第 2 节
作者:猜火车      更新:2021-02-24 23:33      字数:9322
  animals; or to the soil being occasionally manured by the droppings
  from animals; I do not know。 {9}  On such grassy paths worm…
  castings may often be seen。  On a heath in Surrey; which was
  carefully examined; there were only a few castings on these paths;
  where they were much inclined; but on the more level parts; where a
  bed of fine earth had been washed down from the steeper parts and
  had accumulated to a thickness of a few inches; worm…castings
  abounded。  These spots seemed to be overstocked with worms; so that
  they had been compelled to spread to a distance of a few feet from
  the grassy paths; and here their castings had been thrown up among
  the heath; but beyond this limit; not a single casting could be
  found。  A layer; though a thin one; of fine earth; which probably
  long retains some moisture; is in all cases; as I believe;
  necessary for their existence; and the mere compression of the soil
  appears to be in some degree favourable to them; for they often
  abound in old gravel walks; and in foot…paths across fields。
  Beneath large trees few castings can be found during certain
  seasons of the year; and this is apparently due to the moisture
  having been sucked out of the ground by the innumerable roots of
  the trees; for such places may be seen covered with castings after
  the heavy autumnal rains。  Although most coppices and woods support
  many worms; yet in a forest of tall and ancient beech…trees in
  Knole Park; where the ground beneath was bare of all vegetation;
  not a single casting could be found over wide spaces; even during
  the autumn。  Nevertheless; castings were abundant on some grass…
  covered glades and indentations which penetrated this forest。  On
  the mountains of North Wales and on the Alps; worms; as I have been
  informed; are in most places rare; and this may perhaps be due to
  the close proximity of the subjacent rocks; into which worms cannot
  burrow during the winter so as to escape being frozen。  Dr。
  McIntosh; however; found worm…castings at a height of 1500 feet on
  Schiehallion in Scotland。  They are numerous on some hills near
  Turin at from 2000 to 3000 feet above the sea; and at a great
  altitude on the Nilgiri Mountains in South India and on the
  Earth…worms must be considered as terrestrial animals; though they
  are still in one sense semi…aquatic; like the other members of the
  great class of annelids to which they belong。  M。 Perrier found
  that their exposure to the dry air of a room for only a single
  night was fatal to them。  On the other hand he kept several large
  worms alive for nearly four months; completely submerged in water。
  {10}  During the summer when the ground is dry; they penetrate to a
  considerable depth and cease to work; as they do during the winter
  when the ground is frozen。  Worms are nocturnal in their habits;
  and at night may be seen crawling about in large numbers; but
  usually with their tails still inserted in their burrows。  By the
  expansion of this part of their bodies; and with the help of the
  short; slightly reflexed bristles; with which their bodies are
  armed; they hold so fast that they can seldom be dragged out of the
  ground without being torn into pieces。 {11}  During the day they
  remain in their burrows; except at the pairing season; when those
  which inhabit adjoining burrows expose the greater part of their
  bodies for an hour or two in the early morning。  Sick individuals;
  which are generally affected by the parasitic larvae of a fly; must
  also be excepted; as they wander about during the day and die on
  the surface。  After heavy rain succeeding dry weather; an
  astonishing number of dead worms may sometimes be seen lying on the
  ground。  Mr。 Galton informs me that on one such occasion (March;
  1881); the dead worms averaged one for every two and a half paces
  in length on a walk in Hyde Park; four paces in width。  He counted
  no less than 45 dead worms in one place in a length of sixteen
  paces。  From the facts above given; it is not probable that these
  worms could have been drowned; and if they had been drowned they
  would have perished in their burrows。  I believe that they were
  already sick; and that their deaths were merely hastened by the
  ground being flooded。
  It has often been said that under ordinary circumstances healthy
  worms never; or very rarely; completely leave their burrows at
  night; but this is an error; as White of Selborne long ago knew。
  In the morning; after there has been heavy rain; the film of mud or
  of very fine sand over gravel…walks is often plainly marked with
  their tracks。  I have noticed this from August to May; both months
  included; and it probably occurs during the two remaining months of
  the year when they are wet。  On these occasions; very few dead
  worms could anywhere be seen。  On January 31; 1881; after a long…
  continued and unusually severe frost with much snow; as soon as a
  thaw set in; the walks were marked with innumerable tracks。  On one
  occasion; five tracks were counted crossing a space of only an inch
  square。  They could sometimes be traced either to or from the
  mouths of the burrows in the gravel…walks; for distances between 2
  or 3 up to 15 yards。  I have never seen two tracks leading to the
  same burrow; nor is it likely; from what we shall presently see of
  their sense…organs; that a worm could find its way back to its
  burrow after having once left it。  They apparently leave their
  burrows on a voyage of discovery; and thus they find new sites to
  Morren states {12} that worms often lie for hours almost motionless
  close beneath the mouths of their burrows。  I have occasionally
  noticed the same fact with worms kept in pots in the house; so that
  by looking down into their burrows; their heads could just be seen。
  If the ejected earth or rubbish over the burrows be suddenly
  removed; the end of the worm's body may very often be seen rapidly
  retreating。  This habit of lying near the surface leads to their
  destruction to an immense extent。  Every morning during certain
  seasons of the year; the thrushes and blackbirds on all the lawns
  throughout the country draw out of their holes an astonishing
  number of worms; and this they could not do; unless they lay close
  to the surface。  It is not probable that worms behave in this
  manner for the sake of breathing fresh air; for we have seen that
  they can live for a long time under water。  I believe that they lie
  near the surface for the sake of warmth; especially in the morning;
  and we shall hereafter find that they often coat the mouths of
  their burrows with leaves; apparently to prevent their bodies from
  coming into close contact with the cold damp earth。  It is said
  that they completely close their burrows during the winter。
  Structure。A few remarks must be made on this subject。  The body
  of a large worm consists of from 100 to 200 almost cylindrical
  rings or segments; each furnished with minute bristles。  The
  muscular system is well developed。  Worms can crawl backwards as
  well as forwards; and by the aid of their affixed tails can retreat
  with extraordinary rapidity into their burrows。  The mouth is
  situated at the anterior end of the body; and is provided with a
  little projection (lobe or lip; as it has been variously called)
  which is used for prehension。  Internally; behind the mouth; there
  is a strong pharynx; shown in the accompanying diagram (Fig。 1)
  which is pushed forwards when the animal eats; and this part
  corresponds; according to Perrier; with the protrudable trunk or
  proboscis of other annelids。  The pharynx leads into the
  oesophagus; on each side of which in the lower part there are three
  pairs of large glands; which secrete a surprising amount of
  carbonate of lime。  These calciferous glands are highly remarkable;
  for nothing like them is known in any other animal。  Their use will
  be discussed when we treat of the digestive process。  In most of
  the species; the oesophagus is enlarged into a crop in front of the
  gizzard。  This latter organ is lined with a smooth thick chitinous
  membrane; and is surrounded by weak longitudinal; but powerful
  transverse muscles。  Perrier saw these muscles in energetic action;
  and; as he remarks; the trituration of the food must be chiefly
  effected by this organ; for worms possess no jaws or teeth of any
  kind。  Grains of sand and small stones; from the 1/20 to a little
  more than the 1/10 inch in diameter; may generally be found in
  their gizzards and intestines。  As it is certain that worms swallow
  many little stones; independently of those swallowed while
  excavating their burrows; it is probable that they serve; like
  mill…stones; to triturate their food。  The gizzard opens into the
  intestine; which runs in a straight course to the vent at the
  posterior end of the body。  The intestine presents a remarkable
  structure; the typhlosolis; or; as the old anatomists called it; an
  intestine within an intestine; and Claparede {13} has shown that
  this consists of a deep longitudinal involution of the walls of the
  intestine; by which means an extensive absorbent surface is gained。
  The circul