第 79 节
作者:美丽心点      更新:2021-02-21 16:08      字数:9321
  soul went out of him and flew down to the house of Hades; lamenting
  its sad fate that it should en' youth and strength no longer。 But
  Achilles said; speaking to the dead body; 〃Die; for my part I will
  accept my fate whensoever Jove and the other gods see fit to send it。〃
  As he spoke he drew his spear from the body and set it on one
  side; then he stripped the blood…stained armour from Hector's
  shoulders while the other Achaeans came running up to view his
  wondrous strength and beauty; and no one came near him without
  giving him a fresh wound。 Then would one turn to his neighbour and
  say; 〃It is easier to handle Hector now than when he was flinging fire
  on to our ships〃 and as he spoke he would thrust his spear into him
  When Achilles had done spoiling Hector of his armour; he stood among
  the Argives and said; 〃My friends; princes and counsellors of the
  Argives; now that heaven has vouchsafed us to overcome this man; who
  has done us more hurt than all the others together; consider whether
  we should not attack the city in force; and discover in what mind
  the Trojans may be。 We should thus learn whether they will desert
  their city now that Hector has fallen; or will still hold out even
  though he is no longer living。 But why argue with myself in this
  way; while Patroclus is still lying at the ships unburied; and
  unmourned… he Whom I can never forget so long as I am alive and my
  strength fails not? Though men forget their dead when once they are
  within the house of Hades; yet not even there will I forget the
  comrade whom I have lost。 Now; therefore; Achaean youths; let us raise
  the song of victory and go back to the ships taking this man along
  with us; for we have achieved a mighty triumph and have slain noble
  Hector to whom the Trojans prayed throughout their city as though he
  were a god。〃
  On this he treated the body of Hector with contumely: he pierced the
  sinews at the back of both his feet from heel to ancle and passed
  thongs of ox…hide through the slits he had made: thus he made the body
  fast to his chariot; letting the head trail upon the ground。 Then when
  he had put the goodly armour on the chariot and had himself mounted;
  he lashed his horses on and they flew forward nothing loth。 The dust
  rose from Hector as he was being dragged along; his dark hair flew all
  abroad; and his head once so comely was laid low on earth; for Jove
  had now delivered him into the hands of his foes to do him outrage
  in his own land。
  Thus was the head of Hector being dishonoured in the dust。 His
  mother tore her hair; and flung her veil from her with a loud cry as
  she looked upon her son。 His father made piteous moan; and
  throughout the city the people fell to weeping and wailing。 It was
  as though the whole of frowning Ilius was being smirched with fire。
  Hardly could the people hold Priam back in his hot haste to rush
  without the gates of the city。 He grovelled in the mire and besought
  them; calling each one of them by his name。 〃Let be; my friends;〃 he
  cried; 〃and for all your sorrow; suffer me to go single…handed to
  the ships of the Achaeans。 Let me beseech this cruel and terrible man;
  if maybe he will respect the feeling of his fellow…men; and have
  compassion on my old age。 His own father is even such another as
  myself… Peleus; who bred him and reared him to… be the bane of us
  Trojans; and of myself more than of all others。 Many a son of mine has
  he slain in the flower of his youth; and yet; grieve for these as I
  may; I do so for one… Hector… more than for them all; and the
  bitterness of my sorrow will bring me down to the house of Hades。
  Would that he had died in my arms; for so both his ill…starred
  mother who bore him; and myself; should have had the comfort of
  weeping and mourning over him。〃
  Thus did he speak with many tears; and all the people of the city
  joined in his lament。 Hecuba then raised the cry of wailing among
  the Trojans。 〃Alas; my son;〃 she cried; 〃what have I left to live
  for now that you are no more? Night and day did I glory in。 you
  throughout the city; for you were a tower of strength to all in
  Troy; and both men and women alike hailed you as a god。 So long as you
  lived you were their pride; but now death and destruction have
  fallen upon you。〃
  Hector's wife had as yet heard nothing; for no one had come to
  tell her that her husband had remained without the gates。 She was at
  her loom in an inner part of the house; weaving a double purple web;
  and embroidering it with many flowers。 She told her maids to set a
  large tripod on the fire; so as to have a warm bath ready for Hector
  when he came out of battle; poor woman; she knew not that he was now
  beyond the reach of baths; and that Minerva had laid him low by the
  hands of Achilles。 She heard the cry coming as from the wall; and
  trembled in every limb; the shuttle fell from her hands; and again she
  spoke to her waiting…women。 〃Two of you;〃 she said; 〃come with me that
  I may learn what it is that has befallen; I heard the voice of my
  husband's honoured mother; my own heart beats as though it would
  come into my mouth and my limbs refuse to carry me; some great
  misfortune for Priam's children must be at hand。 May I never live to
  hear it; but I greatly fear that Achilles has cut off the retreat of
  brave Hector and has chased him on to the plain where he was
  singlehanded; I fear he may have put an end to the reckless daring
  which possessed my husband; who would never remain with the body of
  his men; but would dash on far in front; foremost of them all in
  Her heart beat fast; and as she spoke she flew from the house like a
  maniac; with her waiting…women following after。 When she reached the
  battlements and the crowd of people; she stood looking out upon the
  wall; and saw Hector being borne away in front of the city… the horses
  dragging him without heed or care over the ground towards the ships of
  the Achaeans。 Her eyes were then shrouded as with the darkness of
  night and she fell fainting backwards。 She tore the tiring from her
  head and flung it from her; the frontlet and net with its plaited
  band; and the veil which golden Venus had given her on the day when
  Hector took her with him from the house of Eetion; after having
  given countless gifts of wooing for her sake。 Her husband's sisters
  and the wives of his brothers crowded round her and supported her; for
  she was fain to die in her distraction; when she again presently
  breathed and came to herself; she sobbed and made lament among the
  Trojans saying; 'Woe is me; O Hector; woe; indeed; that to share a
  common lot we were born; you at Troy in the house of Priam; and I at
  Thebes under the wooded mountain of Placus in the house of Eetion
  who brought me up when I was a child… ill…starred sire of an
  ill…starred daughter… would that he had never begotten me。 You are now
  going into the house of Hades under the secret places of the earth;
  and you leave me a sorrowing widow in your house。 The child; of whom
  you and I are the unhappy parents; is as yet a mere infant。 Now that
  you are gone; O Hector; you can do nothing for him nor he for you。
  Even though he escape the horrors of this woful war with the Achaeans;
  yet shall his life henceforth be one of labour and sorrow; for
  others will seize his lands。 The day that robs a child of his
  parents severs him from his own kind; his head is bowed; his cheeks
  are wet with tears; and he will go about destitute among the friends
  of his father; plucking one by the cloak and another by the shirt。
  Some one or other of these may so far pity him as to hold the cup
  for a moment towards him and let him moisten his lips; but he must not
  drink enough to wet the roof of his mouth; then one whose parents
  are alive will drive him from the table with blows and angry words。
  'Out with you;' he will say; 'you have no father here;' and the
  child will go crying back to his widowed mother… he; Astyanax; who
  erewhile would sit upon his father's knees; and have none but the
  daintiest and choicest morsels set before him。 When he had played till
  he was tired and went to sleep; he would lie in a bed; in the arms
  of his nurse; on a soft couch; knowing neither want nor care;
  whereas now that he has lost his father his lot will be full of
  hardship… he; whom the Trojans name Astyanax; because you; O Hector;
  were the only defence of their gates and battlements。 The wriggling
  writhing worms will now eat you at the ships; far from your parents;
  when the dogs have glutted themselves upon you。 You will lie naked;
  although in your house you have fine and goodly raiment made by
  hands of women。 This will I now burn; it is of no use to you; for
  you can never again wear it; and thus you will have respect shown
  you by the Trojans both men and women。〃
  In such wise did she cry aloud amid her tears; and the women
  joined in her lament。
  THUS did they make their moan throughout the city; while the
  Achaeans when they reached the Hellespont went back every man to his
  own ship。 But Achilles would not let the Myrmidons go; and spoke to
  his brave comrades saying; 〃Myrmidons; famed horsemen and my own
  trusted friends; not yet; forsooth; let us unyoke; but with