第 24 节
作者:车水马龙01      更新:2021-03-11 18:31      字数:9322
  e read the 〃Princesse de Cleves〃 four times when it appeared。  La Harpe said it was 〃the first romance that offered reasonable adventures written with interest and elegance。〃  It marked an era in the history of the novel。  〃Before Mme。 de La Fayette;〃 said Voltaire; 〃people wrote in a stilted style of improbable things。〃  We have the rare privilege of reading her own criticism in a letter to the secretary of the Duchesse de Savoie; in which she disowns the authorship; and adds a few lines of discreet eulogy。
  〃As for myself;〃 she writes; :〃I am flattered at being suspected of it。  I believe I should acknowledge the book; if I were assured the author would never appear to claim it。  I find it very agreeable and well written without being excessively polished; full of things of admirable delicacy; which should be read more than once; above all; it seems to be a perfect presentation of the world of the court and the manner of living there。  It is not romantic or ambitious; indeed it is not a romance; properly speaking; it is a book of memoirs; and that I am told was its title; but it was changed。  VOILA; monsieur; my judgment upon Mme。 De Cleves; I ask yours; for people are divided upon this book to the point of devouring each other。  Some condemn what others admire; whatever you may say; do not fear to be alone in your opinion。〃
  Sainte…Beuve; whose portrait of Mme。 de La Fayette is so delightful as to make all others seem superfluous; has devoted some exquisite lines to this book。  〃It is touching to think;〃 he writes; 〃of the peculiar situation which gave birth to these beings so charming; so pure; these characters so noble and so spotless; these sentiments so fresh; so faultless; so tender; how Mme。 de La Fayette put into it all that her loving; poetic soul retained of its first; ever…cherished dreams; and how M。 de La Rochefoucauld was pleased doubtless to find once more in 〃M。 De Nemours〃 that brilliant flower of chivalry which he had too much misuseda sort of flattering mirror in which he lived again his youth。  Thus these two old friends renewed in imagination the pristine beauty of that age when they had not known each other; hence could not love each other。  The blush so characteristic of Mme。 De Cleves; and which at first is almost her only language; indicates well the design of the author; which is to paint love in its freshest; purest; vaguest; most adorable; most disturbing; most irresistiblein a word; in its own color。  It is constantly a question of that joy which youth joined to beauty gives; of the trouble and embarrassment that love causes in the innocence of early years; in short; of all that is farthest from herself and her friend in their late tie。〃
  But whatever tints her tender and delicate imaginings may have taken from her own soul; Mme。 de La Fayette has caught the eternal beauty of a pure and loyal spirit rising above the mists of sense into the serene air of a lofty Christian renunciation。
  The sad but triumphant close of her romance foreshadowed the swift breaking up of her own pleasant life。  In 1680; not long after the appearance of the 〃Princesse de Cleves;〃 La Rochefoucauld died; and the song of her heart was changed to a miserere。  Mme。 de La Fayette has fallen from the clouds;〃 says Mme。 de Sevigne。  〃Where can she find such a friend; such society; a like sweetness; charm; confidence; consideration for her and her son?〃  A little later she writes from The Rocks; 〃Mme。 de La Fayette sends me word that she is more deeply affected than she herself believed; being occupied with her health and her children; but these cares have only rendered more sensible the veritable sadness of her heart。  She is alone in the world 。 。 。  The poor woman cannot close the ranks so as to fill this place。〃
  The records of the thirteen years that remain to Mme。 de La Fayette are somber and melancholy。  〃Nothing can replace the blessings I have lost;〃 she says。  Restlessly she seeks diversion in new plans。  She enlarges her house as her horizon diminishes; she finds occupation in the affairs of Mme。 Royale and interests herself in the marriage of the daughter of her never…forgotten friend; the Princess Henrietta; with the heir to the throne of Savoy。  She writes a romance without the old vigor; occupies herself with historic reminiscences; and takes a passing refuge in an ardent affection for the young Mme。 de Schomberg; which excites the jealousy of some older friends。  But the strongest link that binds her to the world is the son whose career opens so brilliantly as a young officer and for whom she secures an ample fortune and a fine marriage。  In this son and the establishment of a family centered all her hopes and ambitions。  She was spared the pain of seeing them vanish like the 〃baseless fabric of a vision。〃  The object of so many cares survived her less than two years; her remaining son and the only person left to represent her was the abbe who had so little care for her manuscripts and her literary fame。  A century later; through a collateral branch of the family; the glory of the name was revived by the distinguished general so dear to the American heart。  It was in the less tangible realm of the intellect that Mme。 de La Fayette was destined to an unlooked…for immortality。
  But in spite of these interests; the sense of loneliness and desolation is always present。  Her few letters give us occasional flashes of the old spirit; but the burden of them is inexpressibly sad。  Her sympathies and associations led her toward a mild form of Jansenism; and as the evening shadows darkened; her thoughts turned to fresh speculations upon the destiny of the soul。  She went with Mme。 de Coulanges to visit Mme。 de La Sabliere; who was expiating the errors and follies of her life in austere penitence at the Incurables。  The devotion of this once gay and brilliant woman; who had been so deeply tinged with the philosophy of Descartes; touched her profoundly; and suggested a source of consolation which she had never found。  She sought the counsels of her confessor; who did not spare her; and though she was never sustained by the ardor and exaltation of the religieuse; her last days were not without peace and a tranquil hope。  To  the end she remained a gracious; thoughtful; self… poised; calmly…judging woman whose illusions never blinded her to the simple facts of existence; though sometimes throwing over them a transparent veil woven from the tender colors of her own heart。  Above the weariness and resignation of her last words written to Mme。 de Sevigne sounds the refrain of a life that counts among its crowning gifts and graces a genius for friendship。
  〃Alas; ma belle; all I have to tell you of my health is very bad; in a word; I have repose neither night nor day; neither in body nor in mind。  I am no more a person either by one or the other。  I perish visibly。  I must end when it pleases God; and I am submissive。  BELIEVE ME; MY DEAREST; YOU ARE THE PERSON IN THE WORLD WHOM I HAVE MOST TRULY LOVED。〃
  Mme。 de La Fayette represents better than any other woman the social and literary life of the last half of the seventeenth century。  Mme。 de Sevigne had an individual genius that might have made itself equally felt in any other period。  Mme。 de Maintenon; whom Roederer regards as the true successor of Mme。 de Rambouillet; was narrowed by personal ambition; and by the limitations of her early life。  Born in a prison; reared in poverty; wife in name; but practically secretary and nurse of a crippled; witty; and licentious poet over whose salon she presided brilliantly; discreet and penniless widow; governess of the illegitimate children of the king; adviser and finally wife of that king; friend of Ninon; model of virtue; femme d'esprit; politician; diplomatist; and devoteno fairy tale can furnish more improbable adventures and more striking contrasts。  But she was the product of exceptional circumstances joined to an exceptional nature。  It is true she put a final touch upon the purity of manners which was so marked a feature of the Hotel de Rambouillet; and for a long period gave a serious tone to the social life of France。  But she ruled through repression; and one is inclined to accept the opinion of Sainte…Beuve that she does not represent the distinctive social current of the time。  In Mme。 de La Fayette we find its delicacy; its courtesy; its elegance; its intelligence; its critical spirit; and its charm。
  In considering the great centers in which the fashionable; artistic; literary; and scientific Paris of the seventeenth century found its meeting ground; one is struck with the practical training given to its versatile; flexible feminine minds。  Women entered intelligently and sympathetically into the interests of men; who; in turn; did not reserve their best thoughts for the club or an after…dinner talk among themselves。  There was stimulus as well as diversity in the two modes of thinking and being。  Men became more courteous and refined; women more comprehensive and clear。  But conversation is the spontaneous overflow of full minds; and the light play of the intellect is only possible on a high level; when the current thought has become a part of the daily life; so that a word suggests infinite perspectives to the s