第 59 节
作者:点绛唇      更新:2021-02-21 16:25      字数:9322
  which was to be theirs all through the years of the great unrest;
  when they acted as the brute force which was used by the actual
  leaders of the Revolution to secure those things which could
  not be obtained in a legitimate fashion。
  As a sop to the peasants and the middle class; Necker de…
  cided that they should be allowed a double representation in
  the Estates General。 Upon this subject; the Abbe Sieyes then
  wrote a famous pamphlet; ‘‘To what does the Third Estate
  Amount?'' in which he came to the conclusion that the Third
  Estate (a name given to the middle class) ought to amount to
  everything; that it had not amounted to anything in the past;
  and that it now desired to amount to something。 He expressed
  the sentiment of the great majority of the people who had the
  best interests of the country at heart。
  Finally the elections took place under the worst conditions
  imaginable。 When they were over; 308 clergymen; 285 noblemen
  and 621 representatives of the Third Estate packed their
  trunks to go to Versailles。 The Third Estate was obliged to
  carry additional luggage。 This consisted of voluminous reports
  called ‘‘cahiers'' in which the many complaints and grievances
  of their constituents had been written down。 The stage
  was set for the great final act that was to save France。
  The Estates General came together on May 5th; 1789。
  The king was in a bad humour。 The Clergy and the Nobility
  let it be known that they were unwilling to give up a single one
  of their privileges。 The king ordered the three groups of
  representatives to meet in different rooms and discuss their
  grievances separately。 The Third Estate refused to obey the royal
  command。 They took a solemn oath to that effect in a squash
  court (hastily put in order for the purpose of this illegal meeting)
  on the 20th of June; 1789。 They insisted that all three
  Estates; Nobility; Clergy and Third Estate; should meet together
  and so informed His Majesty。 The king gave in。
  As the ‘‘National Assembly;'' the Estates General began
  to discuss the state of the French kingdom。 The King got
  angry。 Then again he hesitated。 He said that he would never
  surrender his absolute power。 Then he went hunting; forgot
  all about the cares of the state and when he returned from the
  chase he gave in。 For it was the royal habit to do the right
  thing at the wrong time in the wrong way。 When the people
  clamoured for A; the king scolded them and gave them nothing。
  Then; when the Palace was surrounded by a howling multitude
  of poor people; the king surrendered and gave his subjects
  what they had asked for。 By this time; however; the people
  wanted A plus B。 The comedy was repeated。 When the king
  signed his name to the Royal Decree which granted his beloved
  subjects A and B they were threatening to kill the entire royal
  family unless they received A plus B plus C。 And so on;
  through the whole alphabet and up to the scaffold。
  Unfortunately the king was always just one letter behind。
  He never understood this。 Even when he laid his head under
  the guillotine; he felt that he was a much…abused man who had
  received a most unwarrantable treatment at the hands of people
  whom he had loved to the best of his limited ability。
  Historical ‘‘ifs;'' as I have often warned you; are never of
  any value。 It is very easy for us to say that the monarchy
  might have been saved ‘‘if'' Louis had been a man of greater
  energy and less kindness of heart。 But the king was not alone。
  Even ‘‘if'' he had possessed the ruthless strength of Napoleon;
  his career during these difficult days might have been easily
  ruined by his wife who was the daughter of Maria Theresa of
  Austria and who possessed all the characteristic virtues and
  vices of a young girl who had been brought up at the most
  autocratic and mediaeval court of that age。
  She decided that some action must be taken and planned a
  counter…revolution。 Necker was suddenly dismissed and loyal
  troops were called to Paris。 The people; when they heard of
  this; stormed the fortress of the Bastille prison; and on the
  fourteenth of July of the year 1789; they destroyed this
  familiar but much…hated symbol of Autocratic Power
  which had long since ceased to be a political prison and
  was now used as the city lock…up for pickpockets and second…
  story men。 Many of the nobles took the hint and left the
  country。 But the king as usual did nothing。 He had been
  hunting on the day of the fall of the Bastille and he had shot
  several deer and felt very much pleased。
  The National Assembly now set to work and on the 4th of
  August; with the noise of the Parisian multitude in their ears;
  they abolished all privileges。 This was followed on the 27th
  of August by the ‘‘Declaration of the Rights of Man;'' the
  famous preamble to the first French constitution。 So far so
  good; but the court had apparently not yet learned its lesson。
  There was a wide…spread suspicion that the king was again
  trying to interfere with these reforms and as a result; on the
  5th of October; there was a second riot in Paris。 It spread to
  Versailles and the people were not pacified until they had
  brought the king back to his palace in Paris。 They did not
  trust him in Versailles。 They liked to have him where they
  could watch him and control his correspondence with his relatives
  in Vienna and Madrid and the other courts of Europe。
  In the Assembly meanwhile; Mirabeau; a nobleman who
  had become leader of the Third Estate; was beginning to put
  order into chaos。 But before he could save the position of the
  king he died; on the 2nd of April of the year 1791。 The king;
  who now began to fear for his own life; tried to escape on the
  21st of June。 He was recognised from his picture on a coin;
  was stopped near the village of Varennes by members of the
  National Guard; and was brought back to Paris;
  In September of 1791; the first constitution of France was
  accepted; and the members of the National Assembly went
  home。 On the first of October of 1791; the legislative assembly
  came together to continue the work of the National
  Assembly。 In this new gathering of popular representatives
  there were many extremely revolutionary elements。 The
  boldest among these were known as the Jacobins; after the old
  Jacobin cloister in which they held their political meetings。
  These young men (most of them belonging to the professional
  classes) made very violent speeches and when the newspapers
  carried these orations to Berlin and Vienna; the King of
  Prussia and the Emperor decided that they must do something
  to save their good brother and sister。 They were very busy
  just then dividing the kingdom of Poland; where rival political
  factions had caused such a state of disorder that the country
  was at the mercy of anybody who wanted to take a couple of
  provinces。 But they managed to send an army to invade
  France and deliver the king。
  Then a terrible panic of fear swept throughout the land
  of France。 All the pent…up hatred of years of hunger and
  suffering came to a horrible climax。 The mob of Paris stormed
  the palace of the Tuilleries。 The faithful Swiss bodyguards
  tried to defend their master; but Louis; unable to make up his
  mind; gave order to ‘‘cease firing'' just when the crowd was
  retiring。 The people; drunk with blood and noise and cheap
  wine; murdered the Swiss to the last man; then invaded the
  palace; and went after Louis who had escaped into the meeting
  hall of the Assembly; where he was immediately suspended of
  his office; and from where he was taken as a prisoner to the
  old castle of the Temple。
  But the armies of Austria and Prussia continued their advance
  and the panic changed into hysteria and turned men and
  women into wild beasts。 In the first week of September of
  the year 1792; the crowd broke into the jails and murdered all
  the prisoners。 The government did not interfere。 The Jacobins;
  headed by Danton; knew that this crisis meant either the
  success or the failure of the revolution; and that only the most
  brutal audacity could save them。 The Legislative Assembly
  was closed and on the 21st of September of the year 1792; a
  new National Convention came together。 It was a body composed
  almost entirely of extreme revolutionists。 The king was
  formally accused of high treason and was brought before the
  Convention。 He was found guilty and by a vote of 361 to 360
  (the extra vote being that of his cousin the Duke of Orleans)
  he was condemned to death。 On the 21st of January of the
  year 1793; he quietly and with much dignity suffered himself
  to be taken to the scaffold。 He had never understood what all
  the shooting and the fuss had been about。 And he had been too
  proud to ask questions。
  Then the Jacobins turned against the more moderate element
  in the convention; the Girondists; called after their southern
  district; the Gironde。 A special revolutionary tribunal was
  instituted and twenty…one of the le