第 11 节
作者:无边的寒冷      更新:2021-02-24 21:54      字数:9322
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  so   before   striking   into   the   interior   to   where   the   tunnel   was   being   bored
  through the mountain。
  The first day was spent in getting settled; becoming used to their new
  surroundings; finding their places   and   neighbors at table;  and in   making
  acquaintances。 There   were   some   interesting   men   and   women   aboard   the
  Bellaconda; and Tom Swift; Mr。 Damon and Mr。 Titus soon made friends
  with   them。   This   usually   came   about   through   the   medium   of   Koku;   the
  giant。 Persons seeing him would inquire about him; and when they learned
  he    was   Tom   Swift's    helper    it  was  an   easy   topic   with   which    to  open
  Tom   told;   modestly   enough;   how   he   had   come   to   get   Koku   in   his
  escape   from   captivity;   but   Mr。   Damon   was   not   so   simple   in   describing
  Tom's feats; so that before many days had passed our hero found himself
  regarded as a personage of considerable importance; which was not at all
  to his liking。
  〃But bless my fountain pen!〃 cried Mr。 Damon; When Tom objected to
  so much notoriety。 〃You did it all; didn't you?〃
  〃Yes; I know。 But these people won't believe it。〃
  〃Oh; yes   they  will!〃   said   the   odd   man。  〃I'll   take good   care that they
  believe it。〃
  〃If any one say it not so; you tell me!〃 broke Koku; shaking his huge
  〃No; I guess I'd better keep still;〃 said Tom; with a laugh。
  The weather   was pleasant;   if we   except a   shower or   two; and   as   the
  vessel   proceeded   south;   tropical   clothing   became   the   order   of   the   day;
  while all who could; spent most of their time on deck under the shade of
  〃Did you ever hear anything more of that fellow; Waddington?〃 asked
  Tom of Mr。 Titus one day。
  〃Not a thing。 He seems to have dropped out of sight。〃
  〃And are your rivals; Blakeson & Grinder; making any trouble?〃
  〃Not that I've heard of。 Though just what the situation may be down in
  Peru I don't know。 I fancy everything isn't going just right or my brother
  would not be so anxious for me to come on in such a hurry。〃                       〃Do you
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  anticipate any real trouble?〃
  Mr。 Titus paused a moment before answering。
  〃Well; yes;〃 he said; finally; 〃I do!〃
  〃What sort?〃 asked Tom。
  〃That I can't say。 I'll be perfectly frank with you; Tom。 You know I told
  you at the time that we were in for difficulties。 I didn't want you to go into
  this thing blindly。〃
  〃Oh; I'm not afraid of trouble;〃 Tom hastened to assure his friend。 〃I've
  had more or less of it in my life; and I'm willing to meet it again。 Only I
  like to know what kind it is。〃
  〃Well; I can't tell youexactly;〃 went an the tunnel contractor。 〃Those
  rivals   of   ours;   Blakeson   &   Grinder;   are   unscrupulous   fellows。 They  feel
  very bitter about not getting the contract; I hear。 And they would be only
  too glad to have us fail in the work。 That would mean that they; as the next
  lowest bidders; would be given the job。 And we would have to make up
  the difference out of our pockets; as well as lose all the work we have; so
  far; put on the tunnel。〃
  〃And you don't want that to happen!〃
  〃I guess not; my boy! Well; it won't happen if we get there in time with
  this new explosive of yours。 That will do the business I'm sure。〃
  〃I hope so;〃 murmured Tom。 〃Well; we'll soon see。 And now I think I'll
  go and write a few letters。 We are going to put in at Panama; and I   can
  mail them there。〃
  Tom  started   for   his   stateroom;   and   rapidly   put   his   hand   in   the   inner
  pocket of his coat。 He drew out a bundle of letters and papers; and; as he
  looked at them; a cry of astonishment came from his lips。
  〃What's the matter?〃 asked Mr。 Titus。
  〃Matter!〃     cried   Tom。    〃Why     here's   a  letter  from    Maryfrom       Mr。
  Nestor;〃   he   went   on;   as   he   scanned   the   familiar   handwriting。   〃I   never
  opened it! Let's seewhen did I get that?〃
  His memory went back to the day of his departure from Shopton when
  he had sent Mary the gift; and he recalled that the letter had arrived just as
  he was getting into the automobile。
  〃I stuck it in my pocket with some other mail;〃 he mused; 〃and I never
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  thought of it again until just now。 But this is the first time I've worn this
  coat    since   that  day。   A   letter  from   Mr。   Nestor!     Probably    Mary     wrote;
  thanking   me   for   the   box;   and   her   father   addressed   the   envelope   for   her。
  Well; let's see what it says。〃
  Tom retired to the privacy of his stateroom to read the note; but he had
  not glanced over more than the first half of it before he cried out:
  〃Dynamite!   Great   Scott!   What   does   this   mean?   'Gross   carelessness!
  Poor idea of a joke! No person with your idea of responsibility will ever
  be my son…in…law!' Box labeled 'open with care!' Whywhywhat does it
  all mean?〃
  Tom read the letter over again; and his murmurs of astonishment were
  so loud that Mr。 Damon; in the next room; called out:
  〃What's the matter; Tom?〃 Get bad news?〃
  〃Bad   news?   I   should   say  so!   Maryher   fatherhe   forbids   me   to   see
  her   again。   Says   I   tried   to   dynamite   them   allor   at   least   scare   them   into
  believing I was going to。 I can't understand it!〃
  〃Tell   me   about   it;   Tom;〃   suggested   Mr。   Damon;   coming   into   Tom's
  stateroom。 〃Bless my gunpowder keg! what does it mean?〃
  Thereupon   Tom   told   of   having   purchased   the   gift   for   Mary;   and   of
  having; at the last minute; told Eradicate to put it in a box and deliver it at
  the Nestor home。
  〃Which he evidently did;〃 Tom went on; 〃but when it got there Mary's
  present   was   in   a   box   labeled   'Dynamite。   Handle   with   care。'   I   never   sent
  Mr。   Damon   read   over   Mr。   Nestor's   letter   which   had   lain   so   long   in
  Tom's pocket unopened。
  〃I think I see how it happened;〃 said the old man。 〃Eradicate can't read;
  can he; Tom?〃
  〃No; but he pretends he can。〃
  〃And     did   you    have    any   empty     boxes    marked     dynamite      in  your
  〃Why yes; I believe I did。 I used dynamite as one of the ingredients of
  my new explosive。〃
  〃Well   then;   it's   as   clear   as   daylight。   Eradicate;   being   unable   to   read;
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  took one of the empty dynamite boxes in which to pack Mary's present。
  That's how it happened。〃
  Tom thought for a moment。 Then he burst into a laugh。
  〃That's it;〃 he said; a bit ruefully。 〃That's the explanation。 No wonder
  Mr。 Nestor was roiled。 He thought I was playing a joke。 I'll have to explain。
  But how?〃
  〃By letter;〃 said Mr。 Damon。
  〃Too    slow。   I'll  send  a  wireless;〃   decided    Tom;    and   he  began    the
  composition of a message that cost him considerable in tolls before he had
  hit on the explanation that suited him。
  〃That ought to clear the atmosphere;〃 he said when the wireless   had
  shot   his   message   into   the   ether。   〃Whew!   And   to   think;   all   this   while;
  Mary and her folks have believed that I tried to play a miserable joke on
  them! My! My! I   wonder if they'll   ever forgive me。 When   I get hold of
  〃Better    teach   him   to  read  if  he's  going   to  do  up   love   packages;〃
  interrupted Mr。 Damon; dryly。
  〃I will;〃 decided the young inventor。
  The   Bellaconda stopped   at   Panama   and   then kept   on   her   way  south。
  Soon after that she ran into a severe tropical storm; and for a time there
  was some excitement among the passengers。 The more timid of them put
  on life preservers; though the captain and his officers assured them there
  was no danger。
  Tom and Mr。 Titus; descending from the deck; whence they had been
  warned by one of the mates; were on their way to their stateroom; walking
  with some difficulty owing to the roll of the ship。
  As they approached their quarters the door of a stateroom farther up
  the passage opened; and a head was thrust out。
  〃Will you send a steward to me?〃 a man requested。 〃I am feeling very
  ill; and need assistance。〃
  〃Certainly;〃   Tom   answered;