第 21 节
作者:车水马龙01      更新:2021-03-11 18:31      字数:9322
  endship which was one of her most salient points。  It is through the records which these friendships have left; through the literary work that formed the solace of so many hours of sadness and suffering; and through the letters of Mme。 de Sevigne; that we are able to trace the classic outlines of this fine and complex nature; so noble; so poetic; so sweet; and yet so strong。
  Mme。 de La Fayette was eight years younger than Mme。 de Sevigne; and died three years earlier; hence they traversed together the brilliant world of the second half of the century of which they are among the most illustrious representatives。  The young Marie… Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne had inherited a taste for letters and was carefully instructed by her father; who was a field… marshal and the governor of Havre; where he died when she was only fifteen。  She had not passed the first flush of youth when her mother contracted a second marriage with the Chevalier Renaud de Sevigne; whose name figures among the frondeurs as the ardent friend of Cardinal de Retz; and later among the devout Port Royalists。  It is a fact of more interest to us that he was an uncle of the Marquis de Sevigne; and the best result of the marriage to the young girl; who was not at all pleased and whose fortunes it clouded a little; was to bring her into close relations with the woman to whom we owe the most intimate details of her life。
  The rare natural gifts of Mlle。 De La Vergne were not left without due cultivation。  Rapin and Menage taught her Latin。  〃That tiresome Menage;〃 as she lightly called him; did not fail; according to his custom; to lose his susceptible heart to the remarkable pupil who; after three months of study; translated Virgil and Horace better than her masters。  He put this amiable weakness on record in many Latin and Italian verses; in which he addresses her as Laverna; a name more musical than flattering; if one recalls its Latin significance。 She received an education of another sort; in the salon of her mother; a woman of much intelligence; as well as a good deal of vanity; who posed a little as a patroness of letters; gathering about her a circle of beaux esprits; and in other ways signaling the taste which was a heritage from her Provencal ancestry。  On can readily imagine the rapidity with which the young girl developed in such an atmosphere。  The abbe Costar; 〃most gallant of pedants and most pedantic of gallants;〃 who had an equal taste for literature and good dinners; calls her 〃the incomparable;〃 sends her his books; corresponds with her; and expresses his delight at finding her 〃so beautiful; so spirituelle; so full of reason。〃  The poet Scarron speaks of her as 〃toute lumineuse; toute precieuse。〃
  The circle she met in the salon of her godmother; the Duchesse d'Aiguillon; had no less influence in determining her future fortunes。  With her rare reputation for beauty and esprit; as well as learning; she took her place early in this brilliant and distinguished society in which she was to play so graceful and honored a part。  She was sought and admired not only by the men of letters who were so cordially welcomed by the favorite niece of Richelieu; but by the gay world that habitually assembled at the Petit Luxembourg。  It was here that she perfected the tone of natural elegance which always distinguished her and made her conspicuous even at court; where she passed so many years of her life。
  She was not far from twenty…one when she became the wife of the Comte de La Fayette; of whom little is known save that he died early; leaving her with two sons。  He is the most shadowy of figures; and whether he made her life happy or sad does not definitely appear; though there is a vague impression that he left something to be desired in the way of devotion。  A certain interest attaches to him as the brother of the beautiful Louise de La Fayette; maid of honor to Anne of Austria; who fled from the compromising infatuation of Louis XIII; to hide her youth and fascinations in the cloister; under the black robe and the cherished name of Mere Angelique de Chaillot。
  The young; brilliant; and gifted comtesse goes to the convent to visit her gently austere sister…in…law; and meets there the Princess Henrietta of England; than a child of eleven years。  The attraction is mutual and ripens into a deep and lasting friendship。  When this graceful and light…hearted girl becomes the Duchesse d'Orleans; and sister…in…law of the king; she attaches her friend to her court and makes her the confidante of her romantic experiences。  〃Do you not think;〃 she said to her one day; 〃that if all which has happened to me; and the things relating to it; were told it would make a fine story?  You write well; write; I will furnish you good materials。〃  The interesting memorial; to which madame herself contributes many pages; is interrupted by the mysterious death of the gay and charming woman who had found so sympathetic and so faithful a chronicler。  She breathed her last sigh in the arms of this friend。  〃It is one of those sorrows for which one never consoles one's self; and which leave a shadow over the rest of one's life;〃 wrote Mme。 de La Fayette。  She had no heart to finish the history; and added only the few simple lines that record the touching incidents which left upon her so melancholy and lasting an impression。  She did not care to remain longer at court; where she was constantly reminded of her grief; and retired permanently from its gaieties; but in these years of intimacy with one of its central figures; she had gained an insight into its spirit and its intrigues; which was of inestimable value in the memoirs and romances of her later years。
  The natural place of Mme。 de La Fayette was in a society of more serious tone and more lettered tastes。  In her youth she had been taken by her mother to the Hotel de Rambouillet; and she always retained much of its spirit; without any of its affectations。  We find her sometimes at the Samedis; and she belonged to the exclusive coterie of the Grande Mademoiselle; at the Luxembourg; where her facile pen was in demand for the portraits so much in vogue。  She was also a frequent visitor in the literary salon of Mme。 de Sable; at Port Royal。  It was here that her friendship with La Rochefoucauld glided imperceptibly into the intimacy which became so important a feature in her life。  This intimacy was naturally a matter of some speculation; but the world made up its mind of its perfectly irreproachable character。  〃It appears to be only friendship;〃 writes Mme。 de Scudery to Bussy…Rabutin; 〃in short the fear of God on both sides; and perhaps policy; have cut the wings of love。  She is his favorite and his first friend。〃  〃I do not believe he has ever been what one calls in love;〃 writes Mme。 de Sevigne。  But this friendship was a veritable romance; without any of the storms or vexations or jealousies of a passionate love。  〃You may imagine the sweetness and charm of an intercourse full of all the friendship and confidence possible between two people whose merit is not ordinary;〃 she says again; 〃add to this the circumstance of their bad health; which rendered them almost necessary to each other; and gave them the leisure not to be found in other relations; to enjoy each other's good qualities。  It seems to me that at court people have no time for affection; the whirlpool which is so stormy for others was peaceful for them; and left ample time for the pleasures of a friendship so delicious。  I do not believe that any passion can surpass the strength of such a tie。〃
  In the earlier stages of this intimacy; Mme。 de La Fayette was a little sensitive as to how the world might regard it; as may be seen in a note to Mme。 de Sable; in which she asks her to explain it to the young Comte de Saint…Paul; a son of Mme。 de Longueville。
  〃I beg of you to speak of the matter in such a way as to put out of his head the idea that it is anything serious;〃 she writes。  〃I am not sufficiently sure what you think of it yourself to feel certain that you will say the right thing; and it may be necessary to begin by convincing my embassador。  However; I must trust to your tact; which is superior to ordinary rules。  Only convince him。  I dislike mortally that people of his age should imagine that I have affairs of gallantry。  It seems to them that every one older than themselves is a hundred; and they are astonished that such should be regarded of any account。  Besides; he would believe these things of M。 de La Rochefoucauld more readily than of any one else。  In fine; I do not want him to think anything about it except that the gentleman is one of my friends。〃
  The picture we have of La Rochefoucauld from the pen of Mme。 de Sevigne has small resemblance to the ideal that one forms of the cynical author of the Maxims。  He had come out of the storms of the Fronde a sad and disappointed man。  The fires of his nature seem to have burned out with the passions of his youth; if they had ever burned with great intensity。  〃I have seen love nowhere except in romances;〃 he says; and even his devotion to Mme。 de Longueville savors more of the ambitious courtier than of the lover。  His nature was one that recoiled from all violent commotions of the soul。  The cold philos