第 11 节
作者:旅游巴士      更新:2021-03-08 19:28      字数:9322
  another; in order that if we are not able to apprehend with perfect
  clearness the notions of being and not…being; we may at
  least not fall
  short in the consideration of them; so far as they come within the
  scope of the present enquiry; if peradventure we may be allowed to
  assert the reality of not…being; and yet escape unscathed。
  Theaet。 We must do so。
  Str。 The most important of all the genera are those which we were
  just now mentioning…being and rest and motion。
  Theaet。 Yes; by far。
  Str。 And two of these are; as we affirm; incapable of
  communion with
  one another。
  Theaet。 Quite incapable。
  Str。 Whereas being surely has communion with both of them; for
  both of them are?
  Theaet。 Of course。
  Str。 That makes up three of them。
  Theaet。 To be sure。
  Str。 And each of them is other than the remaining two; but the
  same with itself。
  Theaet。 True。
  Str。 But then; what is the meaning of these two words; 〃same〃 and
  〃other〃? Are they two new kinds other than the three; and yet always
  of necessity intermingling with them; and are we to have five kinds
  instead of three; or when we speak of the same and other; are we
  unconsciously speaking of one of the three first kinds?
  Theaet。 Very likely we are。
  Str。 But; surely; motion and rest are neither the other nor the
  Theaet。 How is that?
  Str。 Whatever we attribute to motion and rest in common; cannot be
  either of them。
  Theaet。 Why not?
  Str。 Because motion would be at rest and rest in motion; for
  either of them; being predicated of both; will compel the other to
  change into the opposite of its own nature; because partaking of its
  Theaet。 Quite true。
  Str。 Yet they surely both partake of the same and of the other?
  Theaet。 Yes。
  Str。 Then we must not assert that motion; any more than rest; is
  either the same or the other。
  Theaet。 No; we must not。
  Str。 But are we to conceive that being and the same are identical?
  Theaet。 Possibly。
  Str。 But if they are identical; then again in saying that
  motion and
  rest have being; we should also be saying that they are the same。
  Theaet。 Which surely cannot be。
  Str。 Then being and same cannot be one。
  Theaet。 Scarcely。
  Str。 Then we may suppose the same to be a fourth class;
  which is now
  to be added to the three others。
  Theaet。 Quite true。
  Str。 And shall we call the other a fifth class? Or should we
  consider being and other to be two names of the same class?
  Theaet。 Very likely。
  Str。 But you would agree; if I am not mistaken; that existences
  are relative as well as absolute?
  Theaet。 Certainly。
  Str。 And the other is always relative to other?
  Theaet。 True。
  Str。 But this would not be the case unless being and the other
  entirely differed; for; if the other; like being; were absolute as
  well as relative; then there would have been a kind of other
  which was
  not other than other。 And now we find that what is other must of
  necessity be what it is in relation to some other。
  Theaet。 That is the true state of the case。
  Str。 Then we must admit the other as the fifth of our selected
  Theaet。 Yes。
  Str。 And the fifth class pervades all classes; for they all differ
  from one another; not by reason of their own nature; but because
  they partake of the idea of the other。
  Theaet。 Quite true。
  Str。 Then let us now put the case with reference to each of the
  Theaet。 How?
  Str。 First there is motion; which we affirm to be
  absolutely 〃other〃
  than rest: what else can we say?
  Theaet。 It is so。
  Str。 And therefore is not rest。
  Theaet。 Certainly not。
  Str。 And yet is; because partaking of being。
  Theaet。 True。
  Str。 Again; motion is other than the same?
  Theaet。 Just so。
  Str。 And is therefore not the same。
  Theaet。 It is not。
  Str。 Yet; surely; motion is the same; because all things partake
  of the same。
  Theaet。 Very true。
  Str。 Then we must admit; and not object to say; that motion is the
  same and is not the same; for we do not apply the terms 〃same〃 and
  〃not the same;〃 in the same sense; but we call it the 〃same;〃 in
  relation to itself; because partaking of the same; and not the same;
  because having communion with the other; it is thereby severed from
  the same; and has become not that but other; and is therefore
  rightly spoken of as 〃not the same。〃
  Theaet。 To be sure。
  Str。 And if absolute motion in any point of view partook of rest;
  there would be no absurdity in calling motion stationary。
  Theaet。 Quite right; …that is; on the supposition that some
  classes mingle with one another; and others not。
  Str。 That such a communion of kinds is according to nature; we had
  already proved before we arrived at this part of our discussion。
  Theaet。 Certainly。
  Str。 Let us proceed; then。 we not say that motion is other than
  the other; having been also proved by us to be other than
  the same and
  other than rest?
  Theaet。 That is certain。
  Str。 Then; according to this view; motion is other and also not
  Theaet。 True。
  Str。 What is the next step? Shall we say that motion is other than
  the three and not other than the fourth…for we agreed that there are
  five classes about and in the sphere of which we proposed to make
  Theaet。 Surely we cannot admit that the number is less than it
  appeared to be just now。
  Str。 Then we may without fear contend that motion is other than
  Theaet。 Without the least fear。
  Str。 The plain result is that motion; since it partakes of being;
  really is and also is not?
  Theaet。 Nothing can be plainer。
  Str。 Then not…being necessarily exists in the case of motion and
  of every class; for the nature of the other entering into them all;
  makes each of them other than being; and so non…existent; and
  therefore of all of them; in like manner; we may truly say that they
  are not…and again; inasmuch as they partake of being; that they are
  and are existent。
  Theaet。 So we may assume。
  Str。 Every class; then; has plurality of being and infinity of
  Theaet。 So we must infer。
  Str。 And being itself may be said to be other than the other kinds。
  Theaet。 Certainly。
  Str。 Then we may infer that being is not; in respect of as many
  other things as there are; for not…being these it is itself one; and
  is: not the other things; which are infinite in number。
  Theaet。 That is not far from the truth。
  Str。 And we must not quarrel with this result; since it is of the
  nature of classes to have communion with one another; and if any one
  denies our present statement 'viz。; that being is not; etc。'; let
  him first argue with our former conclusion 'i。e。; respecting the
  communion of ideas'; and then he may proceed to argue with what
  Theaet。 Nothing can be fairer。
  Str。 Let me ask you to consider a further question。
  Theaet。 What question?
  Str。 When we speak of not…being; we speak; I suppose; not of
  something opposed to being; but only different。
  Theaet。 What do you mean?
  Str。 When we speak of something as not great; does the expression
  seem to you to imply what is little any more than what is equal?
  Theaet。 Certainly not。
  Str。 The negative particles; ou and me; when prefixed to words; do
  not imply opposition; but only difference from the words; or more
  correctly from the things represented by the words; which
  follow them。
  Theaet。 Quite true。
  Str。 There is another point to be considered; if you do not object。
  Theaet。 What is it?
  Str。 The nature of the other appears to me to be divided into
  fractions like knowledge。
  Theaet。 How so?
  Str。 Knowledge; like the other; is one; and yet the
  various parts of
  knowledge have each of them their own particular name; and
  hence there
  are many arts and kinds of knowledge。
  Theaet。 Quite true。
  Str。 And is not the case the same with the parts of the
  other; which
  is also one?
  Theaet。 Very likely; but will you tell me how?
  Str。 There is some part of the other which is opposed to the
  Theaet。 There is。
  Str。 Shall we say that this has or has not a name?
  Theaet。 It has; for whatever we call not beautiful is
  other than the
  beautiful; not than something else。
  Str。 And now tell me another thing。
  Theaet。 What?
  Str。 Is the not…beautiful anything but this…an existence parted
  off from a certain kind of existence; and again from another point
  of view opposed to an existing something?
  Theaet。 True。
  Str。 Then the not…beautiful turns out to be the opposition of
  being to being?
  Theaet。 Very true。
  Str。 But upon this view; is the beautiful a more real and the
  not…beautiful a less real existence?
  Theaet。 Not at all。
  Str。 And the not…great may be said to exist; equally with
  the great?
  Theaet。 Yes。
  Str。 And; in the same way; the just must be placed in the same
  category with the not…just the one cannot be said to have any more
  existence than the other。
  Theaet。 True。
  Str。 The same may be said of other things; seeing that the
  nature of