第 7 节
作者:绚烂冬季      更新:2021-04-30 16:04      字数:9322
  and they are right in this sense;that human happiness is
  coincident with the annihilation of 'Self。' Only they do not
  express themselves well。  They say that Humanity should
  annihilate itself to avoid its sufferings; that its object should
  be to destroy itself。  Now the object of Humanity cannot be to
  avoid sufferings by annihilation; since suffering is the result
  of activity。  The object of activity cannot consist in
  suppressing its consequences。  The object of Man; as of Humanity;
  is happiness; and; to attain it; Humanity has a law which it must
  carry out。  This law consists in the union of beings。  This union
  is thwarted by the passions。  And that is why; if the passions
  disappear; the union will be accomplished。  Humanity then will
  have carried out the law; and will have no further reason to
  〃And before Humanity carries out the law?〃
  〃In the meantime it will have the sign of the unfulfilled law;
  and the existence of physical love。  As long as this love shall
  exist; and because of it; generations will be born; one of which
  will finally fulfil the law。  When at last the law shall be
  fulfilled; the Human Race will be annihilated。  At least it is
  impossible for us to conceive of Life in the perfect union of
  〃Strange theory!〃 cried I。
  〃Strange in what?  According to all the doctrines of the Church;
  the world will have an end。 Science teaches the same fatal
  conclusions。 Why; then; is it strange that the same thing should
  result from moral Doctrine?  'Let those who can; contain;' said
  Christ。  And I take this passage literally; as it is written。
  That morality may exist between people in their worldly
  relations; they must make complete chastity their object。  In
  tending toward this end; man humiliates himself。  When he shall
  reach the last degree of humiliation; we shall have moral
  〃But if man; as in our society; tends only toward physical love;
  though he may clothe it with pretexts and the false forms of
  marriage; he will have only permissible debauchery; he will know
  only the same immoral life in which I fell and caused my wife to
  fall; a life which we call the honest life of the family。  Think
  what a perversion of ideas must arise when the happiest situation
  of man; liberty; chastity; is looked upon as something wretched
  and ridiculous。  The highest ideal; the best situation of woman;
  to be pure; to be a vestal; a virgin; excites fear and laughter
  in our society。  How many; how many young girls sacrifice their
  purity to this Moloch of opinion by marrying rascals that they
  may not remain virgins;that is; superiors! Through fear of
  finding themselves in that ideal state; they ruin themselves。
  〃But I did not understand formerly; I did not understand that the
  words of the Gospel; that 'he who looks upon a woman to lust
  after her has already committed adultery;' do not apply to the
  wives of others; but notably and especially to our own wives。  I
  did not understand this; and I thought that the honeymoon and all
  of my acts during that period were virtuous; and that to satisfy
  one's desires with his wife is an eminently chaste thing。  Know;
  then; that I consider these departures; these isolations; which
  young married couples arrange with the permission of their
  parents; as nothing else than a license to engage in debauchery。
  〃I saw; then; in this nothing bad or shameful; and; hoping for
  great joys; I began to live the honeymoon。  And very certainly
  none of these joys followed。  But I had faith; and was determined
  to have them; cost what they might。  But the more I tried to
  secure them; the less I succeeded。  All this time I felt anxious;
  ashamed; and weary。  Soon I began to suffer。  I believe that on
  the third or fourth day I found my wife sad and asked her the
  reason。  I began to embrace her; which in my opinion was all that
  she could desire。  She put me away with her hand; and began to
  〃At what?  She could not tell me。  She was filled with sorrow;
  with anguish。  Probably her tortured nerves had suggested to her
  the truth about the baseness of our relations; but she found no
  words in which to say it。  I began to question her; she answered
  that she missed her absent mother。  It seemed to me that she was
  not telling the truth。  I sought to console her by maintaining
  silence in regard to her parents。  I did not imagine that she
  felt herself simply overwhelmed; and that her parents had nothing
  to do with her sorrow。  She did not listen to me; and I accused
  her of caprice。  I began to laugh at her gently。  She dried her
  tears; and began to reproach me; in hard and wounding terms; for
  my selfishness and cruelty。
  〃I looked at her。  Her whole face expressed hatred; and hatred of
  me。  I cannot describe to you the fright which this sight gave
  me。  'How? What?' thought I; 'love is the unity of souls; and
  here she hates me?  Me?  Why?  But it is impossible!  It is no
  longer she!'
  〃I tried to calm her。  I came in conflict with an immovable and
  cold hostility; so that; having no time to reflect; I was seized
  with keen irritation。  We exchanged disagreeable remarks。  The
  impression of this first quarrel was terrible。  I say quarrel;
  but the term is inexact。  It was the sudden discovery of the
  abyss that had been dug between us。  Love was exhausted with the
  satisfaction of sensuality。  We stood face to face in our true
  light; like two egoists trying to procure the greatest possible
  enjoyment; like two individuals trying to mutually exploit each
  〃So what I called our quarrel was our actual situation as it
  appeared after the satisfaction of sensual desire。  I did not
  realize that this cold hostility was our normal state; and that
  this first quarrel would soon be drowned under a new flood of the
  intensest sensuality。  I thought that we had disputed with each
  other; and had become reconciled; and that it would not happen
  again。  But in this same honeymoon there came a period of
  satiety; in which we ceased to be necessary to each other; and a
  new quarrel broke out。
  〃It became evident that the first was not a matter of chance。
  'It was inevitable;' I thought。 This second quarrel stupefied me
  the more; because it was based on an extremely unjust cause。 It
  was something like a question of money;and never had I haggled
  on that score; it was even impossible that I should do so in
  relation to her。  I only remember that; in answer to some remark
  that I made; she insinuated that it was my intention to rule her
  by means of money; and that it was upon money that I based my
  sole right over her。  In short; something extraordinarily stupid
  and base; which was neither in my character nor in hers。
  〃I was beside myself。  I accused her of indelicacy。  She made the
  same accusation against me; and the dispute broke out。  In her
  words; in the expression of her face; of her eyes; I noticed
  again the hatred that had so astonished me before。  With a
  brother; friends; my father; I had occasionally quarrelled; but
  never had there been between us this fierce spite。  Some time
  passed。  Our mutual hatred was again concealed beneath an access
  of sensual desire; and I again consoled myself with the
  reflection that these scenes were reparable faults。
  〃But when they were repeated a third and a fourth time; I
  understood that they were not simply faults; but a fatality that
  must happen again。  I was no longer frightened; I was simply
  astonished that I should be precisely the one to live so
  uncomfortably with my wife; and that the same thing did not
  happen in other households。  I did not know that in all
  households the same sudden changes take place; but that all; like
  myself; imagine that it is a misfortune exclusively reserved for
  themselves alone; which they carefully conceal as shameful; not
  only to others; but to themselves; like a bad disease。
  〃That was what happened to me。  Begun in the early days; it
  continued and increased with characteristics of fury that were
  ever more pronounced。  At the bottom of my soul; from the first
  weeks; I felt that I was in a trap; that I had what I did not
  expect; and that marriage is not a joy; but a painful trial。
  Like everybody else; I refused to confess it (I should not have
  confessed it even now but for the outcome)。  Now I am astonished
  to think that I did not see my real situation。  It was so easy to
  perceive it; in view of those quarrels; begun for reasons so
  trivial that afterwards one could not recall them。
  〃Just as it often happens among gay young people that; in the
  absence of jokes; they laugh at their own laughter; so we found
  no reasons for our hatred; and we hated each other because hatred
  was naturally boiling up in us。  More extraordinary still was the
  absence of causes for reconciliation。
  〃Sometimes words; explanations; or even tears; but sometimes; I
  remember; after insulting wo