第 66 节
作者:匆匆      更新:2021-02-27 02:11      字数:9322
  itself; shows itself to be the other of itself。
  Taken quite generally; this determination can be taken to mean that what is at first immediate now
  appears as mediated; related to an other; or that the universal appears as a particular。 Hence the
  second term that has thereby come into being is the negative of the first; and if we anticipate the
  subsequent progress; the first negative。 The immediate; from this negative side; has been
  extinguished in the other; but the other is essentially not the empty negative; the nothing; that is
  taken to be the usual result of dialectic; rather is it the other of the first; the negative of the
  immediate; it is therefore determined as the mediated … contains in general the determination of the
  first within itself。 Consequently the first is essentially preserved and retained even in the other。 To
  hold fast to the positive in its negative; in the content of the presupposition; in the result; this is the
  most important feature in rational cognition; at the same time only the simplest reflection is needed
  to convince one of the absolute truth and necessity of this requirement and so far as examples of
  the proof of this are concerned; the whole of logic consists solely of such。
  Accordingly; what we now have before us is the mediated; which to begin with; or; if it is likewise
  taken immediately; is also a simple determination; for as the first has been extinguished in it; only
  the second is present。 Now since the first also is contained in the second; and the latter is the truth
  of the former; this unity can be expressed as a proposition in which the immediate is put as
  subject; and the mediated as its predicate; for example; the finite; one is infinite; one is many; the
  individual is the universal。 However; the inadequate form of such propositions is at once obvious。
  In treating of the judgement it has been shown that its form in general; and most of all the
  immediate form of the positive judgement; is incapable of holding within its grasp speculative
  determinations and truth。 The direct supplement to it; the negative judgement; would at least have
  to be added as well。 In the judgement the first; as subject; has the illusory show of a
  self…dependent subsistence; whereas it is sublated in its predicate as in its other; this negation is
  indeed contained in the content of the above propositions; but their positive form contradicts the
  content; consequently what is contained in them is not posited … which would be precisely the
  purpose of employing a proposition。
  The second determination; the negative or mediated; is at the same time also the mediating
  determination。 It may be taken in the first instance as a simple determination; but in its truth it is a
  relation or relationship; for it is the negative; but the negative of the positive; and includes the
  positive within itself。 It is therefore the other; but not the other of something to which it is indifferent
  … in that case it would not be an other; nor a relation or relationship … rather it is the other in its
  own self; the other of an other; therefore it includes its own other within it and is consequently as
  contradiction; the posited dialectic of itself。 Because the first or the immediate is implicitly the
  Notion; and consequently is also only implicitly the negative; the dialectical moment with it consists
  in positing in it the difference that it implicitly contains。 The second; on the contrary; is itself the
  determinate moment; the difference or relationship; therefore with it the dialectical moment consists
  in positing the unity that is contained in it。
  If then the negative; the determinate; relationship; judgement; and all the determinations falling
  under this second moment do not at once appear on their own account as contradiction and as
  dialectical。 this is solely the fault of a thinking that does not bring its thoughts together。 For the
  material; the opposed determinations in one relation; is already posited and at hand for thought。
  But formal thinking makes identity its law; and allows the contradictory content before it to sink
  into the sphere of ordinary conception; into space and time; in which the contradictories are held
  asunder in juxtaposition and temporal succession and so come before consciousness without
  reciprocal contact。
  On this point; formal thinking lays down for its principle that contradiction is unthinkable: but as a
  matter of fact the thinking of contradiction is the essential moment of the Notion。 Formal thinking
  does in fact think contradiction; only it at once looks away from it; and in saying that it is
  unthinkable it merely passes over from it into abstract negation。
  Now the negativity just considered constitutes the turning point of the movement of the Notion。 It
  is the simple point of the negative relation to self; the innermost source of all activity of all animate
  and spiritual self…movement; the dialectical soul that everything true possesses and through which
  alone it is true; for on this subjectivity alone rests the sublating of the opposition between the
  Notion and reality; and the unity that is truth。 The second negative; the negative of the negative; at
  which we have arrived; is this sublating of the contradiction; but just as little as the contradiction is
  it an act of external reflection; but rather the innermost; most objective moment of life and spirit
  through which a subject; a person; a free being; exists。
  The relation of the negative to itself is to be regarded as the second premise of the whole
  syllogism。 If the terms analytic and synthetic are employed as opposites; the first premise may
  be regarded as the analytic moment; for in it the immediate stands in immediate relationship to its
  other and therefore passes over; or rather has passed over; into it … although this relation; as
  already remarked; is also synthetic; precisely because that into which it passes over is its other。
  The second premise here under consideration may be defined as synthetic; since it is the relation
  of the differentiated term as such to the term from which it is differentiated。 Just as the first
  premise is the moment of universality and communication; so the second is determined by
  individuality; which in its relation to its other is primarily exclusive; for itself; and different。 The
  negative appears as the mediating element; since it includes within it itself and the immediate
  whose negation it is。 So far as these two determinations are taken in some relationship or other as
  externally related; the negative is only the formal mediating element; but as absolute negativity the
  negative moment of absolute mediation is the unity which is subjectivity and soul。
  In this turning point of the method; the course of cognition at the same time returns into itself。 As
  self…sublating contradiction this negativity is the restoration of the first immediacy; of simple
  universality; for the other of the other; the negative of the negative; is immediately the positive; the
  identical; the universal。 If one insists on counting; this second immediate is; in the course of the
  method as a whole; the third term to the first immediate and the mediated。 It is also; however; the
  third term to the first or formal negative and to absolute negativity or the second negative; now as
  the first negative is already the second term; the term reckoned as third can also be reckoned as
  fourth; and instead of a triplicity; the abstract form may be taken as a quadruplicity; in this way;
  the negative or the difference is counted as a duality。 The third or fourth is in general the unity of
  the first and second moments; of the immediate and the mediated。
  That it is this unity; as also that the whole form of the method is a triplicity; is; it is true; merely the
  superficial external side of the mode of cognition; but to have demonstrated even this; and that too
  in a more specific application … for it is well known that the abstract number form itself was
  advanced at quite an early period; but; in the absence of the Notion; without result … must also be
  regarded as an infinite merit of the Kantian philosophy。
  The syllogism; which is threefold; has always been recognised as the universal form of reason; but
  for one thing it counted generally for a quite external form that did not determine the nature of the
  content; and for another thing; since it progresses in the formal sense merely in the understanding's
  determination of identity; it lacks the essential dialectical moment of negativity; yet this moment
  enters into the triplicity of determinations because the third is the unity of the first two; and these;
  since they are different; can be in the unity only as sublated determinations。 Formalism has; it is
  true; also taken possession of triplicity and adhered to its empty schema; the shallow ineptitude
  and barrenness of modern philosophic construction so…called; that consists in nothing but fastening
  this schema on to everything without Notion and immanent determination and employing it for an
  external arrangement; has made the said form tedious and given it a bad name。 Yet the triteness of
  this use of it cannot detract from its inner worth and we m