第 22 节
作者:炒作      更新:2021-04-30 16:07      字数:9322
  store utterly gave out under the sudden strain that was put upon them。 In
  every direction grimy; unkempt men might be seen attempting to beautify
  themselves。      Here    was   one   enduring     agonies    from    a  razor   that  would
  scarcely whittle a stick; here another recalling the feel of a cake of soap;
  there a great fellow pulling faces as he struggled to get the teeth of a comb
  into his shock of hair; there another brushing the clay from his moleskin
  trousers with a tuft of stiff grass。
  It seemed to these men ages since they had last seen a woman in the
  flesh;Kaffir women don't count; they are not women; merely Kaffirs;
  and;   with   the   natural   instinct   of   males   of   every   species;   they   set   about
  pluming their feathers。
  These     operations;     though     speedy    as   might    be;   were    necessarily
  prolonged; for most of the men required several buckets of water over the
  head before they felt fit for such unaccustomed exercises; and they were
  scarcely     finished    before   the   creaking    of  wheels     and   the  cries   of  the
  voorlooper   as   he   urged   his   oxen   announced   that   the   wagon   was   within
  earshot。   Up   it   came;   the   great   tilt   gleaming   white   in   the   moonlight;   and
  every   eye   was   fixed   expectantly   on   the   dark   chasm   within。   The   driver;
  puffed up with his own importance; cracked his long whip and deigned not
  to notice the men whom he usually greeted with a friendly hail; and the
  Hottentot   boy   ahead;   imitating       his   master;   vouchsafed   no     explanation。
  With   more   deathly  slowness   than   usual   did   the   lumbering   vehicle   crawl
  along until the tired cattle pulled up before the door of the American Bar。
  Then there was a rush and a bit of a scuffle for the honour of handing the
  woman out。 The Cripple was the fortunate man; and; after assisting her to
  the ground; waved his tattered hat toward the gleaming open doorway。 But
  … Page 75…
  he did not speak。 Words were beyond him。 Indeed; the diggers; who were
  none   of   them   particularly   remarkable   for   taciturnity   as   a   general   thing;
  seemed; with one exception; to be stricken dumb。 But the Scholar proved
  himself equal to the occasion; and with courtly phrase bade the new…comer
  welcome to the camp。 He had always been a popular man among women
  in his palmier days; though openly holding rather a poor opinion of them;
  and as the one before him now was neat of speech and comely of form; he
  was not at all averse to enjoying her society and conversation。
  〃I should be much obliged if you would direct me to a hotel;〃 she said;
  after taking a look around the cheap gaudiness of the saloon。
  〃I'm sorry to say that we have no hotel here as yet; Misser?〃
  〃Musgrave。 Miss Mary Musgrave〃with a little bow。 〃But I heard that
  a German had started a hotel here。〃
  〃No; there  is   nothing   but   this。 That〃pointing   to   Herr  Gustave;  who
  was regarding the newcomer with an evil eye〃that is the German。〃
  Miss Musgrave appeared distressed。
  〃Then where can I go?〃 she asked。 〃Are there any lodgings to be had?〃
  〃The lady may have my place;〃 chorused three eager voices; and every
  man in the room repeated the offer。
  She thanked them with a pretty smile and one comprehensive bow; and
  looked up at the Scholar for help。
  〃I would offer you my hut if it were not such a wretched one。 But; as it
  is;   I   should   advise   you   to   take   this   man's〃and   he   pointed   to   Tommy
  〃Why; mine's twenty carats better than hisn!〃 exclaimed the Cripple。
  〃And mine better 'n either;〃 growled Dan。
  〃Mine's the best of the lot。〃
  〃No; it isn't; mine is;〃 yelled others; till there was a general roar; which
  caused Miss Musgrave to look frightened and shrink nearer to the Scholar;
  and that gentleman to raise his hand for silence。
  〃Look here;〃 said he; 〃we'll pick out the twelve best; and their owners
  can cut with one another from a pack of cards。〃
  After some discussion twelve were settled upon; but the number was
  immediately raised to thirteen to prevent Jockey Bill disgracing the camp
  … Page 76…
  by shooting before a lady。 A pack of cards was placed on the bar; and each
  man   chose one;   holding   his selection   face downward   till   all   were   ready。
  Then   the   Scholar   said;   〃Turn;〃   and   there   were   exhibited   five   aces;   two
  kings; a queen; three knaves; and two smaller cards。 This was awkward; to
  say    the   least   of  it;  and;   while    sarcastic    laughter    rippled    among      the
  spectators; there  was   an   instinctive   movement   of   right   hands   toward   the
  back of the belt on the part of each of the thirteen。
  But the Scholar's voice; full of remonstrance; said; 〃Boys; you're being
  looked at;〃 and there was a regretful sigh or two; but no bloodshed。
  Miss Musgrave gazed inquiringly from one to another; and the Scholar;
  laying his hand on her arm; whispered something in her ear。 She smiled;
  whispered back; and was answered; and then; stripping off a pair of well…
  fitting   fawn   gloves;  she   took   the  cards   in   a   pretty  little  white  hand;   and
  dealt out one to each of the competitors with charming clumsiness。
  〃Ain't    touched     a  keard    afore;   bless   her;〃   whispered      Euchre    Buck;
  giving     his  neighbor     Dan    a  nudge     in  the  ribs   to  call  attention    to  this
  wonderful        piece    of   girlish    innocence。      〃Square      a   deal   es    George
  Washington        mought     ha'  made。〃     Then;    as  the   greasy   pasteboards       were
  turned up; and his neighbour was handed   the ace of clubs; he raised his
  voice   and   yelled   out;   〃Bully   for   you;   Dan!   Cut   away   an'   clar   yer   cabin
  Away scampered Dan out into the darkness; with the rest of the crew at
  his   heels。 Their   home   comforts   were   very  small;   poor   fellows;   but   each
  gave of his best; though the gifts were often incongruous enough。 In half
  an hour the cabin was fitted out with a small cracked looking… glass; two
  combs; an old hair…brush;still wet from the wash;a pail; a   frying…pan;
  three   kettles;   two   three…legged   stools;   and   so   many   blankets   that   some
  were requisitioned to carpet the floor。 The whole crowd accompanied Miss
  Musgrave   to   her   door   and   gave   her   a   cheer   by   way   of   good…night。   She
  bowed       to  them;    smiling     her   thanks;     and   looking;     as   they   thought;
  entrancingly  lovely  as   she  stood   there;  with   the  pale   moonbeams   falling
  full on her。
  Then she turned to go in; but as Euchre Buck stepped forward with an
  admonishing cough; she waited and looked round at him。
  … Page 77…
  〃Miss;〃 said he; holding out a big revolver in his hard fist; 〃you take
  this yer gun; an' ef any one whistles; or otherwise disturbs you; let a hole
  into him straight away; an' we'll see him buried decent。〃
  But Miss Musgrave courteously; and with profuse thanks; refused the
  offer; and; saying that she had perfect confidence in all who were around
  her;   gave   Euchre   Buck   a   bewitching   smile;   went   inside;   and   closed   the
  door after he。
  Then   the   diggers   returned   to   Gustav   Werstein's   American   Bar   and
  discussed the new arrival。
  〃I known Noomarket an' Hascot an' Hepson; an' all the places where
  swells goes in England;〃 said Jockey Bill; enthusiastically; 〃but never one
  come there as pretty as she; stop my license if ther' did。〃
  〃Grand eyes; hain't she?〃 said Tommy Dartmoor。 〃Regular fust…water
  'uns。 Here's to 'em!〃
  〃And…a…hoof! See it peep below her gownd。 S' welp me ef it wer' es
  big as my 'bacca…box!〃
  〃An'   'er   close;   gentlemen!   Made   to   measure;   every   thread   on   'em;   I
  〃She's   a   lady;   boys;〃   exclaimed   he   who   had   offered   to   see   after   a
  funeral; 〃a reg'lar slap…up; high…toned; blow…yer…eyes…don't…touch…me lady;
  an'   as   she   sees   fit   to   do   the   civil   to   this   fellar〃striking   himself   on   the
  chest〃he's just going to drop his professional name; an' arsk yer to call
  him Mister Samuel K。 Gregson; Esquire。 Play on that。〃
  Next    morning     the  inhabitants    of   Big   Stone   Hole    were   startled   by
  reading this announcement outside the  cabin