第 26 节
作者:泰达魔王      更新:2021-02-24 23:20      字数:9322
  For the first time since she had left her room; Mabel
  now turned her eyes beneath her; and got a view of what
  might be called the foreground of the remarkable picture
  she had been studying with so much pleasure。  The
  Oswego threw its dark waters into the lake; between banks
  of some height; that on its eastern side being bolder and
  projecting farther north than that on its western。  The
  fort was on the latter; and immediately beneath it were a
  few huts of logs; which; as they could not interfere with
  the defence of the place; had been erected along the strand
  for the purpose of receiving and containing such stores as
  were landed; or were intended to be embarked; in the
  communications between the different ports on the shores
  of Ontario。  Two low; curved; gravelly points had been
  formed with surprising regularity by the counteracting
  forces of the northerly winds and the swift current; and;
  inclining from the storms of the lake; formed two coves
  within the river: that on the western side was the most
  deeply indented; and; as it also had the most water; it
  formed a sort of picturesque little port for the post。  It
  was along the narrow strand that lay between the low
  height of the fort and the water of this cove; that the rude
  buildings just mentioned had been erected。
  Several skiffs; bateaux; and canoes were hauled up on
  the shore; and in the cove itself lay the little craft from
  which Jasper obtained his claim to be considered a sailor。
  She was cutter…rigged; might have been of forty tons bur…
  then; was so neatly constructed and painted as to have
  something of the air of a vessel of war; though entirely
  without quarters; and rigged and sparred with so scrupu…
  lous a regard to proportions and beauty; as well as fitness
  and judgment; as to give her an appearance that even
  Mabel at once distinguished to be gallant and trim。  Her
  mould was admirable; for a wright of great skill had sent
  her drafts from England; at the express request of the
  officer who had caused her to be constructed; her paint
  dark; warlike; and neat; and the long coach…whip pennant
  that she wore at once proclaimed her to be the property
  of the king。  Her name was the _Scud_。
  〃That; then; is the vessel of Jasper!〃 said Mabel; who
  associated the master of the little craft very naturally with
  the cutter itself。  〃Are there many others on this lake?〃
  〃The Frenchers have three: one of which; they tell me;
  is a real ship; such as are used on the ocean; another a
  brig; and a third is a cutter; like the _Scud_ here; which
  they call the _Squirrel_; in their own tongue; however; and
  which seems to have a natural hatred of our own pretty
  boat; for Jasper seldom goes out that the _Squirrel_ is not
  at his heels。〃
  〃And is Jasper one to run from a Frenchman; though
  he appears in the shape of a squirrel; and that; too; on the
  〃Of what use would valor be without the means of
  turning it to account?  Jasper is a brave boy; as all on this
  frontier know; but he has no gun except a little howitzer;
  and then his crew consists only of two men besides him…
  self; and a boy。  I was with him in one of his trampooses;
  and the youngster was risky enough; for he brought us
  so near the enemy that rifles began to talk; but the
  Frenchers carry cannon and ports; and never show their
  faces outside of Frontenac; without having some twenty
  men; besides their _Squirrel_; in their cutter。  No; no; this
  _Scud_ was built for flying; and the major says he will not
  put her in a fighting humor by giving her men and arms;
  lest she should take him at his word; and get her wings
  clipped。  I know little of these things; for my gifts are
  not at all in that way; but I see the reason of the thing
  I see its reason; though Jasper does not。〃
  〃Ah! here is my uncle; none the worse for his swim;
  coming to look at this inland sea。〃
  Sure enough; Cap; who had announced his approach by
  a couple of lusty hems; now made his appearance on the
  bastion; where; after nodding to his neice and her com…
  panion; he made a deliberate survey of the expanse of
  water before him。  In order to effect this at his ease; the
  mariner mounted on one of the old iron guns; folded his
  arms across his breast; and balanced his body; as if he felt
  the motion of a vessel。  To complete the picture; he had
  a short pipe in his mouth。
  〃Well; Master Cap;〃 asked the Pathfinder innocently; for
  he did not detect the expression of contempt that was
  gradually settling on the features of the other; 〃is it not
  a beautiful sheet; and fit to be named a sea?〃
  〃This; then; is what you call your lake?〃 demanded
  Cap; sweeping the northern horizon with his pipe。  〃I
  say; is this really your lake?〃
  〃Sartain; and; if the judgment of one who has lived on
  the shores of many others can be taken; a very good lake
  it is。〃
  〃Just as I expected。  A pond in dimensions; and a
  scuttle…butt in taste。  It is all in vain to travel inland; in
  the hope of seeing anything either full…grown or useful。
  I knew it would turn out just in this way。〃
  〃What is the matter…with Ontario; Master Cap?  It is
  large; and fair to look at; and pleasant enough to drink;
  for those who can't get at the water of the springs。〃
  〃Do you call this large?〃 asked Cap; again sweeping
  the air with the pipe。  〃I will just ask you what there is
  large about it?  Didn't Jasper himself confess that it was
  only some twenty leagues from shore to shore?〃
  〃But; uncle;〃 interposed Mabel; 〃no land is to be seen;
  except here on our own coast。  To me it koks exactly like
  the ocean。〃
  〃This bit of a pond look like the ocean!  Well; Magnet;
  that from a girl who has had real seamen in her family is
  downright nonsense。  What is there about it; pray; that
  has even the outline of a sea on it?〃
  〃Why; there is water  water  water  nothing but
  water; for miles on miles  far as the eye can see。〃
  〃And isn't there water  water  water  nothing but
  water for miles on miles in your rivers; that you have been
  canoeing through; too?  ay; and 'as far as the eye can see;'
  in the bargain?〃
  〃Yes; uncle; but the rivers have their banks; and there
  are trees along them; and they are narrow。〃
  〃And isn't this a bank where we stand? don't these
  soldiers call this the bank of the lake? and aren't there
  trees in thousands? and aren't twenty leagues narrow
  enough of all conscience?  Who the devil ever heard of
  the banks of the ocean; unless it might be the banks that
  are under water?〃
  〃But; uncle; we cannot see across this lake; as we can
  see across a river。〃
  〃There you are out; Magnet。  Aren't the Amazon and
  Oronoco and La Plata rivers; and can you see across them?
  Hark'e Pathfinder; I very much doubt if this stripe of
  water here be even a lake; for to me it appears to be only
  a river。  You are by no means particular about your
  geography; I find; up here in the woods。〃
  〃There _you_ are out; Master Cap。  There is a river; and
  a noble one too; at each end of it; but this is old Ontario
  before you; and; though it is not my gift to live on a lake;
  to my judgment there are few better than this。〃
  〃And; uncle; if we stood on the beach at Rockaway;
  what more should we see than we now behold?  There is
  a shore on one side; or banks there; and trees too; as well
  as those which are here。〃
  〃This is perverseness; Magnet; and young girls should
  steer clear of anything like obstinacy。  In the first place;
  the ocean has coasts; but no banks; except the Grand
  Banks; as I tell you; which are out of sight of land; and
  you will not pretend that this bank is out of sight of
  land; or even under water?〃
  As Mabel could not very plausibly set up this extrava…
  gant opinion; Cap pursued the subject; his countenance
  beginning to discover the triumph of a successful dis…
  〃And then them trees bear no comparison to these
  trees。  The coasts of the ocean have farms and cities and
  country…seats; and; in some parts of the world; castles and
  monasteries and lighthouses  ay; ay  lighthouses; in
  particular; on them; not one of all which things is to be
  seen here。  No; no; Master Pathfinder; I never heard of
  an ocean that hadn't more or less lighthouses on it;
  whereas; hereaway there is not even a beacon。〃
  〃There is what is better; there is what is better; a forest
  and noble trees; a fit temple of God。〃
  〃Ay; your forest may do for a lake; but of what use
  would an ocean be if the earth all around it were forest?
  Ships would be unnecessary; as timber might be floated in
  rafts; and there would be an end of trade; and what would
  a world be without trade?  I am of that philosopher's
  opinion who says human nature was invented for the pur…
  poses of trade。  Magnet; I am astonished that you should
  think this water even looks like sea…water!  Now; I dare…
  say that there isn't such a thing as a whale in all your
  lake; Master Pathfinder?〃
  〃I never heard of one; I will confess; but I am no judge
  of animals that live in the water; unless it be the fishes of
  the rivers and the brooks。〃
  〃Nor a grampus; nor a porpoise even? not so much as
  a poor devil of a shark?〃
  〃I will not take it on myself to say there is either。  My
  gifts are not in that way; I tell you; Master Cap。〃