第 5 节
作者:疯狂热线      更新:2021-03-16 00:35      字数:9318
  Nassau;   Germany。   The   whole   journey   of   500   miles   had   been   made   in
  eighteen hours。
  Probably      no   British    aeronaut    has   made     more    daring    and    exciting
  ascents   than   Mr。   Greenunless   it   be   a   member   of   the   famous   Spencer
  family;   of   whom   we   speak   in   another   chapter。   It   is   said   that   Mr。   Green
  went aloft over a thousand times; and in later years he was accompanied
  by  various   passengers   who   were   making   ascents   for   scientific   purposes。
  His skill was so great that though he had numerous hairbreadth escapes he
  seldom suffered much bodily harm。 He lived to the ripe old age of eighty…
  … Page 18…
  CHAPTER VI The Parachute
  No   doubt   many   of   those   who   read   this   book   have   seen   an   aeronaut
  descend   from   a   balloon   by   the   aid   of   a   parachute。   For   many   years   this
  performance has been one of the most attractive items on the programmes
  of fetes; galas; and various other outdoor exhibitions。
  The word 〃parachute〃 has been almost bodily taken from the French
  language。 It is derived from the French parer to parry; and chute a fall。 In
  appearance a parachute is very similar to an enormous umbrella。
  M。   Blanchard;   one   of   the   pioneers   of   ballooning;   has   the   honour   of
  first   using   a   parachute;   although   not   in   person。   The   first   〃aeronaut〃   to
  descend by this apparatus was a dog。 The astonished animal was placed in
  a basket attached to a parachute; taken up in a balloon; and after reaching a
  considerable altitude was released。 Happily for the dog the parachute acted
  quite admirably; and the animal had a graceful and gentle descent。
  Shortly afterwards a well…known French aeronaut; M。 Garnerin; had an
  equally satisfactory descent; and soon the parachute was used by most of
  the prominent aeronauts of the day。 Mr。 Cocking; a well…known balloonist;
  held somewhat different views from those of other inventors as to the best
  form of construction of parachutes。 His idea was that a parachute should
  be very large and rather heavy in order to be able to support a great weight。
  His    first  descent     from    a  great    height   was    also   his   last。  In   1837;
  accompanied        by   Messrs。     Spencer     and   Green;     he   went    up   with   his
  parachute; attached to the Nassau balloon。 At a height of about a mile the
  parachute was liberated; but it failed to act properly; the inventor was cast
  headlong to earth; and dashed to death。
  From time to time it has been thought that the parachute might be used
  for life…saving on the modern dirigible air…ship; and even on the aeroplane;
  and   experiments   have   been   carried   out   with   that   end   in   view。   A   most
  thrilling descent from an air…ship by means of a parachute was that made
  by  Major   Maitland;   Commander   of   the   British Airship   Squadron;   which
  forms   part   of   the   Royal   Flying   Corps。  The   descent   took   place   from   the
  Delta   air…ship;   which   ascended   from   Farnborough   Common。   In   the   car
  with Major   Maitland were   the pilot;  Captain Waterlow;  and a   passenger。
  … Page 19…
  The parachute was suspended from the rigging of the Delta; and when a
  height of about 2000 feet had been reached it was dropped over to the side
  of the car。 With the dirigible travelling at about 20 miles an hour the major
  climbed over the car and seated himself in the parachute。 Then it became
  detached   from   the   Delta   and   shot   downwards   for   about   200   feet   at   a
  terrific   rate。   For   a  moment      or  two    it  was   thought     that  the   opening
  apparatus had failed to work; but gradually the 〃umbrella〃 opened; and the
  gallant major had a gentle descent for the rest of the distance。
  This experiment was really made in order to prove the stability of an
  air…ship after a comparatively great weight was suddenly removed from it。
  Lord Edward Grosvenor; who is attached to the Royal Flying Corps; was
  one of the eyewitnesses of the descent。 In speaking of it he said: 〃We all
  think highly of Major Maitland's performance; which has shown how the
  difficulty of lightening an air…ship after a long flight can be surmounted。
  During   a   voyage   of   several   hours   a   dirigible   naturally   loses   gas;   and
  without some means of relieving her of weight she might have to descend
  in   a  hostile   country。    Major    Maitland     has   proved     the  practicability    of
  members   of   an   air…ship's   crew   dropping   to   the   ground   if   the   necessity
  A descent in a parachute has also been made from an aeroplane by M。
  Pegoud;   the   daring   French   airman;   of   whom   we   speak   later。   A   certain
  Frenchman; M。 Bonnet; had constructed a parachute which was intended
  to   be   used   by   the   pilot   of   an   aeroplane   if   on   any   occasion   he   got   into
  difficulties。   It   had   been   tried   in   many   ways;   but;   unfortunately   for   the
  inventor; he could get no pilot to trust himself to it。 Tempting offers were
  made to pilots of world…wide fame; but either the risk was thought to be
  too   great;   or   it   was   believed   that   no   practical   good   would   come   of   the
  experiment。 At last the inventor approached M。 Pegoud; who undertook to
  make the descent。 This was accomplished from a great height with perfect
  safety。 It seems highly probable that in the near future the parachute will
  form part of the equipment of every aeroplane and air…ship。
  … Page 20…
  CHAPTER VII Some British Inventors of Air…ships
  The   first   Englishman   to   invent   an   air…ship   was   Mr。   Stanley   Spencer;
  head   of   the   well…known   firm   of   Spencer   Brothers;   whose   worksare   at
  Highbury; North London。
  This firm has long held an honourable place in aeronautics; both in the
  construction of air…craft and in aerial navigation。 Spencer Brothers claim
  to be the premier balloon manufacturers in the world; and; at the time of
  writing; eighteen balloons and two dirigibles lie in the works ready for use。
  In   these   works   there   may   also   be   seen   the   frame   of   the   famous   Santos…
  Dumont air…ship; referred to later in this book。
  In general appearance the first Spencer air…ship was very similar to the
  airship     flown    by   Santos…Dumont;         that   is;  there   was    the  cigar…shaped
  balloon;   the   small   engine;   and   the   screw   propellor   for   driving   the   craft
  But there was one very important distinction between the two air…ships。
  By  a   most   ingenious   contrivance   the   envelope   was   made   so   that;   in   the
  event of a large and serious escape of gas; the balloon would assume the
  form of a giant umbrella; and fall to earth after the manner of a parachute。
  All   inventors   profit;   or   should   profit;   by   the   experience   of   others;
  whether such experience be gained by success or failure。 It was found that
  Santos…Dumont's air…ship lost a considerable amount of gas when driven
  through   the   air;   and   on   several   occasions   the   whole   craft   was   in   great
  danger of collapse。 To keep the envelope inflated as tightly as possible Mr。
  Spencer;   by   a   clever   contrivance;   made   it   possible   to   force   air   into   the
  balloon to replace the escaped gas。
  The first Spencer air…ship was built for experimental purposes。 It was
  able to lift only one person of light weight; and was thus a great contrast to
  the   modern   dirigible   which   carries   a   crew   of   thirty   or   forty   people。   Mr。
  Spencer   made   several   exhibition   flights   in   his   little   craft   at   the   Crystal
  Palace;   and   so   successful   were   they   that   he   determined   to   construct   a
  much larger craft。
  The   second   Spencer   air…ship;   first   launched   in   1903;   was nearly  100
  feet long。 There was one very important distinction between this and other
  … Page 21…
  air…ships built at that time: the propeller was placed in front of the craft;
  instead of at the rear; as is the case in most air…ships。 Thus the craft was
  pulled through the air much after the manner of an aeroplane。