第 6 节
作者:雨来不躲      更新:2021-02-25 00:55      字数:9322
  f the children outside grew more and more dreamy; came now far; now near; then she did not hear them; but she felt under her heart where the ninth child lay。  Bent forward and sleeping there; with the bees flying about her head; she had a weird brain…picture; she thought the bees lengthened and lengthened themselves out and became human creatures and moved round and round her。  Then one came to her softly; saying; 〃Let me lay my hand upon thy side where the child sleeps。  If I shall touch him he shall be as I。〃
  She asked; 〃Who are you?〃
  And he said; 〃I am Health。  Whom I touch will have always the red blood dancing in his veins; he will not know weariness nor pain; life will be a long laugh to him。〃
  〃No;〃 said another; 〃let me touch; for I am Wealth。  If I touch him material care shall not feed on him。  He shall live on the blood and sinews of his fellow…men; if he will; and what his eye lusts for; his hand will have。  He shall not know 'I want。'〃  And the child lay still like lead。
  And another said; 〃Let me touch him:  I am Fame。  The man I touch; I lead to a high hill where all men may see him。  When he dies he is not forgotten; his name rings down the centuries; each echoes it on to his fellows。  Thinknot to be forgotten through the ages!〃
  And the mother lay breathing steadily; but in the brain…picture they pressed closer to her。
  〃Let me touch the child;〃 said one; 〃for I am Love。  If I touch him he shall not walk through life alone。  In the greatest dark; when he puts out his hand he shall find another hand by it。  When the world is against him; another shall say; 'You and I。'〃  And the child trembled。
  But another pressed close and said; 〃Let me touch; for I am Talent。  I can do all thingsthat have been done before。  I touch the soldier; the statesman; the thinker; and the politician who succeed; and the writer who is never before his time; and never behind it。  If I touch the child he shall not weep for failure。〃
  About the mother's head the bees were flying; touching her with their long tapering limbs; and; in her brain…picture; out of the shadow of the room came one with sallow face; deep…lined; the cheeks drawn into hollows; and a mouth smiling quiveringly。  He stretched out his hand。  And the mother drew back; and cried; 〃Who are you?〃  He answered nothing; and she looked up between his eyelids。  And she said; 〃What can you give the childhealth?〃  And he said; 〃The man I touch; there wakes up in his blood a burning fever; that shall lick his blood as fire。  The fever that I will give him shall be cured when his life is cured。〃
  〃You give wealth?〃
  He shook his head。  〃The man whom I touch; when he bends to pick up gold; he sees suddenly a light over his head in the sky; while he looks up to see it; the gold slips from between his fingers; or sometimes another passing takes it from them。〃
  He answered; 〃likely not。  For the man I touch there is a path traced out in the sand by a finger which no man sees。  That he must follow。  Sometimes it leads almost to the top; and then turns down suddenly into the valley。  He must follow it; though none else sees the tracing。〃
  He said; 〃He shall hunger for itbut he shall not find it。  When he stretches out his arms to it; and would lay his heart against a thing he loves; then; far off along the horizon he shall see a light play。  He must go towards it。  The thing he loves will not journey with him; he must travel alone。  When he presses somewhat to his burning heart; crying; 'Mine; mine; my own!' he shall hear a voice'Renounce! renounce! this is not thine!'〃
  〃He shall succeed?〃
  He said; 〃He shall fail。  When he runs with others they shall reach the goal before him。  For strange voices shall call to him and strange lights shall beckon him; and he must wait and listen。  And this shall be the strangest:  far off across the burning sands where; to other men; there is only the desert's waste; he shall see a blue sea!  On that sea the sun shines always; and the water is blue as burning amethyst; and the foam is white on the shore。  A great land rises from it; and he shall see upon the mountain…tops burning gold。〃
  The mother said; 〃He shall reach it?〃
  And he smiled curiously。
  She said; 〃It is real?〃
  And he said; 〃What IS real?〃
  And she looked up between his half…closed eyelids; and said; 〃Touch。〃
  And he leaned forward and laid his hand upon the sleeper; and whispered to it; smiling; and this only she heard〃This shall be thy rewardthat the ideal shall be real to thee。〃
  And the child trembled; but the mother slept on heavily and her brain… picture vanished。  But deep within her the antenatal thing that lay here had a dream。  In those eyes that had never seen the day; in that half… shaped brain was a sensation of light!  Lightthat it never had seen。  Lightthat perhaps it never should see。  Lightthat existed somewhere!
  And already it had its reward:  the Ideal was real to it。
  〃I cannot forgiveI love。〃
  There are four bare walls; there is a Christ upon the walls; in red; carrying his cross; there is a Blessed Bambino with the face rubbed out; there is Madonna in blue and red; there are Roman soldiers and a Christ with tied hands。  All the roof is gone; overhead is the blue; blue Italian sky; the rain has beaten holes in the walls; and the plaster is peeling from it。  The chapel stands here alone upon the promontory; and by day and by night the sea breaks at its feet。  Some say that it was set here by the monks from the island down below; that they might bring their sick here in times of deadly plague。  Some say that it was set here that the passing monks and friars; as they hurried by upon the roadway; might stop and say their prayers here。  Now no one stops to pray here; and the sick come no more to be healed。
  Behind it runs the old Roman road。  If you climb it and come and sit there alone on a hot sunny day you may almost hear at last the clink of the Roman soldiers upon the pavement; and the sound of that older time; as you sit there in the sun; when Hannibal and his men broke through the brushwood; and no road was。
  Now it is very quiet。  Sometimes a peasant girl comes riding by between her panniers; and you hear the mule's feet beat upon the bricks of the pavement; sometimes an old woman goes past with a bundle of weeds upon her head; or a brigand…looking man hurries by with a bundle of sticks in his hand; but for the rest the Chapel lies here alone upon the promontory; between the two bays and hears the sea break at its feet。
  I came here one winter's day when the midday sun shone hot on the bricks of the Roman road。  I was weary; and the way seemed steep。  I walked into the chapel to the broken window; and looked out across the bay。  Far off; across the blue; blue water; were towns and villages; hanging white and red dots; upon the mountain…sides; and the blue mountains rose up into the sky; and now stood out from it and now melted back again。
  The mountains seemed calling to me; but I knew there would never be a bridge built from them to me; never; never; never!  I shaded my eyes with my hand and turned away。  I could not bear to look at them。
  I walked through the ruined Chapel; and looked at the Christ in red carrying his cross; and the Blessed rubbed…out Bambino; and the Roman soldiers; and the folded hands; and the reed; and I went and sat down in the open porch upon a stone。  At my feet was the small bay; with its white row of houses buried among the olive trees; the water broke in a long; thin; white line of foam along the shore; and I leaned my elbows on my knees。  I was tired; very tired; tired with a tiredness that seemed older than the heat of the day and the shining of the sun on the bricks of the Roman road; and I lay my head upon my knees; I heard the breaking of the water on the rocks three hundred feet below; and the rustling of the wind among the olive trees and the ruined arches; and then I fell asleep there。 I had a dream。
  A man cried up to God; and God sent down an angel to help him; and the angel came back and said; 〃I cannot help that man。〃
  God said; 〃How is it with him?〃
  And the angel said; 〃He cries out continually that one has injured him; and he would forgive him and he cannot。〃
  God said; 〃What have you done for him?〃
  The angel said; 〃All。  I took him by the hand; and I said; 'See; when other men speak ill of that man do you speak well of him; secretly; in ways he shall not know; serve him; if you have anything you value share it with him; so; serving him; you will at last come to feel possession in him; and you will forgive。'  And he said; 'I will do it。'  Afterwards; as I passed by in the dark of night; I heard one crying out; 'I have done all。  It helps nothing!  My speaking well of him helps me nothing!  If I share my heart's blood with him; is the burning within me less?  I cannot forgive; I cannot forgive!  Oh; God; I cannot forgive!'
  〃I said to him; 'See here; look back on all your past。  See from your childhood all smallness; all indirectness that has been yours; look well at it; and in its light do you not see every man your brother?  Are you so sinless you have right to hate?'
  〃He looked; and said; 'Y