第 27 节
作者:无边的寒冷      更新:2021-02-24 21:54      字数:9322
  Tom halted around a sharp turn; and stood transfixed at the sight which
  met his gaze。 He found himself looking out through a crack in the face of a
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  sheer stone cliff that went straight down for a hundred feet or more to a
  green…carpeted valley。
  Tom   was   standing   in   a   narrow   cleft   of   rockthe   same   rock   through
  which   they  had   made   their   way。 And   at   the   foot   of   the   cliff   was   a   little
  encampment   of   Indians。   There   were   a   dozen   huts;   and   wandering   about
  them; or sitting in the shade; were a score or more of Indians。
  〃There men from tunnel;〃 said Masni; and; as he looked; wondering;
  Tom saw some of the workers he knew。 One especially; was a laborer who
  walked with a peculiar limp。
  〃The missing men!〃 gasped the young inventor。
  〃Bless my almanac!〃 cried Mr。 Damon。 〃Where?〃
  〃Here;〃 answered Tom。 〃If you squeeze past me you can see them。〃
  Mr。 Damon did so。
  〃How did they get here?〃 asked the odd man; as he looked down in the
  little valley where the missing ones were sequestered。
  〃That's what we've got to find out;〃 Tom said。 〃At any rate here they
  are;   and   they  seem   to   be   enjoying   life   while   we've   been   worrying   as   to
  what had become of them。 How did they get here; Masni?〃
  〃Me show you。 Come。〃
  〃Wait until I take another look;〃 said Tom。
  〃Be careful they don't see you;〃 cautioned Mr; Damon。
  〃They can't very well。 The cleft is screened by bushes。〃
  Tom     looked    down    once   more    on   the  group    of  men    who    had   so
  mysteriously   disappeared。   The   little   valley   stretched   out   away   from   the
  face of the cliff; through which; by means of the crack; or cleft in it; Tom
  and   the   others   had   come。   Tom  looked   down   the   wall   of   rock。   It   was   as
  smooth as the side of a building; and offered no means of getting down or
  up。 Doubtless there was an easier entrance to the valley on the other side。
  It was like looking down into some vast hall through an upper window or
  from a balcony。
  〃And those men have been in hiding; or been hidden here; ever since
  they disappeared from the tunnel;〃 said Mr。 Damon。
  〃It doesn't look as though they were detained by force;〃 Tom remarked。
  〃I think they are being paid to stay away。 How did they get here; Masni?〃
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  〃Me show you。 Come!〃
  They went back along the trail that led through the split in the rock;
  until   they   had   come    to  the   place   where    the  natural   curtain   of  vines
  concealed   the   entrance。   Tom   took   particular   notice   of   this   place   so   he
  would know it again。
  Then Masni led them over the mountain; and this time Tom saw that
  they  were   approaching   the   tunnel。   He   recognized   some   places   where   he
  had taken samples of rock from the outcropping to test the strength of his
  Reaching   a   certain   wild   and   desolate   place;   Masni   made   a   signal   of
  caution。 She seemed to be listening intently。 Then; as if satisfied there was
  no danger; she parted some bushes and glided in; motioning the others to
  〃Now I wonder what's up;〃 Tom mused。
  He and the others were soon informed。
  Masni stopped in front of a pile of brush。 With a few vigorous motions
  of her arms she swept it aside and revealed a smooth slab of rock。 In the
  centre was what seemed to be a block of metal Masni placed her foot on
  this and pressed heavily。
  And those watching saw a strange thing。
  The slab of rock tilted to one side; as if on a pivot; revealing a square
  opening which seemed to lead through solid stone。 And at the far end of
  the opening Tom Swift saw a glimmer of light
  Stooping down; he looked through the hole thus strangely opened and
  what he saw caused him to cry out in wonder。
  〃It's the tunnel!〃 he cried。 〃I can look right clown into the tunnel。 It's
  the incandescent lights I see。 I can look right at the ledge of rock where I
  kept    watch     that  day;   and    where    I  sawwhere       I  saw   the   face   of
  Waddington!〃        he  cried。   〃It  wasn't   a  dream    after   all。  This  is  a  shaft
  connecting   with   the   tunnel。   We   didn't   discover   it   because   this   rock   fits
  right in the opening in the roof。 It must have been there all the while; and
  some blast brought it to light。 Is this how the men got out; or were taken
  out of the tunnel; Masni?〃 Tom asked。
  〃This how;〃 said the Indian woman。 〃See; here rope!〃
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  She pawed aside a mound of earth; and disclosed a rope buried there; a
  rope knotted at intervals。 This; let down through the hole in the roof of the
  tunnel;    provided     a  means    of   escape;   and   in  such    a  manner     that  the
  disappearance of the men was most mysterious。
  〃I   see  how    it  is!〃  cried   Tom。    〃Some     one   interested;   Waddington
  probably; who knew about this old secret shaft going down into the earth;
  used it as soon as our blasting was opened that far。 They got the men out
  this way; and hid them in the secret valley。〃
  〃But what for?〃 cried Mr。 Damon。
  〃To cripple us! To cause the strike by making our other workers afraid
  of   some   evil   spirit!   The   men   were   taken   away   secretly;   and;   doubtless;
  have been kept in idleness   ever sincepaid to   stay  away so   the   mystery
  would   be   all   the   deeper。   Our   rivals   finding   they   couldn't   stop   us   in   any
  other way have taken our laborers away from us。〃
  〃Bless my meal ticket! It does look like that!〃 cried Mr。 Damon。
  〃Of course that's the secret!〃 cried Tom。 〃Blakeson & Grinder; or some
  of their toolsprobably the bearded man or Waddingtonfound out about
  this shaft which led down into our tunnel。 They induced the first ten men
  to quit; and when Tim went to get the fuse the rope was let down; and the
  men   climbed   up   here;   one   after   the   other。   Those   Indians   can   climb   like
  cats。 Once the ten were out the shaft was closed with the rock; and the ten
  men taken off to the valley to be secreted there。
  〃The same was done with the next fifteen; and; I suppose; if the strike
  hadn't   come;   more   of   our   workers   would   have   been   induced   to   leave   in
  this   way。   They're    probably   being     better  paid   than   when    earning    their
  wages; and their relatives must know where they are; and also be given a
  bonus to keep still。 No wonder they didn't make a fuss。
  〃And no wonder we couldn't find any opening in the tunnel roof。 This
  rock   must   fit   in   as   smoothly   as   a   secret   drawer   in   the   kind   of   old   desk
  where missing wills are found in stories。〃
  〃You     say  you    saw   Waddington;      or   the  bearded    man?〃     asked    Mr。
  〃At the time;〃 replied Tom; 〃I thought it was a dream。 Now I know it
  wasn't。 He must have opened the shaft just as I awakened from a doze。 He
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  saw me and closed it again。 He may have been getting ready then to take
  off more of our men; so as to scare the others。 Well; we've found out the
  〃And what are you going to do next?〃 asked Mr。 Dam~n。
  〃Get   those   missing   men   back。   That   will   break   the   hoodoo;   and   the
  others will come back to work。 Then we'll get on the trail of Wadding ton;
  or   Blakeson   &   Grinder;   and   put   a   stop   to   this   business。   We   know   their
  secret now。〃
  〃You mean to get the men out of the secret valley; Tom?〃
  〃Yes。 There must be some other way into it than down the rock where
  we   were。   How   about   it;   Masni?〃   and   he   inquired   as   to   the   valley。   The
  Indian woman gave Tom to understand that there was another entrance。
  〃Well;   close   up    this   shaft   now   before   some   one   sees   us   at   itthe
  bearded man; for example;〃 Tom suggested。 He took another look down
  into the tunnel; which was now deserted on account of the strike; and then
  Masni pressed on the mechanism that worked the stone。 She showed Tom
  how to do it。
  〃Just a counter…balanced rock operating on the same principle as does
  a window;〃 Tom explained; after a brief examination。 〃Probably some of
  the old In