第 6 节
作者:      更新:2021-03-08 19:26      字数:9322
  action; and let him account for it。           As for me; I am in my proper station;
  and   only   doing   the   business   that   Providence   has   allotted;   and   withal;   I
  ought to consider that the best way to revenge; is not to imitate the injury。
  10。     When   you   happen   to   be   ruffled   and put out   of humour   by  any
  cross accident; retire immediately into your reason; and do not suffer your
  passion   to   overrule   you   a   moment;   for   the   sooner   you   recover   yourself
  now; the better you will be able to guard yourself for the future。
  11。    Do not be like those ill…natured people that; though they do not
  love to give a good word to their contemporaries; yet are mighty fond of
  their own commendations。            This argues a perverse and unjust temper; and
  often exposes the authors to scorn and contempt。
  12。    If any one convinces you of an error; change your opinion   and
  thank him for it:       truth and information are your business; and can never
  hurt    anybody。      On    the   contrary;   he   that   is  proud   and    stubborn;    and
  wilfully continues in a mistake; it is he that receives the mischief。
  13。    Because you see a thing difficult; do not instantly conclude it to
  be impossible to master it。          Diligence and industry are seldom defeated。
  Look;   therefore;      narrowly   into    the  thing   itself;  and   what    you   observe
  … Page 20…
  proper   and     practicable   in   another;   conclude   likewise   within   your      own
  14。     The   principal business   of human   life   is   run through   within   the
  short compass of twenty…four hours; and when you have taken a deliberate
  view of the present age; you have seen as much as if you had begun with
  the   world;   the   rest   being   nothing   else   but   an   endless   round   of   the   same
  thing over and over again。
  15。     Bring     your   will   to  your   fate;   and   suit  your    mind    to  your
  circumstances。        Love     your   friends   and   forgive    your   enemies;    and   do
  justice to all mankind; and you will be secure to make your passage easy;
  and enjoy most of the comforts human life is capable to afford you。
  16。    When you have a mind to entertain yourself in your retirements;
  let   it   be   with   the   good   qualifications   of   your   friends   and   acquaintance。
  Think with pleasure and satisfaction upon the honour and bravery of one;
  the modesty of another; the generosity of a third; and so on; there being
  nothing     more     pleasant   and    diverting   than   the   lively   images    and   the
  advantages of those we love and converse with。
  17。    As nothing can deprive you of the privileges of your nature; or
  compel you to act counter to your reason; so nothing can happen to you
  but   what   comes   from   Providence;   and   consists   with   the   interest   of   the
  18。    Let people's tongues and actions be what they will; your business
  is to have honour and honesty in your view。              Let them rail; revile; censure;
  and   condemn;  or   make   you   the subject   of their scorn   and   ridicule;   what
  does it all signify?       You have one certain remedy against all their malice
  and folly; and that is; to live so that nobody shall believe them。
  19。    Alas;   poor   mortals!   did   we   rightly   consider   our   own   state   and
  condition; we should find it would not be long before we have forgot all
  the world; and to be even; that all the world will have forgot us likewise。
  20。    He that would recommend himself to the public; let him do it by
  the candour and modesty of his behaviour; and by a generous indifference
  to external advantages。         Let him love mankind; and resign to Providence;
  and then his works will follow him; and his good actions will praise him in
  the gate。
  … Page 21…
  21。     When   you   hear   a   discourse;   let   your   understanding;   as   far   as
  possible; keep pace with it; and lead you forward to those things which fall
  most within the compass of your own observations。
  22。    When       vice   and   treachery    shall   be   rewarded;     and    virtue   and
  ability slighted and discountenanced; when ministers of state shall rather
  fear man than God; and to screen themselves run into parties and factions;
  when   noise   and   clamour;   and   scandalous   reports   shall   carry   everything
  before   them;   it   is   natural   to   conclude   that   a   nation   in   such   a   state   of
  infatuation      stands    upon     the   brink    of   destruction;      and    without     the
  intervention of some unforeseen accident; must be inevitably ruined。
  23。    When a prince is guarded by wise and honest men; and when all
  public   officers   are   sure   to   be   rewarded   if   they   do   well;   and   punished   if
  they  do   evil;  the   consequence   is plain;   justice and   honesty  will   flourish;
  and men will be always contriving; not for themselves; but for the honour
  and interest of their king and country。
  24。    Wicked   men   may   sometimes   go   unpunished   in   this   world;   but
  wicked      nations     never    do;   because     this   world    is  the   only    place    of
  punishment        of  wicked     nations;    though     not   for  private    and   particular
  25。     An   administration   that   is   merely   founded   upon   human   policy
  must be always subject to human chance; but that which is founded on the
  divine wisdom can no more miscarry than the government of heaven。                           To
  govern by  parties   and   factions   is   the   advice   of   an   atheist;   and   sets   up   a
  government by the spirit of Satan。              In such a government the prince can
  never     be   secure   under    the   greatest    promises;     since;   as  men's    interest
  changes; so will their duty and affections likewise。
  26。    It is a very ancient observation; and a very true one; that people
  generally   despise   where   they   flatter;   and   cringe   to   those   they   design   to
  betray;   so   that   truth   and   ceremony   are;   and   always   will   be;   two   distinct
  27。    When      you    find   your   friend   in  an   error;   undeceive     him    with
  secrecy and civility; and let him see his oversight first by hints and glances;
  and if you cannot convince him; leave him with respect; and lay the fault
  upon your own management。
  … Page 22…
  28。     When   you   are   under   the   greatest   vexations;   then   consider   that
  human life lasts but for a moment; and do not forget but that you are like
  the rest   of the   world; and faulty  yourself in   many instances;   and   withal;
  remember that anger and impatience often prove more mischievous than
  the provocation。
  29。    Gentleness   and   good   humour   are   invincible;   provided   they   are
  without hypocrisy and design; they disarm the most barbarous and savage
  tempers; and make even malice ashamed of itself。
  30。    In all the actions of life let it be your first and principal care to
  guard against anger on the one hand; and flattery on the other; for they are
  both     unserviceable      qualities;   and    do   a  great   deal   of   mischief    in   the
  government of human life。
  31。     When   a   man   turns   knave   or   libertine;   and   gives   way   to   fear;
  jealousy; and fits of the spleen; when his mind complains of his fortune;
  and   he   quits   the   station   in   which   Providence   has   placed   him;   he   acts
  perfectly counter to humanity; deserts his own nature; and; as it were; runs
  away from himself。
  32。      Be    not   heavy     in   business;     disturbed     in  conversation;       nor
  impertinent in   your thoughts。           Let your   judgment   be right;  your   actions
  friendly;   and   your   mind   contented;   let   them   curse   you;   threaten   you;   or
  despise   you;   let   them   go   on;   they   can   never   injure   your   reason   or   your
  virtue; and then all the rest that they can do to you signifies nothing。
  33。     The   only   pleasure   of   human   life   is   doing   the   business   of   the
  creation;   and     which   way   is   that    to   be  compassed   very   easily?       Most
  certainly by the practice of general kindness; by rejecting the importunity
  of     our    senses;     by    dis