第 7 节
作者:上网找工作      更新:2021-03-16 00:37      字数:9322
  might have been the intentions of Bonaparte; it was now manifest that
  there were no longer any hopes of his being able to make his will the law
  of the nation; after some vacillation; therefore; on 22d June he
  published the following declaration:
  FRENCHMEN!In commencing war for maintaining the national
  independence; I relied on the union of all efforts; of all wills;
  and the concurrence of all the national authorities。  I had reason
  to hope for success; and I braved all the declarations of the powers
  against me。  Circumstances appear to me changed。  I offer myself a
  sacrifice to the hatred of the enemies of France。  May they prove
  sincere in their declarations; and really have directed them only
  against my power。  My political life is terminated; and I proclaim
  my son under the title of:
  The present Ministers will provisionally form the Council of the
  Government。  The interest which I take in my son induces me to
  invite the Chambers to form without delay the Regency by a law。
  Unite all for the public safety; that you may continue an
  independent nation。
  (Signed)     NAPOLEON。
  This declaration was conveyed to both the Chambers; which voted
  deputations to the late Emperor; accepting this abdication; but in their
  debates the nomination of his son to the succession was artfully eluded。
  The Chamber of Representatives voted the nomination of a Commission of
  five persons; three to be chosen from that Chamber; and two from the
  Chamber of Peers; for the purpose of provisionally exercising the
  functions of Government; and also that the Ministers should continue
  their respective functions under the authority of this Commission。  The
  persons chosen by the Chamber of Representatives were Carnot; Fouche; and
  Grenier; those nominated by the Peers were the Duke of Vicenza
  (Caulaincourt) and Baron Quinette。  The Commission nominated five persons
  to the Allied army for the purpose of proposing peace。  These proceedings
  were; however; rendered of little importance by the resolution of the
  victors to advance to Paris。
  Napoleon's behaviour just before and immediately after the crisis is well
  described by Lavallette。  〃The next day;〃 he observes; 〃I returned to the
  Emperor。  He had received the most positive accounts of the state of
  feeling in the Chamber of Representatives。  The reports had; however;
  been given to him with some little reserve; for he did not seem to me
  convinced that the resolution was really formed to pronounce his
  abdication; I was better informed on the matter; and I came to him
  without having the least doubt in my mind that the only thing he could do
  was to descend once more from the throne。  I communicated to him all the
  particulars I had just received; and I did not hesitate to advise him to
  follow the only course worthy of him。  He listened to me with a sombre
  air; and though he was in some measure master of himself; the agitation
  of his mind and the sense of his position betrayed themselves in his face
  and in all his motions。  'I know;' said I; 'that your Majesty may still
  keep the sword drawn; but with whom; and against whom?  Defeat has
  chilled the courage of every one; the army is still in the greatest
  confusion。  Nothing is to be expected from Paris; and the coup d'etat of
  the 18th Brumaire cannot be renewed。''That thought;' he replied;
  stopping; 'is far from my mind。  I will hear nothing more about myself。
  But poor France!'  At that moment Savary and Caulaincourt entered; and
  having drawn a faithful picture of the exasperation of the Deputies; they
  persuaded him to assent to abdication。  Some words he uttered proved to
  us that he would have considered death preferable to that step; but still
  he took it。
  〃The great act of abdication being performed; he remained calm during the
  whole day; giving his advice on the position the army should take; and on
  the manner in which the negotiations with the enemy ought to be
  conducted。  He insisted especially on the necessity of proclaiming his
  son Emperor; not so much for the advantage of the child as with a view to
  concentrate all the power of sentiments and affections。  Unfortunately;
  nobody would listen to him。  Some men of sense and courage rallied found
  that proposition in the two Chambers; but fear swayed the majority; and
  among those who remained free from it many thought that a public
  declaration of liberty; and the resolution to defend it at any price;
  would make the enemy and the Bourbons turn back。  Strange delusion of
  weakness and want of experience!  It must; however; be respected; for it
  had its source in love of their country; but; while we excuse it; can it
  be justified?  The population of the metropolis had resumed its usual
  appearance; which was that of complete indifference; with a resolution to
  cry 'Long live the King!' provided the King arrived well escorted; for
  one must not judge of the whole capital by about one…thirtieth part of
  the inhabitants; who called for arms; and declared themselves warmly
  against the return of the exiled family。
  〃On the 23d I returned to the Elysee。  The Emperor had been for two hours
  in his bath。  He himself turned the discourse on the retreat he ought to
  choose; and spoke of the United States。  I rejected the idea without
  reflection; and with a degree of vehemence that surprised him。  'Why not
  America?' he asked。  I answered; 'Because Moreau retired there。'  The
  observation was harsh; and I should never have forgiven myself for having
  expressed it; if I had not retracted my advice a few days afterwards。  He
  heard it without any apparent ill…humour; but I have no doubt that it
  must have made an unfavourable impression on his mind。  I strongly urged
  on his choosing England for his asylum。
  〃The Emperor went to Malmaison。  He was accompanied thither by the
  Duchesse de St。 Leu; Bertrand and his family; and the Duc de Bassano。
  The day that he arrived there he proposed to me to accompany him abroad。
  Drouot;' he said; 'remains in France。  I see the Minister of War wishes
  him not to be lost to his country。  I dare not complain; but it is a
  great loss for me; I never met with a better head; or a more upright
  heart。  That man was formed to be a prime minister anywhere。'  I declined
  to accompany him at the time; saying; 'My wife is enceinte; I cannot make
  up my mind to leave her。  Allow me some time; and I will join you
  wherever you may be。  I have remained faithful to your Majesty in better
  times; and you may reckon upon me now。  Nevertheless; if my wife did not
  require all my attention; I should do better to go with you; for I have
  sad forebodings respecting my fate。〃
  〃The Emperor made no answer; but I saw by the expression of his
  countenance that he had no better augury of my fate than I had。  However;
  the enemy was approaching; and for the last three days he had solicited
  the Provisional Government to place a frigate at his disposal; with which
  he might proceed to America。  It had been promised him; he was even
  pressed to set off; but he wanted to be the bearer of the order to the
  captain to convey him to the United States; and that order did not
  arrive。  We all felt that the delay of a single hour might put his
  freedom in jeopardy。
  〃After we had talked the subject over among ourselves; I went to him and
  strongly pointed out to him how dangerous it might be to prolong his
  stay。  He observed that he could not go without the order。  'Depart;
  nevertheless;' I replied; your presence on board the ship will still have
  a great influence over Frenchmen; cut the cables; promise money to the
  crew; and if the captain resist have him put on shore; and hoist your
  sails。  I have no doubt but Fouche has sold you to the Allies。'
  'I believe it also; but go and make the last effort with the Minister of
  Marine。' I went off immediately to M。 Decres。  He was in bed; and
  listened to me with an indifference that made my blood boil。  He said to
  me; 'I am only a Minister。  Go to Fouche; speak to the Government。  As
  for me; I can do nothing。  Good…night。'  And so saying he covered himself
  up again in his blankets。  I left him; but I could not succeed in
  speaking either to Fouche or to any of the others。  It was two o'clock in
  the morning when I returned to Malmaison; the Emperor was in bed。  I was
  admitted to his chamber; where I gave him an account of the result of my
  mission; and renewed my entreaties。  He listened to me; but made no
  answer。  He got up; however; and spent a part of the night in walking up
  and down the room。
  〃The following day was the last of that sad drama。  The Emperor had gone
  to bed again; and slept a few hours。  I entered his cabinet at about
  twelve o'clock。  'If I had known you were here;' he said; 'I would have
  had you called in。' He then gave me; on a subject that interested him
  personally; some instructions which it is needless for me to repeat。
  Soon after I left him; full of anxiety respecting his fate; my heart
  oppressed with grief; but still far