第 8 节
作者:嘟嘟      更新:2021-04-30 16:07      字数:9322
  as the emoluments of justice; or what may be called the fees of
  court; constituted in this manner the whole ordinary revenue
  which the sovereign derived from his sovereignty; it could not
  well be expected; it could not even decently be proposed; that he
  should give them up altogether。 It might; and it frequently was
  proposed; that he should regulate and ascertain them。 But after
  they had been so regulated and ascertained; how to hinder a
  person who was all…powerful from extending them beyond those
  regulations was still very difficult; not to say impossible。
  During the continuance of this state of things; therefore; the
  corruption of justice; naturally resulting from the arbitrary and
  uncertain nature of those presents; scarce admitted of any
  effectual remedy。
  But when from different causes; chiefly from the continually
  increasing expenses of defending the nation against the invasion
  of other nations; the private estate of the sovereign had become
  altogether insufficient for defraying the expense of the
  sovereignty; and when it had become necessary that the people
  should; for their own security; contribute towards this expense
  by taxes of different kinds; it seems to have been very commonly
  stipulated that no present for the administration of justice
  should; under any pretence; be accepted either by the sovereign;
  or by his bailiffs and substitutes; the judges。 Those presents;
  it seems to have been supposed; could more easily be abolished
  altogether than effectually regulated and ascertained。 Fixed
  salaries were appointed to the judges; which were supposed to
  compensate to them the loss of whatever might have been their
  share of the ancient emoluments of justice; as the taxes more
  than compensated to the sovereign the loss of his。 Justice was
  then said to be administered gratis。
  Justice; however; never was in reality administered gratis
  in any country。 Lawyers and attorneys; at least; must always be
  paid by the parties; and; if they were not; they would perform
  their duty still worse than they actually perform it。 The fees
  annually paid to lawyers and attorneys amount; in every court; to
  a much greater sum than the salaries of the judges。 The
  circumstance of those salaries being paid by the crown can
  nowhere much diminish the necessary expense of a law…suit。 But it
  was not so much to diminish the expense; as to prevent the
  corruption of justice; that the judges were prohibited from
  receiving any present or fee from the parties。
  The office of judge is in itself so very honourable that men
  are willing to accept of it; though accompanied with very small
  emoluments。 The inferior office of justice of peace; though
  attended with a good deal of trouble; and in most cases with no
  emoluments at all; is an object of ambition to the greater part
  of our country gentlemen。 The salaries of all the different
  judges; high and low; together with the whole expense of the
  administration and execution of justice; even where it is not
  managed with very good economy; makes; in any civilised country;
  but a very inconsiderable part of the whole expense of
  The whole expense of justice; too; might easily be defrayed
  by the fees of court; and; without exposing the administration of
  justice to any real hazard of corruption; the public revenue
  might thus be discharged from a certain; though; perhaps; but a
  small incumbrance。 It is difficult to regulate the fees of court
  effectually where a person so powerful as the sovereign is to
  share in them; and to derive any considerable part of his revenue
  from them。 It is very easy where the judge is the principal
  person who can reap any benefit from them。 The law can very
  easily oblige the judge to respect the regulation; though it
  might not always be able to make the sovereign respect it。 Where
  the fees of court are precisely regulated and ascertained; where
  they are paid all at once; at a certain period of every process;
  into the hands of a cashier or receiver; to be by him distributed
  in certain known proportions among the different judges after the
  process is decided; and not till it is decided; there seems to be
  no more danger of corruption than where such fees are prohibited
  altogether。 Those fees; without occasioning any considerable
  increase in the expense of a lawsuit; might be rendered fully
  sufficient for defraying the whole expense of justice。 By not
  being paid to the judges till the process was determined; they
  might be some incitement to the diligence of the court in
  examining and deciding it。 In courts which consisted of a
  considerable number of judges; by proportioning the share of each
  judge to the number of hours and days which he had employed in
  examining the process; either in the court or in a committee by
  order of the court; those fees might give some encouragement to
  the diligence of each particular judge。 Public services are never
  better performed than when their reward comes only in consequence
  of their being performed; and is proportioned to the diligence
  employed in performing them。 In the different parliaments of
  France; the fees of court (called epices and vacations)
  constitute the far greater part of the emoluments of the judges。
  After all deductions are made; the net salary paid by the crown
  to a counsellor or judge in the Parliament of Toulouse; in rank
  and dignity the second parliament of the kingdom; amounts only to
  a hundred and fifty livres; about six pounds eleven shillings
  sterling a year。 About seven years ago that sum was in the same
  place the ordinary yearly wages of a common footman。 The
  distribution of those epices; too; is according to the diligence
  of the judges。 A diligent judge gains a comfortable; though
  moderate; revenue by his office: an idle one gets little more
  than his salary。 Those Parliaments are perhaps; in many respects;
  not very convenient courts of justice; but they have never been
  accused; they seem never even to have been suspected; of
  The fees of court seem originally to have been the principal
  support of the different courts of justice in England。 Each court
  endeavoured to draw to itself as much business as it could; and
  was; upon that account; willing to take cognisance of many suits
  which were not originally intended to fall under its
  jurisdiction。 The Court of King's Bench; instituted for the trial
  of criminal causes only; took cognisance of civil suits; the
  plaintiff pretending that the defendant; in not doing him
  justice; had been guilty of some trespass or misdemeanour。 The
  Court of Exchequer; instituted for the levying of the king's
  revenue; and for enforcing the payment of such debts only as were
  due to the king; took cognisance of all other contract debts; the
  plaintiff alleging that he could not pay the king because the
  defendant would not pay him。 In consequence of such fictions it
  came; in many cases; to depend altogether upon the parties before
  what court they would choose to have their cause tried; and each
  court endeavoured; by superior dispatch and impartiality; to draw
  to itself as many causes as it could。 The present admirable
  constitution of the courts of justice in England was; perhaps;
  originally in a great measure formed by this emulation which
  anciently took place between their respective judges; each judge
  endeavouring to give; in his own court; the speediest and most
  effectual remedy which the law would admit for every sort of
  injustice。 Originally the courts of law gave damages only for
  breach of contract。 The Court of Chancery; as a court of
  conscience; first took upon it to enforce the specific
  performance of agreements。 When the breach of contract consisted
  in the non…payment of money; the damage sustained could be
  compensated in no other way than by ordering payment; which was
  equivalent to a specific performance of the agreement。 In such
  cases; therefore; the remedy of the courts of law was sufficient。
  It was not so in others。 When the tenant sued his lord for having
  unjustly outed him of his lease; the damages which he recovered
  were by no means equivalent to the possession of the land。 Such
  causes; therefore; for some time; went all to the Court of
  Chancery; to the no small loss of the courts of law。 It was to
  draw back such causes to themselves that the courts of law are
  said to have invented the artificial and fictitious Writ of
  Ejectment; the most effectual remedy for an unjust outer or
  dispossession of land。
  A stamp…duty upon the law proceedings of each particular
  court; to be levied by that court; and applied towards the
  maintenance of the judges and other officers belonging to it;
  might; in the same manner; afford revenue sufficient for
  defraying the expense of the administration of justice; without
  bringing any burden upon the general revenue of the society。 The
  judges indeed might; in this case; be under the temptation of
  multiplying unnecessa