in the District Newspaper。 By
  permission of the Minister of Justice I was granted authority to visit the
  State Prison; carrying with me a letter instructing every prison official to
  assist   me   and   to   furnish   me   all   the   information   within   their   power。   The
  … Page 9…
  prison   was   located   in     the   center   of   a   Military   Preserve;   consisting   of
  ninety…two   thousand   one   hundred   and   sixty   acres;   all   in   a   high   state   of
  cultivation。 Railways traversed the reservation; but no trains but military
  ones were permitted to stop within its limits。
  … Page 10…
  The Minister of Justice placed an automobile at my service; and when
  I arrived at the boundary of the reservation; I was stopped by a   military
  officer。 I handed him my letter from the Minister of Justice; and; glancing
  over it; he replied; 〃You are welcome;〃 and; taking a seat by my side; we
  drove to the prison grounds; where I was introduced to the Superintendent;
  and invited by him to be his guest during my stay。 I found the prisoners
  garrisoned in company quarters。 One hundred and thirty…five privates; nine
  corporals; three sergeants and one company clerk constituted a company;
  with a captain in command of them holding the same rank and pay as a
  captain   in   the   army;   and   who   was   chosen   from   the   non…commissioned
  officers    in  the  army    for   distinguished    services。   The    prisoners   were
  classified   in   twelve   companies。   Four   companies   formed   the   first   grade;
  consisting   of   Companies      A;   B;  C  and   D;   four  companies    formed    the
  second grade; consisting of Companies E; F; G and H; and four companies
  formed the third grade; consisting of Companies I ; K; L; and M。 The first
  grade received fifteen cents per day and the third grade five cents per day;
  and no pay was forfeited for violation of prison rules and regulations; but
  prisoners received no pay during the time they were on bread and water。
  Corporals   received   fifty   p