第 8 节
作者:漂亮格子      更新:2021-04-30 16:08      字数:9322
  those also who may have temporary ailments or accidents; or who
  may make the mistake of over…eating at the start。 There were many
  fine birds in that flight; broad…breasted; bright…eyed;
  long…winged creatures; formed for swiftest flight; for high
  unconscious emprise; for these were destined to be messengers in
  the service of man in times of serious need。 Their colors were
  mostly white; blue; or brown。 They wore no uniform; but each and
  all of the chosen remnant had the brilliant eye and the bulging
  ears of the finest Homer blood; and; best and choicest of all;
  nearly always first among them was little Arnaux。 He had not much
  to distinguish him when at rest; for now all of the band had the
  silver anklet; but in the air it was that Arnaux showed his make;
  and when the opening of the hamper gave the order 〃Start;〃 it was
  Arnaux that first got under way; soared to the height deemed
  needful to exclude all local influence; divined the road to home;
  and took it; pausing not for food; drink; or company。
  Notwithstanding Billy's evil forecasts; the Big Blue of the
  Corner…box was one of the chosen twenty。 Often he was late in
  returning; he never was first; and sometimes when he came back
  hours behind the rest; it was plain that he was neither hungry
  nor thirsty; sure signs that he was a loiterer by the way。 Still
  he had come back; and now he wore on his ankle; like the rest;
  the sacred badge and a number from the roll of possible fame。
  Billy despised him; set him in poor contrast with Arnaux; but his
  owner would reply: 〃Give him a chance;'soon ripe; soon rotten;'
  an' I always notice the best bird is the slowest to show up at
  Before a year little Arnaux had made a record。 The hardest of all
  work is over the sea; for there is no chance of aid from
  landmarks; and the hardest of all times at sea is in fog; for
  then even the sun is blotted out and there is nothing whatever
  for guidance。 With memory; sight; and hearing unavailable; the
  Homer has one thing left; and herein is his great strength; the
  inborn sense of direction。 There is only one thing that can
  destroy this; and that is fear; hence the necessity of a stout
  little heart between those noble wings。
  Arnaux; with two of his order; in course of training; had been
  shipped on an ocean steamer bound for Europe。 They were to be
  released out of sight of land; but a heavy fog set in and forbade
  the start。 The steamer took them onward; the intention being to
  send them back with the next vessel。 When ten hours out the
  engine broke down; the fog settled dense over the sea; and the
  vessel was adrift and helpless as a log。 She could only whistle
  for assistance; and so far as results were concerned; the captain
  might as well have wigwagged。 Then the Pigeons were thought of。
  Starback; 2592 C; was first selected。 A message for help was
  written on waterproof paper; rolled up; and lashed to his
  tail…feathers on the under side。 He was thrown into the air and
  disappeared。 Half an hour later; a second; the Big Blue
  Corner…box; 2600 C; was freighted with a letter。 He flew up; but
  almost immediately returned and alighted on the rigging。 He was a
  picture of pigeon fear; nothing could induce him to leave the
  ship。 He was so terrorized that he was easily caught and
  ignominiously thrust back into the coop。
  Now the third was brought out; a small; chunky bird。 The shipmen
  did not know him; but they noted down from his anklet his name
  and number; Arnaux; 2590 C。 It meant nothing to them。 But the
  officer who held him noted that his heart did not beat so wildly
  as that of the last bird。 The message was taken from the Big
  Blue。 It ran:
  10 A。M。; Tuesday。
  We broke our shaft two hundred and ten miles out from New York;
  we are drifting helplessly in the fog。 Send out a tug as soon as
  possible。 We are whistling one long; followed at once by one
  short; every sixty seconds。
  (Signed)  THE CAPTAIN。
  This was rolled up; wrapped in waterproof film; addressed to the
  Steamship Company; and lashed to the under side of Arnaux's
  middle tail…feather。
  When thrown into the air; he circled round the ship; then round
  again higher; then again higher in a wider circle; and he was
  lost to view; and still higher till quite out of sight and
  feeling of the ship。 Shut out from the use of all his senses now
  but one; he gave himself up to that。 Strong in him it was; and
  untrammelled of that murderous despot Fear。 True as a needle to
  the Pole went Arnaux now; no hesitation; no doubts; within one
  minute of leaving the coop he was speeding straight as a ray of
  light for the loft where he was born; the only place on earth
  where he could be made content。
  That afternoon Billy was on duty when the whistle of fast wings
  was heard; a blue Flyer flashed into the loft and made for the
  water…trough。 He was gulping down mouthful after mouthful; when
  Billy gasped: 〃Why; Arnaux; it's you; you beauty。〃 Then; with the
  quick habit of the pigeon…man; he pulled out his watch and marked
  the time; 2:40 P。M; A glance showed the tie string on the tail。
  He shut the door and dropped the catching…net quickly over
  Arnaux's head。 A moment later he had the roll in his hand; in two
  minutes he was speeding to the office of the Company; for there
  was a fat tip in view。 There he learned that Arnaux had made the
  two hundred and ten miles in fog; over sea; in four hours and
  forty minutes; and within one hour the needful help had set out
  for the unfortunate steamer。
  Two hundred and ten miles in fog over sea in four hours and forty
  minutes! This was a noble record。 It was duly inscribed in the
  rolls of the Homing Club。 Arnaux was held while the secretary;
  with rubber stamp and indelible ink; printed on a snowy primary
  of his right wing the record of the feat; with the date and
  reference number。
  Starback; the second bird; never was heard of again。 No doubt he
  perished at sea。
  Blue Corner…box came back on the tug。
  That was Arnaux's first public record; but others came fast; and
  several curious scenes were enacted in that old pigeon…loft with
  Arnaux as the central figure。 One day a carriage drove up to the
  stable; a white…haired gentleman got out; climbed the dusty
  stairs; and sat all morning in the loft with Billy。 Peering from
  his gold…rimmed glasses; first at a lot of papers; next across
  the roofs of the city; waiting; watching; for what? News from a
  little place not forty miles awaynews of greatest weight to
  him; tidings that would make or break him; tidings that must
  reach him before it could be telegraphed: a telegram meant at
  least an hour's delay at each end。 What was faster than that for
  forty miles? In those days there was but one thinga high…class
  Homer。 Money would count for nothing if he could win。 The best;
  the very best at any price he must have; and Arnaux; with seven
  indelible records on his pinions; was the chosen messenger。 An
  hour went by; another; and a third was begun; when with whistle
  of wings; the blue meteor flashed into the loft。 Billy slammed
  the door and caught him。 Deftly he snipped the threads and handed
  the roll to the banker。 The old man turned deathly pale; fumbled
  it open; then his color came back。 〃Thank God!〃 he gasped; and
  then went speeding to his Board meeting; master of the situation。
  Little Arnaux had saved him。
  The banker wanted to buy the Homer; feeling in a vague way that
  he ought to honor and cherish him; but Billy was very clear about
  it。 〃What's the good? You can't buy a Homer's heart。 You could
  keep him a prisoner; that's all; but nothing on earth could make
  him forsake the old loft where he was hatched。〃 So Arnaux stayed
  at 2ll West Nineteenth Street。 But the banker did not forget。
  There is in our country a class of miscreants who think a flying
  Pigeon is fair game; because it is probably far from home; or
  they shoot him because it is hard to fix the crime。 Many a noble
  Homer; speeding with a life or death message; has been shot down
  by one of these wretches and remorselessly made into a pot…pie。
  Arnaux's brother Arnolf; with three fine records on his wings;
  was thus murdered in the act of bearing a hasty summons for the
  doctor。 As he fell dying at the gunner's feet; his superb wings
  spread out displayed his list of victories。 The silver badge on
  his leg was there; and the gunner was smitten with remorse。 He
  had the message sent on; he returned the dead bird to the Homing
  Club; saying that he 〃found it。〃 The owner came to see him; the
  gunner broke down under cross…examination; and was forced to
  admit that he himself had shot the Homer; but did so in behalf of
  a poor sick neighbor who craved a pigeon…pie。
  There were tears in the wrath of the pigeon…man。 〃My bird; my
  beautiful Arnolf; twenty times has he brought vital messages;
  three times has he made records; twice has he saved human lives;
  and you'd shoot him for a pot…pie。 I could punish you under the
  law; but I have no heart for such a poor revenge。 I only ask you
  this; if ever again you have a sick neighbor who wants a
  pigeon…pie; come; we'll freely supply him with pie…breed squabs;
  but if you have a trace of manhood about you; you will never;
  never again shoot; or allow others to shoot; our noble and