第 40 节
作者:乐乐陶陶      更新:2021-02-24 23:07      字数:9322
  bitterness were only deprived of their sees and sent to the Tower。
  The execution of Somerset was the work of politicians; of great
  noblemen jealous of his ascendency。  It does not belong to the
  reformation; nor do the executions of a few other noblemen。
  Cranmer himself was a statesman rather than a preacher。  He left
  but few sermons; and these commonplace; without learning; or wit;
  or zeal;ordinary exhortations to a virtuous life。  The chief
  thing; outside of the reforms I have mentioned; was the publication
  of a few homilies for the use of the clergy;too ignorant to write
  sermons;which homilies were practical and orthodox; but
  containing nothing to stir up an ardent religious life。  The Bible
  was also given a greater scope; everybody could read it if he
  wished。  Public prayer was restored to the people in a language
  which they could understand; and a few preachers arose who appealed
  to conscience and reason;like Latimer and Ridley; and Hooper and
  Taylor; but most of them were formal and cold。  There must have
  been great religious apathy; or else these reforms would have
  excited more opposition on the part of the clergy; who generally
  acquiesced in the changes。  But the Reformation thus far was
  official; it was not popular。  It repressed vice and superstition;
  but kindled no great enthusiasm。  It was necessary for the English
  reformers and sincere Protestants to go through a great trial; to
  be persecuted; to submit to martyrdom for the sake of their
  opinions。  The school of heroes and saints has ever been among
  blazing fires and scaffolds。  It was martyrdom which first gave
  form and power to early Christianity。  The first chapter in the
  history of the early Church is the torments of the martyrs。  The
  English Reformation had no great dignity or life until the funeral
  pyres were lighted。  Men had placidly accepted new opinions; and
  had Bibles to instruct them; but it was to be seen how far they
  would make sacrifices to maintain them。
  This test was afforded by the accession of Mary; daughter of
  Catharine the Spaniard;an affectionate and kind…hearted woman
  enough in ordinary times; but a fiend of bigotry; like Catherine
  de' Medicis; when called upon to suppress the Reformation; although
  on her accession she declared that she would force no man's
  conscience。  But the first thing she does is to restore the popish
  bishops;for so they were called then by historians; and the next
  thing she does is to restore the Mass; and the third to shut up
  Cranmer and Latimer in the Tower; attaint and execute them; with
  sundry others like Ridley and Hooper; as well as those great nobles
  who favored the claims of the Lady Jane Grey and the religious
  reforms of Edward VI。  She reconciles herself with Rome; and
  accepts its legate at her court; she receives Spanish spies and
  Jesuit confessors; she marries the son of Charles V。; afterwards
  Philip II。; she executes the Lady Jane Grey; she keeps the
  strictest watch on the Princess Elizabeth; who learns in her
  retirement the art of dissimulation and lying; she forms an
  alliance with Spain; she makes Cardinal Pole Archbishop of
  Canterbury; she gives almost unlimited power to Gardiner and
  Bonner; who begin a series of diabolical persecutions; burning such
  people as John Rogers; Sanders; Doctor Taylor of Hadley; William
  Hunter; and Stephen Harwood; ferreting out all suspected of heresy;
  and confining them in the foulest jails;burning even little
  children。  Mary even takes measures to introduce the Inquisition
  and restore the monasteries。  Everywhere are scaffolds and
  burnings。  In three years nearly three hundred people were burned
  alive; often with green wood;a small number compared with those
  who were executed and assassinated in France; about this time; by
  Catherine de' Medicis; the Guises; and Charles IX。
  In those dreadful persecutions which began with the accession of
  Mary; it was impossible that Cranmer should escape。  In spite of
  his dignity; rank; age; and services; he could hope for no favor or
  indulgence from that morose woman in whose sapless bosom no
  compassion for the Protestants ever found admission; and still less
  from those cruel; mercenary; bigoted prelates whom she selected for
  her ministers。  It was not customary in that age for the Churchmen
  to spare heretics; whether high or low。  Would it forgive him who
  had overturned the consecrated altars; displaced the ritual of a
  thousand years; and revolted from the authority of the supreme head
  of the Christian world?  Would Mary suffer him to pass unpunished
  who had displaced her mother from the nuptial bed; and pronounced
  her own birth to be stained with an ignominious blot; and who had
  exalted a rival to the throne?  And Gardiner and Bonner; too; those
  bigoted prelates and ministers who would have sent to the flames an
  unoffending woman if she denied the authority of the Pope; were not
  the men to suffer him to escape who had not only overturned the
  papal power in England; but had deprived them of their sees and
  sent them to the Tower。  No matter how decent the forms of law or
  respectful the agents of the crown; Cranmer had not the shadow of a
  hope; and hence he was certainly weak to say the least; to trust to
  any deceitful promises made to him。  What his enemies were bent
  upon was his recantation; as preliminary to his execution; and he
  should have been firm; both for his cause; and because his
  martyrdom was sure。  In an evil hour he listened to the voice of
  the seducer。  Both life and dignities were promised if he would
  recant。  〃Confounded; heart…broken; old;〃 the love of life and the
  fear of death were stronger for a time than the power of conscience
  or dignity of character。  Six several times was he induced to
  recant the doctrines he had preached; and profess an allegiance
  which could only be a solemn mockery。
  True; Cranmer came to himself; he perceived that he was mocked; and
  felt both grief and shame in view of his apostasy。  His last hours
  were glorious。  Never did a good man more splendidly redeem his
  memory from shame。  Being permitted to address the people before
  his execution;with the hope on the part of his tormentors that he
  would publicly confirm his recantation;he first supplicated the
  mercy and forgiveness of Almighty God; and concluded his speech
  with these memorable words: 〃And now I come to the great thing that
  troubleth my conscience more than anything I ever did or said; even
  the setting forth of writings contrary to the truth; which I now
  renounce and refuse;those things written with my own hand
  contrary to the truth I thought in my heart; and writ for fear of
  death and to save my life。  And forasmuch as my hand offended in
  writing contrary to my heart; therefore my hand shall first be
  punished; for if I come to the fire; it shall first be burned。  As
  for the Pope; I denounce him as Christ's enemy and Antichrist; with
  all his false doctrines。〃  Then he was carried away; and a great
  multitude ran after him; exhorting him; while time was; to remember
  himself。  〃Coming to the stake;〃 says the Catholic eye…witness;
  〃with a cheerful countenance and willing mind; he took off his
  garments in haste and stood upright in his shirt。  Fire being
  applied; he stretched forth his right hand and thrust it into the
  flame; before the fire came to any other part of his body; when his
  hand was to be seen sensibly burning; he cried with a loud voice;
  'This hand hath offended。〃'
  Thus died Cranmer; in the sixty…seventh year of his age; after
  presiding over the Church of England above twenty years; and having
  bequeathed a legacy to his countrymen of which they continue to be
  proud。  He had not the intrepidity of Latimer; he was supple to
  Henry VIII。; he was weak in his recantation; he was not an original
  genius;but he was a man of great breadth of views; conciliating
  wise; temperate in reform; and discharged his great trust with
  conscientious adherence to the truth as he understood it; the
  friend of Calvin; and revered by the Protestant world。
  Queen Mary reigned; fortunately; but five years; and the
  persecutions she encouraged and indorsed proved the seed of a
  higher morality and a loftier religious life。
  〃For thus spake aged Latimer:
  I tarry by the stake;
  Not trusting in my own weak heart;
  But for the Saviour's sake。
  Why speak of life or death to me;
  Whose days are but a span?
  Our crown is yonder;Ridley; see!
  Be strong and play the man!
  God helping; such a torch this day
  We'll light on English land;
  That Rome; with all her cardinals;
  Shall never quench the brand!〃
  The triumphs of Gardiner and Bonner too were short。  Mary died with
  a bruised heart and a crushed ambition。  On her death; and the
  accession of her sister Elizabeth; exiles returned from Geneva and
  Frankfort to advocate more radical changes in government and
  doctrine。  Popula