第 18 节
作者:交通工具类:沧海一叶舟      更新:2021-02-24 23:04      字数:9321
  houses   were   unspeakably   forlorn   with   sagging   blinds   and   lack   of   paint。
  Untidy women and blear…eyed men leaned over the dilapidated fences; or
  lolled on mud…tracked doorsteps。 David; his shrinking eyes turning  from
  one side to the other; passed slowly through the street; his violin under his
  arm。 Nowhere could David find here the tiniest spot of beauty to 〃play。〃
  He had reached quite the most forlorn little shanty on the street when the
  promise in his father's letter occurred to him。 With a suddenly illumined
  face; he raised his violin to position and plunged into a veritable whirl of
  trills and runs and tripping melodies。
  〃If   I   didn't   just   entirely   forget   that   I   didn't   NEED   to   SEE   anything
  beautiful to play;〃 laughed David softly to himself。 〃Why; it's already right
  here in my violin!〃
  David had passed the tumble…down shanty; and was hesitating where
  two streets   crossed;  when   he felt   a   light   touch on his   arm。  He   turned   to
  confront      a  small   girl   in  a  patched     and   faded    calico   dress;   obviously
  outgrown。       Her   eyes    were    wide    and   frightened。     In  the   middle    of   her
  … Page 72…
  outstretched dirty little palm was a copper cent。
  〃If you please; Joe sent thisto you;〃 she faltered。
  〃To me? What for?〃 David stopped playing and lowered his violin。
  The  little   girl   backed   away  perceptibly;  though   she   still   held   out   the
  〃He wanted you to stay and play some more。 He said to tell you he'd 'a'
  sent more money if he could。 But he didn't have it。 He just had this cent。〃
  David's eyes flew wide open。
  〃You mean he WANTS me to play? He likes it?〃 he asked joyfully。
  〃Yes。 He said he knew 't wa'n't muchthe cent。 But he thought maybe
  you'd play a LITTLE for it。〃
  〃Play?   Of   course   I'll   play〃   cried   David。   〃Oh;   no;   I   don't   want   the
  money;〃   he   added;   waving   the   again…proffered   coin   aside。   〃I   don't   need
  money   where   I'm   living   now。   Where   is   hethe   one   that   wanted   me   to
  play?〃 he finished eagerly。
  〃In there by the window。 It's Joe。 He's my brother。〃 The little girl; in
  spite of her evident satisfaction at the accomplishment of her purpose; yet
  kept quite aloof from the boy。 Nor did the fact that he refused the money
  appear to bring her anything but uneasy surprise。
  In the window David saw a boy apparently about his own age; a boy
  with sandy hair; pale cheeks; and wide…open; curiously intent blue eyes。
  〃Is he coming? Did you get him? Will he play?〃 called the boy at the
  window eagerly。
  〃Yes; I'm right here。 I'm the one。 Can't you see the violin? Shall I play
  here or come in?〃 answered David; not one whit less eagerly。
  The small girl opened her lips as if to explain something; but the boy
  in the window did not wait。
  〃Oh; come in。 WILL you come in?〃 he cried unbelievingly。 〃And will
  you just let me touch itthe fiddle? Come! You WILL come? See; there
  isn't anybody home; only just Betty and me。〃
  〃Of   course   I   will!〃   David   fairly  stumbled up the   broken   steps   in   his
  impatience to reach the wide…open door。 〃Did you like itwhat I played?
  … Page 73…
  And did you know what I was playing? Did you understand? Could you
  see the cloud…boats up in the sky; and my Silver Lake down in the valley?
  And   could   you   hear   the   birds;   and   the   winds   in   the   trees;   and   the   little
  brooks? Could you? Oh; did you understand? I've so wanted to find some
  one that could! But I wouldn't think that YOUHERE〃 With a gesture;
  and   an   expression   on   his   face   that   were   unmistakable;   David   came   to   a
  helpless pause。
  〃There; Joe; what'd I tell you;〃 cried the little girl; in a husky whisper;
  darting   to   her   brother's   side。   〃Oh;   why  did   you   make   me   get   him   here?
  Everybody says he's crazy as a loon; and〃
  But    the  boy    reached    out   a  quickly    silencing    hand。   His   face   was
  curiously alight; as if from an inward glow。 His eyes; still widely intent;
  were staring straight ahead。
  〃Stop; Betty; wait;〃 he hushed her。 〃MaybeI think I DO understand。
  Boy; you meanINSIDE of you; you see those things; and then you try to
  make your fiddle tell what you are seeing。 Is that it?〃
  〃Yes; yes;〃 cried David。 〃Oh; you DO understand。 And I never thought
  you could。 I never thought that anybody could that did n't have anything to
  look at but himbut these things。〃
  〃   'Anything   but   these   to   look   at'!〃   echoed   the   boy;   with   a   sudden
  anguish      in  his   voice。   〃Anything      but   these!   I  guess    if  I  could    see
  ANYTHING; I wouldn't mind WHAT I see! An' you wouldn't; neither; if
  you wasblind; like me。〃
  〃Blind!〃   David   fell   back。   Face   and   voice   were   full   of   horror。   〃You
  mean you can't seeanything; with your eyes?〃
  〃Oh! I never saw any one blind before。 There was one in a bookbut
  father  took it   away。  Since   then;  in   books   down   here;   I've   found   others
  〃Yes; yes。 Well; never mind that;〃 cut in the blind boy; growing restive
  under the pity in the other's voice。 〃Play。 Won't you?〃
  〃But how are you EVER going to know what a beautiful world it is?〃
  … Page 74…
  shuddered   David。   〃How   can   you   know? And   how   can   you   ever   play   in
  tune? You're one of the instruments。 Father said everybody was。 And he
  said everybody was playing SOMETHING all the time; and if you didn't
  play in tune〃
  〃Joe;   Joe;   please;〃   begged   the   little   girl   〃Won't   you   let   him   go?   I'm
  afraid。 I told you〃
  〃Shucks; Betty! He won't hurt ye;〃 laughed Joe; a little irritably。 Then
  to David he turned again with some sharpness。
  〃Play; won't ye? You SAID you'd play!〃
  〃Yes; oh; yes; I'll play;〃 faltered David; bringing his violin hastily to
  position; and testing the strings with fingers that shook a little。
  〃There!〃 breathed Joe; settling back in his chair with a contented sigh。
  〃Now; play it againwhat you did before。〃
  But David did not play what he did beforeat first。 There were no airy
  cloud…boats; no far…reaching sky; no birds; or murmuring forest brooks in
  his music this time。 There were only the poverty…stricken room; the dirty
  street; the boy alone at the window; with his sightless eyesthe boy who
  never; never would know what a beautiful world he lived in。
  Then suddenly to David came a new thought。 This boy; Joe; had said
  before that he understood。 He had seemed to know that he was being told
  of the sunny skies and the forest winds; the singing birds and the babbling
  brooks。 Perhaps again now he would understand。
  What if; for those sightless eyes; one could create a world?
  Possibly never before had David played as he played then。 It was as if
  upon those four quivering strings; he was laying the purple and gold of a
  thousand sunsets; the rose and amber of a thousand sunrises; the green of a
  boundless earth; the blue of a sky that reached to heaven itselfto make
  Joe understand。
  〃Gee!〃 breathed Joe; when the music came to an end with a crashing
  chord。 〃Say; wa'n't that just great? Won't you let me; please; just touch that
  fiddle?〃 And David; looking into the blind boy's exalted face; knew that
  Joe had indeedunderstood。
  … Page 75…
  It was a new world; indeed; that David created for Joe after thata
  world     that  had   to  do  with   entrancing    music    where    once   was    silence;
  delightful     companionship       where    once    was   loneliness;    and   toothsome
  cookies and doughnuts where once was hunger。
  The Widow Glaspell; Joe's mother; worked out by the day; scrubbing
  and   washing;   and   Joe;   perforce;   was   left   to   the   somewhat   erratic   and
  decidedly   unskillful   ministrations   of   Betty。   Betty   was   no   worse;   and   no
  better;  than   any  other   untaught;  irresponsible   twelve…year…old girl;  and   it
  was not to be expected; perhaps; that she would care to spend all the bright
  sunny hours shut up with her sorely afflicted and somewhat fretful brother。
  True; at