第 13 节
作者:老山文学      更新:2021-04-30 15:54      字数:9322
  eived reinforcements。 The new minister of war notified them that General Brune was appointed to command the troops in the west of France。 Hulot; whose experience was known to the government; had provisional control in the departments of the Orne and Mayenne。 An unusual activity began to show itself in the government offices。 Circulars from the minister of war and the minister of police gave notice that vigorous measures entrusted to the military commanders would be taken to stifle the insurrection at its birth。 But the Chouans and the Vendeans had profited by the inaction of the Directory to rouse the whole region and virtually take possession of it。 A new Consular proclamation was therefore issued。 This time; it was the general speaking to his troops:
  There are none but brigands; /emigres/; and hirelings of England   now remaining in the West。
  The army is composed of more than fifty thousand brave men。 Let me   speedily hear from them that the rebel chiefs have ceased to live。   Glory is won by toil alone; if it could be had by living in   barracks in a town; all would have it。
  Soldiers; whatever be the rank you hold in the army; the gratitude   of the nation awaits you。 To be worthy of it; you must brave the   inclemencies of weather; ice; snow; and the excessive coldness of   the nights; you must surprise your enemies at daybreak; and   exterminate those wretches; the disgrace of France。
  Make a short and sure campaign; be inexorable to those brigands;   and maintain strict discipline。
  National Guards; join the strength of your arms to that of the   line。
  If you know among you any men who fraternize with the brigands;   arrest them。 Let them find no refuge; pursue them; if traitors   dare to harbor and defend them; let them perish together。
  〃What a man!〃 cried Hulot。 〃It is just as it was in the army of Italy he rings in the mass; and he says it himself。 Don't you call that talking; hey?〃
  〃Yes; but he speaks by himself and in his own name;〃 said Gerard; who began to feel alarmed at the possible results of the 18th Brumaire。
  〃And where's the harm; since he's a soldier?〃 said Merle。
  A group of soldiers were clustered at a little distance before the same proclamation posted on a wall。 As none of them could read; they gazed at it; some with a careless eye; others with curiosity; while two or three hunted about for a citizen who looked learned enough to read it to them。
  〃Now you tell us; Clef…des…Coeurs; what that rag of a paper says;〃 cried Beau…Pied; in a saucy tone to his comrade。
  〃Easy to guess;〃 replied Clef…des…Coeurs。
  At these words the other men clustered round the pair; who were always ready to play their parts。
  〃Look there;〃 continued Clef…des…Coeurs; pointing to a coarse woodcut which headed the proclamation and represented a pair of compasses; which had lately superseded the level of 1793。 〃It means that the troopsthat's usare to march firm; don't you see the compasses are open; both legs apart?that's an emblem。〃
  〃Such much for your learning; my lad; it isn't an emblemit's called a problem。 I've served in the artillery;〃 continued Beau…Pied; 〃and problems were meat and drink to my officers。〃
  〃I say it's an emblem。〃
  〃It's a problem。〃
  〃What will you bet?〃
  〃Your German pipe?〃
  〃By your leave; adjutant; isn't that thing an emblem; and not a problem?〃 said Clef…des…Coeurs; following Gerard; who was thoughtfully walking away。
  〃It is both;〃 he replied; gravely。
  〃The adjutant was making fun of you;〃 said Beau…Pied。 〃That paper means that our general in Italy is promoted Consul; which is a fine grade; and we are to get shoes and overcoats。〃
  One morning towards the end of Brumaire just as Hulot was exercising his brigade; now by order of his superiors wholly concentrated at Mayenne; a courier arrived from Alencon with despatches; at the reading of which his face betrayed extreme annoyance。
  〃Forward; then!〃 he cried in an angry tone; sticking the papers into the crown of his hat。 〃Two companies will march with me towards Mortagne。 The Chouans are there。 You will accompany me;〃 he said to Merle and Gerard。 〃May be I created a nobleman if I can understand one word of that despatch。 Perhaps I'm a fool! well; anyhow; forward; march! there's no time to lose。〃
  〃Commandant; by your leave;〃 said Merle; kicking the cover of the ministerial despatch with the toe of his boot; 〃what is there so exasperating in that?〃
  〃God's thunder! nothing at allexcept that we are fooled。〃
  When the commandant gave vent to this military oath (an object it must be said of Republican atheistical remonstrance) it gave warning of a storm; the diverse intonations of the words were degrees of a thermometer by which the brigade could judge of the patience of its commander; the old soldier's frankness of nature had made this knowledge so easy that the veriest little drummer…boy knew his Hulot by heart; simply by observing the variations of the grimace with which the commander screwed up his cheek and snapped his eyes and vented his oath。 On this occasion the tone of smothered rage with which he uttered the words made his two friends silent and circumspect。 Even the pits of the small…pox which dented that veteran face seemed deeper; and the skin itself browner than usual。 His broad queue; braided at the edges; had fallen upon one of his epaulettes as he replaced his three…cornered hat; and he flung it back with such fury that the ends became untied。 However; as he stood stock…still; his hands clenched; his arms crossed tightly over his breast; his mustache bristling; Gerard ventured to ask him presently: 〃Are we to start at once?〃
  〃Yes; if the men have ammunition。〃
  〃They have。〃
  〃Shoulder arms! Left wheel; forward; march!〃 cried Gerard; at a sign from the commandant。
  The drum…corps marched at the head of the two companies designated by Gerard。 At the first roll of the drums the commandant; who still stood plunged in thought; seemed to rouse himself; and he left the town accompanied by his two officers; to whom he said not a word。 Merle and Gerard looked at each other silently as if to ask; 〃How long is he going to keep us in suspense?〃 and; as they marched; they cautiously kept an observing eye on their leader; who continued to vent rambling words between his teeth。 Several times these vague phrases sounded like oaths in the ears of his soldiers; but not one of them dared to utter a word; for they all; when occasion demanded; maintained the stern discipline to which the veterans who had served under Bonaparte in Italy were accustomed。 The greater part of them had belonged; like Hulot; to the famous battalions which capitulated at Mayenne under a promise not to serve again on the frontier; and the army called them 〃Les Mayencais。〃 It would be difficult to find leaders and men who more thoroughly understood each other。
  At dawn of the day after their departure Hulot and his troop were on the high…road to Alencon; about three miles from that town towards Mortagne; at a part of the road which leads through pastures watered by the Sarthe。 A picturesque vista of these meadows lay to the left; while the woodlands on the right which flank the road and join the great forest of Menil…Broust; serve as a foil to the delightful aspect of the river…scenery。 The narrow causeway is bordered on each side by ditches the soil of which; being constantly thrown out upon the fields; has formed high banks covered with furze;the name given throughout the West to this prickly gorse。 This shrub; which spreads itself in thorny masses; makes excellent fodder in winter for horses and cattle; but as long as it was not cut the Chouans hid themselves behind its breastwork of dull green。 These banks bristling with gorse; signifying to travellers their approach to Brittany; made this part of the road at the period of which we write as dangerous as it was beautiful; it was these dangers which compelled the hasty departure of Hulot and his soldiers; and it was here that he at last let out the secret of his wrath。
  He was now on his return; escorting an old mail…coach drawn by post… horses; which the weariness of his soldiers; after their forced march; was compelling to advance at a snail's pace。 The company of Blues from the garrison at Mortagne; who had escorted the rickety vehicle to the limits of their district; where Hulot and his men had met them; could be seen in the distance; on their way back to their quarters; like so many black specks。 One of Hulot's companies was in the rear; the other in advance of the carriage。 The commandant; who was marching with Merle and Gerard between the advance guard and the carriage; suddenly growled out: 〃Ten thousand thunders! would you believe that the general detached us from Mayenne to escort two petticoats?〃
  〃But; commandant;〃 remarked Gerard; 〃when we came up just now and took charge I observed that you bowed to them not ungraciously。〃
  〃Ha! that's the infamy of it。 Those dandies in Paris ordered the greatest attention paid to their damned females。 How dare they dishonor good and brave patriots by trailing us after petticoats? As for me; I march straight; and I don't choose to have to