第 43 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2021-02-24 23:21      字数:9322
  last interview with Lundie。
  It was nearly dark when Mabel found herself in the boat
  that was to carry her off to the cutter。  So very smooth
  was the surface of the lake; that it was not found necessary
  to bring the bateaux into the river to receive their freights;
  but the beach outside being totally without surf; and the
  water as tranquil as that of a pond; everybody embarked
  there。  When the boat left the land; Mabel would not
  have known that she was afloat on so broad a sheet of
  water by any movement which is usual to such circum…
  stances。  The oars had barely time to give a dozen strokes;
  when the boat lay at the cutter's side。
  Jasper was in readiness to receive his passengers; and;
  as the deck of the _Scud_ was but two or three feet above
  the water; no difficulty was experienced in getting on
  board of her。  As soon as this was effected; the young man
  pointed out to Mabel and her companion the accommoda…
  tions prepared for their reception。  The little vessel con…
  tained four apartments below; all between decks having
  been expressly constructed with a view to the transporta…
  tion of officers and men; with their wives and families。
  First in rank was what was called the after…cabin; a small
  apartment that contained four berths; and which enjoyed
  the advantage of possessing small windows; for the ad…
  mission of air and light。  This was uniformly devoted to
  females whenever any were on board; and as Mabel and
  her companion were alone; they had ample accommoda…
  tion。  The main cabin was larger; and lighted from above。
  It was now appropriated to the Quartermaster; the Ser…
  geant; Cap; and Jasper; the Pathfinder roaming through
  any part of the cutter he pleased; the female apartment
  excepted。  The corporals and common soldiers occupied
  the space beneath the main hatch; which had a deck for
  such a purpose; while the crew were berthed; as usual; in the
  forecastle。  Although the cutter did not measure quite
  fifty tons; the draft of officers and men was so light; that
  there was ample room for all on board; there being space
  enough to accommodate treble the number; if necessary。
  As soon as Mabel had taken possession of her own really
  comfortable cabin; in doing which she could not abstain
  from indulging in the pleasant reflection that some of
  Jasper's favor had been especially manifested in her be…
  half; she went on deck again。  Here all was momentarily
  in motion; the men were roving to and fro; in quest of
  their knapsacks and other effects; but method and habit
  soon reduced things to order; when the stillness on board
  became even imposing; for it was connected with the idea
  of future adventure and ominous preparation。
  Darkness was now beginning to render objects on shore
  indistinct; the whole of the land forming one shapeless
  black outline of even forest summits; to be distinguished
  from the impending heavens only by the greater light of
  the sky。  The stars; however; soon began to appear in the
  latter; one after another; in their usual mild; placid lustre;
  bringing with them that sense of quiet which ordinarily
  accompanies night。  There was something soothing; as
  well as exciting; in such a scene; and Mabel; who was
  seated on the quarter…deck; sensibly felt both influences。
  The Pathfinder was standing near her; leaning; as usual;
  on his long rifle; and she fancied that; through the grow…
  ing darkness of the hour; she could trace even stronger
  lines of thought than usual in his rugged countenance。
  〃To you; Pathfinder; expeditions like this can be no
  great novelty;〃 said she; 〃though I am surprised to find
  how silent and thoughtful the men appear to be。〃
  〃We learn this by making war ag'in Indians。  Your
  militia are great talkers and little doers in general; but
  the soldier who has often met the Mingos learns to know
  the value of a prudent tongue。  A silent army; in the
  woods; is doubly strong; and a noisy one; doubly weak。
  If tongues made soldiers; the; women of a camp would
  generally carry the day。〃
  〃But we are neither an army; nor in the woods。  There
  can be no danger of Mingos in the _Scud_。〃
  〃No one is safe from a Mingo; who does not understand
  his very natur'; and even then he must act up to his own
  knowledge; and that closely。  Ask Jasper how he got com…
  mand of this very cutter。〃
  〃And how _did_ he get command?〃 inquired Mabel; with
  an earnestness and interest that quite delighted her simple…
  minded and true…hearted companion; who was never better
  pleased than when he had an opportunity of saying aught
  in favor of a friend。  〃It is honorable to him that he has
  reached this station while yet so young。〃
  〃That is it; but he deserved it all; and more。  A frigate
  wouldn't have been too much to pay for so much spirit
  and coolness; had there been such a thing on Ontario; as
  there is not; hows'ever; or likely to be。〃
  〃But Jasper  you have not yet told me how he got the
  command of the schooner。〃
  〃It is a long story; Mabel; and one your father; the Ser…
  geant; can tell much better than I; for he was present;
  while I was off on a distant scouting。  Jasper is not good
  at a story; I will own that; I have heard him questioned
  about this affair; and he never made a good tale of it; al…
  though every body knows it was a good thing。  The _Scud_
  had near fallen into the hands of the French and the
  Mingos; when Jasper saved her; in a way which none but
  a quick…witted mind and a bold heart would have at…
  tempted。  The Sergeant will tell the tale better than I
  can; and I wish you to question him some day; when
  nothing better offers。〃
  Mabel determined to ask her father to repeat the inci…
  dents of the affair that very night; for it struck her young
  fancy that nothing better could well offer than to listen to
  the praises of one who was a bad historian of his own ex…
  〃Will the _Scud_ remain with us when we reach the
  island?〃 she asked; after a little hesitation about the
  propriety of the question; 〃or shall we be left to our…
  〃That's as may be: Jasper does not often keep the
  cutter idle when anything is to be done; and we may
  expect activity on his part。  My gifts; however; run so
  little towards the water and vessels generally; unless it be
  among rapids and falls and in canoes; that I pretend to
  know nothing about it。  We shall have all right under
  Jasper; I make no doubt; who can find a trail on Ontario
  as well as a Delaware can find one on the land。〃
  〃And our own Delaware; Pathfinder  the Big Serpent
  why is he not with us to…night?〃
  〃Your question would have been more natural had you
  said; Why are _you_ here; Pathfinder?  The Sarpent is in
  his place; while I am not in mine。  He is out; with two or
  three more; scouting the lake shores; and will join us down
  among the islands; with the tidings he may gather。  The
  Sergeant is too good a soldier to forget his rear while he
  is facing the enemy in front。  It's a thousand pities;
  Mabel; your father wasn't born a general; as some of the
  English are who come among us; for I feel sartain he
  wouldn't leave a Frencher in the Canadas a week; could
  he have his own way with them。〃
  〃Shall we have enemies to face in front?〃 asked Mabel;
  smiling; and for the first time feeling a slight apprehen…
  sion about the dangers of the expedition。  〃Are we likely
  to have an engagement?〃
  〃If we have; Mabel; there will be men enough ready
  and willing to stand between you and harm。  But you are
  a soldier's daughter; and; we all know; have the spirit of
  one。  Don't let the fear of a battle keep your pretty eyes
  from sleeping。〃
  〃I do feel braver out here in the woods; Pathfinder;
  than I ever felt before amid the weaknesses of the towns;
  although I have always tried to remember what I owe to
  my dear father。〃
  〃Ay; your mother was so before you。  'You will find
  Mabel; like her mother; no screamer; or a faint…hearted
  girl; to trouble a man in his need; but one who would en…
  courage her mate; and help to keep his heart up when
  sorest prest by danger;' said the Sergeant to me; before I
  ever laid eyes on that sweet countenance of yours;  he
  〃And why should my father have told you this; Path…
  finder?〃 the girl demanded a little earnestly。  〃Perhaps
  he fancied you would think the better of me if you did
  not believe me a silly coward; as so many of my sex love to
  make themselves appear。〃
  Deception; unless it were at the expense of his enemies
  in the field;  nay; concealment of even a thought;  was
  so little in accordance with the Pathfinder's very nature;
  that he was not a little embarrassed by this simple ques…
  tion。  In such a strait he involuntarily took refuge in a;
  middle course; not revealing that which he fancied ought
  not to be told; nor yet absolutely concealing it。
  〃You must know; Mabel;〃 said he; 〃that the Sergeant
  and I are old friends; and have stood side by side  or; if
  not actually side by side; I a little in advance; as became a
  scout; and your father with his own men; as better suited
  a soldier of the king  on many a hard fi't and bloody day。
  It's the way of us skirmishers to think little of the fight
  when the rifle has done cracking; and at night; around
  our fires; or on our marches; we talk of the thin