第 54 节
作者:美丽心点      更新:2021-02-21 16:08      字数:9322
  He led on as he spoke; and the hero Melanippus followed after。
  Meanwhile Ajax son of Telamon was cheering on the Argives。 〃My
  friends;〃 he cried; 〃be men; and fear dishonour; quit yourselves in
  battle so as to win respect from one another。 Men who respect each
  other's good opinion are less likely to be killed than those who do
  not; but in flight there is neither gain nor glory。〃
  Thus did he exhort men who were already bent upon driving back the
  Trojans。 They laid his words to heart and hedged the ships as with a
  wall of bronze; while Jove urged on the Trojans。 Menelaus of the
  loud battle…cry urged Antilochus on。 〃Antilochus;〃 said he; 〃you are
  young and there is none of the Achaeans more fleet of foot or more
  valiant than you are。 See if you cannot spring upon some Trojan and
  kill him。〃
  He hurried away when he had thus spurred Antilochus; who at once
  darted out from the front ranks and aimed a spear; after looking
  carefully round him。 The Trojans fell back as he threw; and the dart
  did not speed from his hand without effect; for it struck Melanippus
  the proud son of Hiketaon in the breast by the nipple as he was coming
  forward; and his armour rang rattling round him as he fell heavily
  to the ground。 Antilochus sprang upon him as a dog springs on a fawn
  which a hunter has hit as it was breaking away from its covert; and
  killed it。 Even so; O Melanippus; did stalwart Antilochus spring
  upon you to strip you of your armour; but noble Hector marked him; and
  came running up to him through the thick of the battle。 Antilochus;
  brave soldier though he was; would not stay to face him; but fled like
  some savage creature which knows it has done wrong; and flies; when it
  has killed a dog or a man who is herding his cattle; before a body
  of men can be gathered to attack it。 Even so did the son of Nestor
  fly; and the Trojans and Hector with a cry that rent the air
  showered their weapons after him; nor did he turn round and stay his
  flight till he had reached his comrades。
  The Trojans; fierce as lions; were still rushing on towards the
  ships in fulfilment of the behests of Jove who kept spurring them on
  to new deeds of daring; while he deadened the courage of the Argives
  and defeated them by encouraging the Trojans。 For he meant giving
  glory to Hector son of Priam; and letting him throw fire upon the
  ships; till he had fulfilled the unrighteous prayer that Thetis had
  made him; Jove; therefore; bided his time till he should see the glare
  of a blazing ship。 From that hour he was about so to order that the
  Trojans should be driven back from the ships and to vouchsafe glory to
  the Achaeans。 With this purpose he inspired Hector son of Priam; who
  was cager enough already; to assail the ships。 His fury was as that of
  Mars; or as when a fire is raging in the glades of some dense forest
  upon the mountains; he foamed at the mouth; his eyes glared under
  his terrible eye…brows; and his helmet quivered on his temples by
  reason of the fury with which he fought。 Jove from heaven was with
  him; and though he was but one against many; vouchsafed him victory
  and glory; for he was doomed to an early death; and already Pallas
  Minerva was hurrying on the hour of his destruction at the hands of
  the son of Peleus。 Now; however; he kept trying to break the ranks
  of the enemy wherever he could see them thickest; and in the goodliest
  armour; but do what he might he could not break through them; for they
  stood as a tower foursquare; or as some high cliff rising from the
  grey sea that braves the anger of the gale; and of the waves that
  thunder up against it。 He fell upon them like flames of fire from
  every quarter。 As when a wave; raised mountain high by wind and storm;
  breaks over a ship and covers it deep in foam; the fierce winds roar
  against the mast; the hearts of the sailors fail them for fear; and
  they are saved but by a very little from destruction… even so were the
  hearts of the Achaeans fainting within them。 Or as a savage lion
  attacking a herd of cows while they are feeding by thousands in the
  low…lying meadows by some wide…watered shore… the herdsman is at his
  wit's end how to protect his herd and keeps going about now in the van
  and now in the rear of his cattle; while the lion springs into the
  thick of them and fastens on a cow so that they all tremble for
  fear… even so were the Achaeans utterly panic…stricken by Hector and
  father Jove。 Nevertheless Hector only killed Periphetes of Mycenae; he
  was son of Copreus who was wont to take the orders of King
  Eurystheus to mighty Hercules; but the son was a far better man than
  the father in every way; he was fleet of foot; a valiant warrior;
  and in understanding ranked among the foremost men of Mycenae。 He it
  was who then afforded Hector a triumph; for as he was turning back
  he stumbled against the rim of his shield which reached his feet;
  and served to keep the javelins off him。 He tripped against this and
  fell face upward; his helmet ringing loudly about his head as he did
  so。 Hector saw him fall and ran up to him; he then thrust a spear into
  his chest; and killed him close to his own comrades。 These; for all
  their sorrow; could not help him for they were themselves terribly
  afraid of Hector。
  They had now reached the ships and the prows of those that had
  been drawn up first were on every side of them; but the Trojans came
  pouring after them。 The Argives were driven back from the first row of
  ships; but they made a stand by their tents without being broken up
  and scattered; shame and fear restrained them。 They kept shouting
  incessantly to one another; and Nestor of Gerene; tower of strength to
  the Achaeans; was loudest in imploring every man by his parents; and
  beseeching him to stand firm。
  〃Be men; my friends;〃 he cried; 〃and respect one another's good
  opinion。 Think; all of you; on your children; your wives; your
  property; and your parents whether these be alive or dead。 On their
  behalf though they are not here; I implore you to stand firm; and
  not to turn in flight。〃
  With these words he put heart and soul into them all。 Minerva lifted
  the thick veil of darkness from their eyes; and much light fell upon
  them; alike on the side of the ships and on that where the fight was
  raging。 They could see Hector and all his men; both those in the
  rear who were taking no part in the battle; and those who were
  fighting by the ships。
  Ajax could not bring himself to retreat along with the rest; but
  strode from deck to deck with a great sea…pike in his hands twelve
  cubits long and jointed with rings。 As a man skilled in feats of
  horsemanship couples four horses together and comes tearing full speed
  along the public way from the country into some large town… many
  both men and women marvel as they see him for he keeps all the time
  changing his horse; springing from one to another without ever missing
  his feet while the horses are at a gallop… even so did Ajax go
  striding from one ship's deck to another; and his voice went up into
  the heavens。 He kept on shouting his orders to the Danaans and
  exhorting them to defend their ships and tents; neither did Hector
  remain within the main body of the Trojan warriors; but as a dun eagle
  swoops down upon a flock of wild…fowl feeding near a river…geese; it
  may be; or cranes; or long…necked swans… even so did Hector make
  straight for a dark…prowed ship; rushing right towards it; for Jove
  with his mighty hand impelled him forward; and roused his people to
  follow him。
  And now the battle again raged furiously at the ships。 You would
  have thought the men were coming on fresh and unwearied; so fiercely
  did they fight; and this was the mind in which they were… the Achaeans
  did not believe they should escape destruction but thought
  themselves doomed; while there was not a Trojan but his heart beat
  high with the hope of firing the ships and putting the Achaean
  heroes to the sword。
  Thus were the two sides minded。 Then Hector seized the stern of
  the good ship that had brought Protesilaus to Troy; but never bore him
  back to his native land。 Round this ship there raged a close
  hand…to…hand fight between Danaans and Trojans。 They did not fight
  at a distance with bows and javelins; but with one mind hacked at
  one another in close combat with their mighty swords and spears
  pointed at both ends; they fought moreover with keen battle…axes and
  with hatchets。 Many a good stout blade hilted and scabbarded with
  iron; fell from hand or shoulder as they fought; and the earth ran red
  with blood。 Hector; when he had seized the ship; would not loose his
  hold but held on to its curved stern and shouted to the Trojans;
  〃Bring fire; and raise the battle…cry all of you with a single
  voice。 Now has Jove vouchsafed us a day that will pay us for all the
  rest; this day we shall take the ships which came hither against
  heaven's will; and which have caused us such infinite suffering
  through the cowardice of our councillors; who when I would have done
  battle at the ships held me back and forbade the host to follow me; if
  Jove did then indeed warp our judgements; himself now commands me
  and cheers me on。〃
  As he spoke thus the Trojans sprang yet more fiercely on the
  Achaeans; and Aj