第 6 节
作者:想聊      更新:2021-03-11 17:49      字数:9322
  street and found; as we had expected; that the inspector was just leaving
  his lodgings。
  〃You've seen the paper; Mr。 Holmes?〃 he asked; holding one out to us。
  〃Yes; Baynes; I've seen it。 Pray don't think it a liberty if I give you a
  word of friendly warning。〃
  〃Of warning; Mr。 Holmes?〃
  〃I have looked into this case with some care; and I am not convinced
  that you are on the right lines。 I don't want you to commit yourself too far
  unless you are sure。〃
  〃You're very kind; Mr。 Holmes。〃
  〃I assure you I speak for your good。〃
  It   seemed   to   me   that   something   like   a   wink   quivered   for   an   instant
  over one of Mr。 Baynes's tiny eyes。
  〃We agreed to work on our own lines; Mr。 Holmes。 That's what I am
  〃Oh; very good;〃 said Holmes。 〃Don't blame me。〃
  〃No;   sir;   I   believe   you   mean   well   by   me。   But   we   all   have   our   own
  systems; Mr。 Holmes。 You have yours; and maybe I have mine。〃
  〃Let us say no more about it。〃
  〃You're welcome always to my news。 This fellow is a perfect savage;
  as strong as a cart…horse and as fierce as the devil。 He chewed Downing's
  thumb nearly off before they could master him。 He hardly speaks a word
  of English; and we can get nothing out of him but grunts。〃
  〃And you think you have evidence that he murdered his late master?〃
  〃I didn't say so; Mr。 Holmes; I didn't say so。 We all have our little ways。
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  The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge
  You try yours and I will try mine。 That's the agreement。〃
  Holmes shrugged his shoulders as we walked away together。 〃I can't
  make the man out。 He seems to be riding for a fall。 Well; as he says; we
  must     each   try   our   own    way    and   see   what    comes     of  it。  But   there's
  something in Inspector Baynes which I can't quite understand。〃
  〃Just sit down in that chair; Watson;〃 said Sherlock Holmes when we
  had returned to our apartment at the Bull。 〃I want to put you in touch with
  the   situation;   as   I   may   need   your   help   to…night。   Let   me   show   you   the
  evolution of this case so far as I have been able to follow it。 Simple as it
  has been in its leading features; it has none the less presented surprising
  difficulties in the way of an arrest。 There are gaps in that direction which
  we have still to fill。
  〃We will go back to the note which was handed in to Garcia upon the
  evening of his death。 We may put aside this idea of Baynes's that Garcia's
  servants were concerned in the matter。 The proof of this lies in the fact that
  it was HE who had arranged for the presence of Scott Eccles; which could
  only have been done for the purpose of an alibi。 It was Garcia; then; who
  had an enterprise; and apparently a criminal enterprise; in hand that night
  in the course   of   which he   met   his death。   I say  'criminal'   because only  a
  man with a criminal enterprise desires to establish an alibi。 Who; then; is
  most   likely   to   have   taken   his   life?   Surely   the   person   against   whom   the
  criminal enterprise was directed。 So far it seems to me that we are on safe
  〃We can now see a reason for the disappearance of Garcia's household。
  They were ALL confederates in the same unknown crime。 If it came off
  when Garcia returned; any possible suspicion would be warded off by the
  Englishman's   evidence;   and   all   would   be   well。   But   the   attempt   was   a
  dangerous   one;   and   if   Garcia   did   NOT   return   by   a   certain   hour   it   was
  probable   that     his  own    life  had   been   sacrificed。    It  had   been   arranged;
  therefore; that in such a case his two subordinates were to make for some
  prearranged       spot   where    they   could    escape    investigation     and   be   in  a
  position   afterwards   to   renew   their   attempt。 That   would   fully  explain   the
  facts; would it not?〃
  The   whole inexplicable   tangle seemed   to straighten out   before   me。   I
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  wondered; as I always did; how it had not been obvious to me before。
  〃But why should one servant return?〃
  〃We   can   imagine   that   in   the   confusion   of   flight   something   precious;
  something which he could not bear to part with; had been left behind。 That
  would explain his persistence; would it not?〃
  〃Well; what is the next step?〃
  〃The next step is the note received by Garcia at the dinner。 It indicates
  a   confederate   at   the   other   end。   Now;   where   was   the   other   end?   I   have
  already shown you that it could only lie in some large house; and that the
  number   of   large   houses   is   limited。   My   first   days   in   this   village   were
  devoted   to   a   series   of   walks   in   which   in   the   intervals   of   my   botanical
  researches      I  made    a  reconnaissance       of   all  the  large   houses     and   an
  examination of the family history of the occupants。 One house; and only
  one;  riveted   my  attention。  It   is   the   famous old Jacobean grange   of   High
  Gable; one mile on the farther side of Oxshott; and less than half a mile
  from the scene of the tragedy。 The other mansions belonged to prosaic and
  respectable people who live far aloof from romance。 But Mr。 Henderson;
  of   High    Gable;    was   by   all  accounts    a  curious   man    to  whom   curious
  adventures might befall。 I concentrated my attention; therefore; upon him
  and his household。
  〃A singular set of people; Watsonthe man himself the most singular
  of them all。 I managed to see him on a plausible pretext; but I seemed to
  read in his dark; deepset; brooding eyes that he was perfectly aware of my
  true business。 He is a man of fifty; strong; active; with iron…gray hair; great
  bunched black eyebrows; the step of a deer and the air of an emperora
  fierce; masterful man; with a red…hot spirit behind his parchment face。 He
  is either a foreigner or has lived long in the tropics; for he is yellow and
  sapless;   but   tough   as   whipcord。   His   friend   and   secretary;   Mr。   Lucas;   is
  undoubtedly a foreigner; chocolate brown; wily; suave; and catlike; with a
  poisonous gentleness of speech。 You see; Watson; we have come already
  upon two sets of foreignersone at Wisteria Lodge and one at High Gable…
  …so our gaps are beginning to close。
  〃These two men; close and confidential friends; are the centre of the
  household; but there is one other person who for our immediate purpose
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  may be even more important。 Henderson has two childrengirls of eleven
  and thirteen。 Their governess is a Miss Burnet; an Englishwoman of forty
  or thereabouts。 There is also one confidential manservant。 This little group
  forms the real family; for their travel about together; and Henderson is a
  great traveller; always on the move。 It is only within the last weeks that he
  has returned; after a year's absence; to High Gable。 I may add that he is
  enormously   rich;   and   whatever   his   whims   may   be   he   can   very   easily
  satisfy     them。    For    the   rest;   his   house     is  full   of   butlers;    footmen;
  maidservants; and the usual overfed; underworked staff of a large English
  country house。
  〃So much I learned partly from village gossip and partly from my own
  observation。 There are no better instruments than discharged servants with
  a grievance; and I was lucky enough to find one。 I call it luck; but it would
  not   have   come   my   way   had   I   not   been   looking   out   for   it。   As   Baynes
  remarks; we all have our systems。 It was my system which enabled me to
  find   John   Warner;   late   gardener   of   High   Gable;   sacked   in   a   moment   of
  temper   by   his   imperious   employer。   He   in   turn   had   friends   among   the
  indoor servants who unite in their fear and dislike of their master。 So I had
  my key to the secrets of the establishment。
  〃Curious people; Watson! I don't pretend to understand it all yet; but
  very curious people anyway。 It's a double…winged house; and the servants
  live on one side; the family on the other。 There's no link between the two
  save     for   Henderson's       own    servant;     who    serves    the   family's     meals。
  Everything is carried to a certain door; which forms the one connection。
  Governess       and    children    hardly    go   out  at  all;  except    into   the  garden。
  Henderson never by any chance walks alone。 His dark secretary is like his