第 5 节
作者:绚烂冬季      更新:2021-02-25 00:33      字数:3640
  CHORUS (singing)
  What ho! my gallants; thrust away; make haste and burn his eyebrow
  off; the monster's guest…devouring。 Oh! singe and scorch the
  shepherd of Aetna; twirl the brand and drag it round and be careful
  lest in his agony he treat thee to some wantonness。
  CYCLOPS (bellowing in the cave)
  Oh! oh! my once bright eye is burnt to cinders now。
  Sweet indeed the triumph…song; pray sing it to us; Cyclops。
  CYCLOPS (from within)
  Oh! oh! once more; what outrage on me and what ruin! But never
  shall ye escape this rocky cave unpunished; ye worthless creatures;
  for will stand in the entrance of the cleft and fit my hands into it
  thus。 (Staggering to the entrance)
  Why dost thou cry out; Cyclops?
  I am undone。
  Thou art indeed a sorry sight。
  Aye; and a sad one; too。
  Didst fall among the coals in a drunken fit?
  Noman has undone me;
  Then there is no one hurting thee after all。
  Noman is blinding me。
  Then art thou not blind。
  As blind as thou; forsooth。
  How; pray; could no man have made thee blind?
  Thou mockest me; but where is this Noman?
  Nowhere; Cyclops。
  It was the stranger; vile wretch! who proved my ruin; that thou
  mayst understand rightly; by swilling me with the liquor he gave me。
  Ah! wine is a terrible foe; hard to wrestle with。
  Tell me; I adjure thee; have they escaped or are they still
  (During the following lines; ODYSSEUS and his men slip by the
  CYCLOPS; despite his efforts to stop them。)
  Here they are ranged in silence; taking the rock to screen them。
  On which side?
  On thy right。
  Close against the rock。 Hast caught them?
  Trouble on trouble! I have run my skull against the rock and
  cracked it
  Aye; and they are escaping thee。
  This way; was it not? 'Twas this way thou saidst。
  No; not this way。
  Which then?
  They are getting round thee on the left。
  Alas! I am being mocked; ye jeer me in my evil plight。
  They are no longer there; but facing thee that stranger stands。
  Master of villainy; where; oh! where art thou?
  Some way from thee I am keeping careful guard over the person of
  What; a new name! hast changed thine?
  Yes; Odysseus; the name my father gave me。 But thou wert doomed to
  pay for thy unholy feast; for I should have seen Troy burned to but
  sorry purpose; unless I had avenged on thee the slaughter of my
  Woe is me! 'tis an old oracle coming true; yes; it said I should
  have my eye put out by thee on thy way home from Troy; but it likewise
  foretold that thou wouldst surely pay for this; tossing on the sea for
  many day。
  Go hang! E'en as I say; so have I done。 And now will I get me to
  the beach and start my hollow ship across the sea of Sicily to the
  land of my fathers。
  Thou shalt not; I will break a boulder off this rock and crush
  thee; crew and all; beneath my throw。 Blind though I be; I will
  climb the hill; mounting through yonder tunnel。
  As for us; henceforth will we be the servants of Bacchus;
  sharing the voyage of this hero Odysseus。