第 63 节
作者:匆匆      更新:2021-02-27 02:11      字数:9322
  the objective Notion and it determination therewith sublated; by that very fact the merely
  phenomenal reality; the external determinability and worthlessness; are removed from that actuality
  and it is posited as being in and for itself。
  In this process the general presupposition is sublated; namely the determination of the good as a
  merely subjective end limited in respect of content; the necessity of realising it by subjective
  activity; and this activity itself。 In the result the mediation sublates itself; the result is an immediacy
  that is not the restoration of the presupposition; but rather its accomplished sublation。 With this;
  the Idea of the Notion that is determined in and for itself is posited as being no longer merely in the
  active subject but as equally an immediate actuality; and conversely; this actuality is posited; as it is
  in cognition; as an objectivity possessing a true being。
  The individuality of the subject with which the subject was burdened by its presupposition; has
  vanished along with the presupposition; hence the subject now exists as free; universal
  self…identity; for which the objectivity of the Notion is a given objectivity immediately to hand;
  no less truly than the subject knows itself as the Notion that is determined in and for itself。
  Accordingly in this result cognition is restored and united with the practical Idea; the actuality
  found as given is at the same time determined as the realised absolute end; but whereas in questing
  cognition this subjectivity appeared merely as an objective world without the subjectivity of the
  Notion; here it appears as an objective world whose inner ground and actual subsistence is the
  Notion。 This is the absolute Idea。
  Book III (The Notion) Section 3 (The Idea)
  Chapter 3 The Absolute Idea
  The absolute Idea has turned out to be the identity of the theoretical and the practical Idea。 Each
  of these by itself is still one…sided; possessing the Idea only as a sought for beyond and an
  unattained goal; each; therefore; is a synthesis of endeavour; and has; but equally has not; the
  Idea in it; each passes from one thought to the other without bringing the two together; and so
  remains fixed in their contradiction。 The absolute Idea; as the rational Notion that in its reality
  meets only with itself; is by virtue of this immediacy of its objective identity; on the one hand the
  return to life; but it has no less sublated this form of its immediacy; and contains within itself the
  highest degree of opposition。 The Notion is not merely soul but free subjective Notion that is for
  itself and therefore possesses personality … the practical; objective Notion determined in and for
  itself which; as person; is impenetrable atomic individuality; but explicitly universality and
  cognition; and in its other has its own objectivity for its object。 All else is error; confusion;
  opinion; endeavour; caprice and transitoriness; the absolute Idea alone is being; imperishable life;
  self…knowing truth; and is all truth。
  It is the sole subject matter and content of philosophy。 Since it contains all determinations within it;
  and its essential nature is to return to itself through its self…determination or particularisation; it has
  various shapes; and the business of philosophy is to cognise it in these。 Nature and spirit are in
  general different modes of presenting its existence; art and religion its different modes of
  apprehending itself and giving itself an adequate existence。 Philosophy has the same content and
  the same end as art and religion; but it is the highest mode of apprehending the absolute idea;
  because its mode is the highest mode; the Notion。
  Hence it embraces those shapes of real and ideal finitude as well as of infinitude and cognition of
  these particular modes is now the further business of the particular philosophical sciences。
  The logical aspect of the absolute Idea may also be called a mode of it; but whereas mode
  signifies a particular kind; a determinateness of form; the logical aspect; on the contrary; is the
  universal mode in which all particular modes are sublated and enfolded。 The logical Idea os the
  Idea itself in its pure essence; the Idea enclosed in simple identity within its Notion prior to its
  immediate reflection in a form…determinateness。
  Hence logic exhibits the self…movement of the absolute Idea only as original word; which is an
  outwardising or utterance; but an utterance that in being has immediately vanished again as
  something outer; the Idea is; therefore; only in this self…determination of apprehending itself; it is
  in pure thought; in which difference is not yet otherness; but is and remains perfectly transparent
  to itself。 Thus the logical Idea has itself as the infinite form for its content … form which constitutes
  the opposite to content to this extent that the content is the form…determination withdrawn into
  itself and sublated in the identity in such a manner that this concrete identity stands opposed to the
  identity explicated as form; the content has the shape of an other and a datum as against the form
  which as such stands simply in relation; and its determinateness is at the same time posited as an
  illusory being。 More exactly; the determination is its own completed totality; the pure Notion。 Now
  the determinateness of the Idea and the entire course followed by this determinateness has
  constituted the subject matter of the science of logic; from which course the absolute Idea itself
  has issued into an existence of its own; but the nature of this existence has shown itself to be this;
  that determinateness does not have the shape of content; but exists wholly as form; and that
  accordingly the Idea is the absolutely universal Idea。 Therefore what remains to be considered
  here is not a content as such; but the universal aspect of its form … that is; the method。
  Method may appear at first as the mere manner peculiar to the process of cognition; and as a
  matter of fact it has the nature of such。 But the peculiar manner; as method; is not merely a
  modality of being determined in and for itself; it is a modality of cognition; and as such is
  posited as determined by the Notion and as form; in so far as the form is the soul of all objectivity
  and all otherwise determined content has its truth in the form alone。
  If the content again is assumed as given to the method and of a peculiar nature of its own; then in
  such a determination method; as with the logical element in general; is a merely external form。
  Against this however we can appeal not only to the fundamental Notion of the science of logic; its
  entire course; in which all possible shapes of a given content and of objects came up for
  consideration; has demonstrated their transition and untruth; also that not merely was it impossible
  for a given object to be the foundation to which the absolute form stood in a merely external and
  contingent relationship but that; on the contrary; the absolute form has proved itself to be the
  absolute foundation and ultimate truth。 From this course the method has emerged as the
  self…knowing Notion that has itself; as the absolute; both subjective and objective; for its
  subject matter; consequently as the pure correspondence of the Notion and its reality; as a
  concrete that is the Notion itself。
  Accordingly; what is to be considered here as method is only the movement of the Notion itself;
  the nature of which movement has already been cognised; but first; there is now the added
  significance that the Notion is everything; and its movement is the universal absolute activity;
  the self…determining and self…realising movement。 The method is therefore to be recognised as the
  unrestrictedly universal; internal and external mode; and as the absolutely infinite force; to which no
  object; presenting itself as something external; remote from and independent of reason; could offer
  resistance or be of a particular nature in opposition to it; or could not be penetrated by it。 It is
  therefore soul and substance; and anything whatever is comprehended and known in its truth only
  when it is completely subjugated to the method; it is the method proper to every subject matter
  because its activity is the Notion。 This is also the truer meaning if its universality; according to the
  universality of reflection it is regarded merely as the method for everything; but according to the
  universality of the Idea; it is both the manner peculiar to cognition; to the subjectively selfknowing
  Notion; and also the objective manner; or rather the substantiality; of things … that is of Notions;
  in so far as they appear primarily to representation and reflection as others。 It is therefore not
  only the highest force; or rather the sole and absolute force of reason; but also its supreme and
  sole urge to find and cognise itself by means of itself in everything。 Here; secondly; is indicated
  the difference of the method from the Notion as such; the particular aspect of the method。 The
  Notion; when it was considered by itself; appeared in its immediacy; the reflection; or the Notion
  that considered it; fell within our knowing。
  The method is this knowing itself; for w