第 10 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-03-08 19:38      字数:9321
  workmanship that they were consecrated to St。  Peter; and were the
  means of obtaining high ecclesiastical distinction for the abbey。
  We also find that the abbots of monasteries situated in the iron
  districts; among their other labours; devoted themselves to the
  manufacture of iron from the ore。  The extensive beds of cinders still
  found in the immediate neighbourhood of Rievaulx and Hackness; in
  Yorkshire; show that the monks were well acquainted with the art of
  forging; and early turned to account the riches of the Cleveland
  ironstone。  In the Forest of Dean also; the abbot of Flaxley was
  possessed of one stationary and one itinerant forge; by grant from
  Henry II; and he was allowed two oaks weekly for fuel;a privilege
  afterwards commuted; in 1258; for Abbot's Wood of 872 acres; which
  was held by the abbey until its dissolution in the reign of Henry
  VIII。  At the same time the Earl of Warwick had forges at work in his
  woods at Lydney; and in 1282; as many as 72 forges were leased from
  the Crown by various iron…smelters in the same Forest of Dean。
  There are numerous indications of iron…smelting having been conducted
  on a considerable scale at some remote period in the neighbourhood of
  Leeds; in Yorkshire。  In digging out the foundations of houses in
  Briggate; the principal street of that town; many 〃bell pits〃 have
  been brought to light; from which ironstone has been removed。  The new
  cemetery at Burmandtofts; in the same town; was in like manner found
  pitted over with these ancient holes。  The miner seems to have dug a
  well about 6 feet in diameter; and so soon as he reached the mineral;
  he worked it away all round; leaving the bell…shaped cavities in
  question。  He did not attempt any gallery excavations; but when the
  pit was exhausted; a fresh one was sunk。  The ore; when dug; was
  transported; most probably on horses' backs; to the adjacent
  districts for the convenience of fuel。  For it was easier to carry the
  mineral to the woodthen exclusively used for smelting'than to
  bring the wood to the mineral。  Hence the numerous heaps of scoriae
  found in the neighbourhood of Leeds;at Middleton; Whitkirk; and
  Horsforthall within the borough。  At Horsforth; they are found in
  conglomerated masses from 30 to 40 yards long; and of considerable
  width and depth。  The remains of these cinder…beds in various
  positions; some of them near the summit of the hill; tend to show;
  that as the trees were consumed; a new wind furnace was erected in
  another situation; in order to lessen the labour of carrying the
  fuel。  There are also deposits of a similar kind at Kirkby Overblow; a
  village a few miles to the north…east of Leeds; and Thoresby states
  that the place was so called because it was the village of the 〃Ore
  blowers;〃hence the corruption of 〃Overblow。〃  A discovery has
  recently been made among the papers of the Wentworth family; of a
  contract for supplying wood and ore for iron 〃blomes〃 at Kirskill
  near Otley; in the fourteenth century;*
  The following is an extract of this curious document; which is dated
  the 26th Dec。 1352:   〃Ceste endenture fait entre monsire Richard de
  Goldesburghe; chivaler;dune part; et Robert Totte; seignour; dautre
  tesmoigne qe le dit monsire Richard ad graunte et lesse al dit Robert
  deuz Olyveres contenaunz vynt quatre blomes de la feste seynt Piere
  ad vincula lan du regne le Roi Edward tierce apres le conqueste vynt
  sysme; en sun parke de Creskelde; rendant al dit monsire Richard
  chesqune semayn quatorzse soutz dargent duraunt les deux Olyvers
  avaunt dist; a tenir et avoir al avaunt dit Robert del avaunt dit
  monsire Richard de la feste seynt Piere avaunt dist; taunque le bois
  soit ars du dit parke a la volunte le dit monsire Richard saunz
  interrupcione 'e le dicte monsieur Richard trovera a dit Robert urre
  suffisaunt pur lez ditz Olyvers pur le son donaunt:  these words are
  interlined'。  Et fait a savoir qe le dit Robert ne nule de soens
  coupard ne abatera nule manere darbre ne de boys put les deuz olyvers
  avaunt ditz mes par la veu et la lyvere le dit monsire Richard ; ou
  par ascun autre par le dit monsire Richard assigne。  En tesmoigaunz
  (sic) de quenx choses a cestes presentes endentures les parties
  enterchaungablement ount mys lour seals。  Escript a Creskelde le
  meskerdy en le semayn de Pasque lan avaunt diste。〃
  It is probable that the 〃blomes〃 referred to in this agreement were
  the bloomeries or fires in which the iron was made; and that the
  〃olyveres〃 were forges or erections; each of which contained so many
  bloomeries; but were of limited durability; and probably perished in
  the using。
  though the manufacture near that place has long since ceased。
  Although the making of iron was thus carried on in various parts of
  England in the Middle Ages; the quantity produced was altogether
  insufficient to meet the ordinary demand; as it appears from our
  early records to have long continued one of the principal articles
  imported from foreign countries。  English iron was not only dearer;
  but it was much inferior in quality to that manufactured abroad; and
  hence all the best arms and tools continued to be made of foreign
  iron。  Indeed the scarcity of this metal occasionally led to great
  inconvenience; and to prevent its rising in price Parliament enacted;
  in 1354; that no iron; either wrought or unwrought; should be
  exported; under heavy penalties。  For nearly two hundred yearsthat
  is; throughout the fourteenth and fifteenth centuriesthe English
  market was principally supplied with iron and steel from Spain and
  Germany; the foreign merchants of the Steelyard doing a large and
  profitable trade in those commodities。  While the woollen and other
  branches of trade were making considerable progress; the manufacture
  of iron stood still。  Among the lists of articles; the importation of
  which was prohibited in Edward IV。's reign; with a view to the
  protection of domestic manufactures; we find no mention of iron;
  which was still; as a matter of necessity; allowed to come freely
  from abroad。
  The first indications of revival in the iron manufacture showed
  themselves in Sussex; a district in which the Romans had established
  extensive works; and where smelting operations were carried on to a
  partial extent in the neighbourhood of Lewes; in the thirteenth and
  fourteenth centuries; where the iron was principally made into nails
  and horse…shoes。  The county abounds in ironstone; which is contained
  in the sandstone beds of the Forest ridge; lying between the chalk
  and oolite of the district; called by geologists the Hastings sand。
  The beds run in a north…westerly direction; by Ashburnham and
  Heathfield; to Crowborough and thereabouts。  In early times the region
  was covered with wood; and was known as the Great Forest of Anderida。
  The Weald; or wild wood; abounded in oaks of great size; suitable for
  smelting ore; and the proximity of the mineral to the timber; as well
  as the situation of the district in the neighbourhood of the capital;
  sufficiently account for the Sussex iron…works being among the most
  important which existed in England previous to the discovery of
  smelting by pit…coal。
  The iron manufacturers of the south were especially busy during the
  fifteenth and sixteenth centuries。  Their works were established near
  to the beds of ore; and in places where water…power existed; or could
  be provided by artificial means。  Hence the numerous artificial ponds
  which are still to be found all over the Sussex iron district。  Dams
  of earth; called 〃pond…bays;〃 were thrown across watercourses; with
  convenient outlets built of masonry; wherein was set the great wheel
  which worked the hammer or blew the furnace。  Portions of the
  adjoining forest…land were granted or leased to the iron…smelters;
  and the many places still known by the name of 〃Chart〃 in the Weald;
  probably mark the lands chartered for the purpose of supplying the
  iron…works with  their necessary fuel。  The cast…iron tombstones and
  slabs in many Sussex churchyards;the andirons and chimney backs*
  The back of a grate has recently been found; cast by Richard Leonard
  at Brede Furnace in 1636。  It is curious as containing a
  representation of the founder with his dog and cups; a drawing of the
  furnace; with the wheelbarrow and other implements for the casting;
  and on a shield the pincers and other marks of the blacksmith。
  Leonard was tenant of the Sackville furnace at Little
  Udimore。Sussex Archaeological Collections; vol。xii。
  still found in old Sussex mansions and farm…houses; and such names as
  Furnace Place; Cinder Hill; Forge Farm; and Hammer Pond; which are of
  very frequent occurrence throughout the county; clearly mark the
  extent and activity of this ancient branch of industry。*
  'footnote 。。。
  For an interesting account of the early iron industry of Sussex see
  M。 A。 LOWER'S Contributions to Literature; Historical; Antiquarian;